Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

Smart idea using the jar in the water. Last time I made oil I did water, oil, and trim in the crock pot. Then I had to strain and seperate the oil from the water. I made a huge mess. Shit came out strong though.

Do you decarb your MJ before simmering it. Not sure how it works with oil but with butter I put it in the fridge til the butter gets cold and separates from the water. Lachtin (sp) is a key ingredient all so as far as helping your metabolism break down and process the MJ. Gets you higher. Thanx fumble.
Do you decarb your MJ before simmering it. Not sure how it works with oil but with butter I put it in the fridge til the butter gets cold and separates from the water. Lachtin (sp) is a key ingredient all so as far as helping your metabolism break down and process the MJ. Gets you higher. Thanx fumble.

No last time I made it just figured the heat from the crock pot would do it. Seemed to work. I might have to get that butter recipe from her once I start making some stuff with all my trim. I'm probably going to dry ice everything and then I'll be using the lower grade keif for some cooking.

Separating oil from water is a pain in the ass because it won't harden up in the fridge like butter does.
hey guys,
pics of the 2nd girl i harvested. 1st was barely picture worthy.
this lady was about 7 ft and after mold took about an 0z-0z an a half ish
she still gave me about 7 ozs dry so very happy about that.

standing next to it the night we yanked her.
dried bud shots


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@TWS, lipids, fats, waxes, hair, specs of black things, terpenes....not sure whats in it but I saved the filters, I read up on what to do with the filters. I am starting to reclaim my blasting filters for a run of Everclear. I need to re up on Everclear.

No last time I made it just figured the heat from the crock pot would do it. Seemed to work. I might have to get that butter recipe from her once I start making some stuff with all my trim. I'm probably going to dry ice everything and then I'll be using the lower grade keif for some cooking.

Separating oil from water is a pain in the ass because it won't harden up in the fridge like butter does.

Yea i dont ever mix water with anything i do butter or oil.
The decarb is important...this is the first step to more potent edibles. And yes the Lecithin is the key to the magic kingdom of edibles - You will def notice the dif in an edible made with and one made without. With veg oil, I don't use any water. I love the jar in the water idea though Tokalot ;) tried to rep you for that, but you know...

Do you decarb your MJ before simmering it. Not sure how it works with oil but with butter I put it in the fridge til the butter gets cold and separates from the water. Lachtin (sp) is a key ingredient all so as far as helping your metabolism break down and process the MJ. Gets you higher. Thanx fumble.
I used Malawi bubble hash and coconut oil and the butter smells so heavenly! Used it on some skin cancer and it removed the cancer in a month!

Put the butter in my coffee and it was super racy :O

In higher doses in tea it makes me sleepy! Not couchlock opium drugged sleepy. Just warm cuddly sleepy. Weird :P
That is hella cool Mohican! I make hash capsules with dry ice hash and coconut oil. I wonder if taking them would help melanoma on the inside?
Unless you're in Cali, and you can only buy Everclear 151....I think the highest proof of booze you can buy in cali is 151.
I got mine from Mega Liquors in Riverside County, Cali, 192 Proof...$25.00 a bottle. They even have a website, when I drive by there again I will post it.

Fumble knows her edibles and process best, she taught me a shit load about it. I always call her when I make them cause I suck at baking.
The decarb is important...this is the first step to more potent edibles. And yes the Lecithin is the key to the magic kingdom of edibles - You will def notice the dif in an edible made with and one made without. With veg oil, I don't use any water. I love the jar in the water idea though Tokalot ;) tried to rep you for that, but you know...

you know fumble I need to pick your brain. I'm getting ready to do another run of budder. My last(first) run came out very strong tasting. It was also very potent which is ok but I only want to improve.

I've heard lecithin is good to add but I thought this was only for margarine not butter.

almost a complete and total newb when it comes to edibles. I've got around twelve zips of good trim I was gonna try and make around two pounds of budder with. How would I make this amount without water?

what method do you use to decarb?

I am open to any advice here. are just too sweet :) problem hun. I use lecithin no matter what form of fat I use. You have a bit over 300 grams to work with which is the amount I make at a time. To decarb, get a large turkey bag and spread trim evenly in the bag on a cookie sheet. Smush the air out and roll and tuck the edge under. Put in cold oven and set to 225f. Set timer for 20 minutes. Let cool completely before opening. Ta da...decarbed ;)

You can make the budder with no water, but you really kind of want it. In the final stage, when you put it in the fridge to solidify, All the impurities and leftover trim falls to the bottom in the water. It also helps to get out the chlorophyl, though my butter is a nice dark shade of green. My butter is very strong weedy tasting, but it gets well hidden by goodness ;) Blue Dream seems to impart a rather strong unmaskable flavor though
The decarb is important...this is the first step to more potent edibles. And yes the Lecithin is the key to the magic kingdom of edibles - You will def notice the dif in an edible made with and one made without. With veg oil, I don't use any water. I love the jar in the water idea though Tokalot ;) tried to rep you for that, but you know...

Fumble :hug::hug:Good to see your alive! Lol. Just needed to jump in and concur with Fumble, I always decarb and use lecithin in all of my edibles and it does make my difference. problem hun. I use lecithin no matter what form of fat I use. You have a bit over 300 grams to work with which is the amount I make at a time. To decarb, get a large turkey bag and spread trim evenly in the bag on a cookie sheet. Smush the air out and roll and tuck the edge under. Put in cold oven and set to 225f. Set timer for 20 minutes. Let cool completely before opening. Ta da...decarbed ;)
so how much lecithin should I use?

and when I do the turkey bag thing in the oven I do this with the dried trim? I have a gas oven also and it may take a few minutes to light. should I add a few minutes to compensate?

I feel like such a :dunce: for needing to ask all of this. But certainly appreciate your advice.

How long do you let the trim,butter,lecithin,water in the crock pot for then? On low yes?

Last time I used a turkey roaster, it worked pretty good as for this amt. of trim a crock pot seemed to small to me.