Plants not growing

Deus Ex Machina

New Member
My plants are about a month old and there only about 4 inches tall, is this normal?
I have 4 plants in a DWC system with four 23 watt 5000k CFL's with a total of 6400 lumens.
I use floragro made by general hydroponics. Do I need better lights?
Also i think my plants are getting nute burned because the tips are turning yellow and the lights arent super close to burn them, but I only used the floragro at 0.25 strength.
I could really use some help with this, thanks in advance for any replies.
I would have posted pictures but I cant seem to find my camera at the moment but when I do I will post pictures.


Does it have an established root system in the reservoir or are there just a few roots touching the water? Post pictures if you find your camera, Ill try to help


Active Member
What plants ? Some of my Ruderalis don't get 4inches ! If it's something then you should find a solution ! My expirience says that, if the plant don't grow normally, try reducing watering !

Deus Ex Machina

New Member
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I changed the water yesterday and there was a lot of powdery whitish stuff on the bottom and was all over the sides of the bin, on the net cups, i did some research andi think that it may have been salt and caluicm, could this have burned my plants?? I also read that blocking light from going into the net cups could help with the salt/caluicm build up but i dont understqand how that would help.
Im not sure what the plants are because I didnt have enough money to buy seeds so i just used some bag seeds, but from the look of the leaves i think they might me sativa. The reason the larger plant is missing a leaf is because when I transplanted from soil i accidently tore the root system and the next day when i