what percentage of obamacare do you support?

on a scale from 0% to 100%, how much of the PPACA are you in favor of?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I am not surprised.....If you look at Bucks poll at the top of the page. You will see about the same kinda numbers...
The whole purpose of the legislation is to have young healthy people who do not need health care to sign up and pay hundreds of dollars a month to pay for health care for other people...

I am SHOCKED that they are not signing up...

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The whole purpose of the legislation is to have young healthy people who do not need health care to sign up and pay hundreds of dollars a month to pay for health care for other people...

I am SHOCKED that they are not signing up...
I have been talking to young healthy people, and not one person I have talked to is planning on signing up. They all say they are just going to pay the fine... I think BarryO should of asked that group of people if they had some spare change first....This is an example that BarryO is not a very good organizer....A year from now I wouldn't want to be up for reelection...


Well-Known Member
The whole purpose of the legislation is to have young healthy people who do not need health care to sign up and pay hundreds of dollars a month to pay for health care for other people...

I am SHOCKED that they are not signing up...
Hey, that's not fair, we know of 3 people in Alaska who signed up. It's going to be huge success, all you have to do is believe.


Well-Known Member
What shocks me is the number of ultra-conservative Republicans on this site. I would have never guessed this many people who smoke pot and spend their time trolling a pot forum are also the same ones who want a war on drugs and want to cripple government and make it so not everyone can have access to healthcare.

It's fucking mind blowing.


Well-Known Member
What shocks me is the number of ultra-conservative Republicans on this site. I would have never guessed this many people who smoke pot and spend their time trolling a pot forum are also the same ones who want a war on drugs and want to cripple government and make it so not everyone can have access to healthcare.

It's fucking mind blowing.
click your heels together and repeat 3 times, everyone insured, everyone insured, everyone insured.

Pointing out facts about the ACA doesn't make someone a right wing racist extremist. Supporting the ACA with lies however makes someone a partisan hack. Please tell us more about what this bill isn't going to do?


Well-Known Member
The best thing about O'care is the cities that are going bankrupt because of municipal legacies can now move retirees to O'care and save the cities a bit of money by not having to pay the exorbitant costs of public union negotiated plans. Dems can't say shit about it either less they admit how much O'care sucks. One of those unintended consequences that have you painted in the corner.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
The best thing about O'care is the cities that are going bankrupt because of municipal legacies can now move retirees to O'care and save the cities a bit of money by not having to pay the exorbitant costs of public union negotiated plans. Dems can't say shit about it either less they admit how much O'care sucks. One of those unintended consequences that have you painted in the corner.
California is way ahead of you bro. the whole state is moving everyone on "medicare" into a "Managed Care System" under the orders of Jerry Moonbeam Brown , yes, the same dipshit from the 70's...

lefties never learn, and even the most retarded "public servant" can fail his way to the top, tumble into obscurity and then fail his way right back to the top.

what did Jerry Moonbeam Brown do between his stints as the Once And Future Governor? he "managed" the city of Oakland, which is of course HUGE SUCCESS!!

a few of his Oakland Highlights:

while the Oakland School District was in receivership by order of the courts, they dropped $80+ million to build a swanky new office building for the school district administrators

spent $500k to design a new logo for the school district, and print up new stationery with the new logo

instituted a "green" bus program for the public transit system, but the busses cost 4x more than the old (less then 5 years old on average) diesel buses, and then they had to retrain their mechanics to service the new busss and dispose of (at a loss) the perfectly serviceable old ones. the result: not enough buses, higher ticket prices, more breakdowns, and a giant sucking wound to the city's already mangled finances

instituted new "city beautification programs" which forced homeowners to adhere to strict new standards, and shifted the cost of tending city owned trees to the nearest homeowner. now, when the city says their tree is your responsibility, you must pay for it's trimming, but you cannot do it yourself, you must first get a permit (~$100) to trim the tree, and then hire a licensed arborist to do the job (~$300) or the city will do it for you, and give you the bill, plus a $500 fine for failing to keep their tree trimmed for them.
and should the tree drop a branch in a windstorm and damage somebody's property, or injure somebody, YOU have the civil liability and YOU get sued.
when the roots bust up the sidewalk, YOU must pay for the repairs to the city's sidewalk from THEIR tree. (Protip: the city council members flagrantly ignore their own mandates)

Edit: I forgot this gem

in cooperation with the Chez Panisse Foundation (google it) and the San Francisco Waste Management Agency they set up a program to provide free "Organic" fertilizers to schools for vegetable gardens in the inner city, the problem is, the EPA FDA and USDA prohibit this particular "fertilizer" from being used in agriculture, in the "food chain" for humans or even livestock, and it is not even allowed for use on golf courses, because it is made from municipal sewage waste and includes dangerously high levels of heavy metals, PCB's and other toxic materials. when they were informed thusly, they tried to change the label from "Organic" to "organic" (see the difference?) which they believed would solve the issue. it did not. they continued violating all the regulations and laws in sight to dispose of this TOXIC WASTE in schoolyard vegetable gardens for years until the courts finally forced them to stop.


despite all this Oakland remained the shining city on a hill it has been since the 1970's, with all the class style and culture we have come to expect from that glorious metropolis.


Well-Known Member
What shocks me is the number of ultra-conservative Republicans on this site. I would have never guessed this many people who smoke pot and spend their time trolling a pot forum are also the same ones who want a war on drugs and want to cripple government and make it so not everyone can have access to healthcare.

It's fucking mind blowing.
It's easy to be a republican troll
No need to think at all. Just be fearful and only subscribe to right wing websites. They will tell you how to think and what to be enraged about today.


Well-Known Member
It's easy to be a republican troll
No need to think at all. Just be fearful and only subscribe to right wing websites. They will tell you how to think and what to be enraged about today.
Taking your marching orders from the left wing doesn't make you any different.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
It's easy to be a republican troll
No need to think at all. Just be fearful and only subscribe to right wing websites. They will tell you how to think and what to be enraged about today.
yeah, im totally trollin by citing the Right Wing Websites "PrWatch" and "SourceWatch".


Well-Known Member
It's easy to be a republican troll
No need to think at all. Just be fearful and only subscribe to right wing websites. They will tell you how to think and what to be enraged about today.
You did notice that the sources are progressive sources under the banner of Center for Media and Democracy did you not?

Obviously not.

You are your own worst enemy. Not many people can make an argument and then defeat said argument with their next bumbling fool sentence. A true gift only bestowed upon the truly dimmest bulbs.


Well-Known Member
even the most retarded "public servant" can fail his way to the top
then why aren't you the fucking president?

what did Jerry Moonbeam Brown do between his stints as the Once And Future Governor? he "managed" the city of Oakland, which is of course HUGE SUCCESS!!

a few of his Oakland Highlights:

while the Oakland School District was in receivership by order of the courts, they dropped $80+ million to build a swanky new office building for the school district administrators

spent $500k to design a new logo for the school district, and print up new stationery with the new logo

instituted a "green" bus program for the public transit system, but the busses cost 4x more than the old (less then 5 years old on average) diesel buses, and then they had to retrain their mechanics to service the new busss and dispose of (at a loss) the perfectly serviceable old ones. the result: not enough buses, higher ticket prices, more breakdowns, and a giant sucking wound to the city's already mangled finances

instituted new "city beautification programs" which forced homeowners to adhere to strict new standards, and shifted the cost of tending city owned trees to the nearest homeowner. now, when the city says their tree is your responsibility, you must pay for it's trimming, but you cannot do it yourself, you must first get a permit (~$100) to trim the tree, and then hire a licensed arborist to do the job (~$300) or the city will do it for you, and give you the bill, plus a $500 fine for failing to keep their tree trimmed for them.
and should the tree drop a branch in a windstorm and damage somebody's property, or injure somebody, YOU have the civil liability and YOU get sued.
when the roots bust up the sidewalk, YOU must pay for the repairs to the city's sidewalk from THEIR tree. (Protip: the city council members flagrantly ignore their own mandates)

Edit: I forgot this gem

in cooperation with the Chez Panisse Foundation (google it) and the San Francisco Waste Management Agency they set up a program to provide free "Organic" fertilizers to schools for vegetable gardens in the inner city, the problem is, the EPA FDA and USDA prohibit this particular "fertilizer" from being used in agriculture, in the "food chain" for humans or even livestock, and it is not even allowed for use on golf courses, because it is made from municipal sewage waste and includes dangerously high levels of heavy metals, PCB's and other toxic materials. when they were informed thusly, they tried to change the label from "Organic" to "organic" (see the difference?) which they believed would solve the issue. it did not. they continued violating all the regulations and laws in sight to dispose of this TOXIC WASTE in schoolyard vegetable gardens for years until the courts finally forced them to stop.


despite all this Oakland remained the shining city on a hill it has been since the 1970's, with all the class style and culture we have come to expect from that glorious metropolis.
oh, look.

another long winded rant from kynes directed at oakland, detroit, or some other city with a higher black population.

color me surprised.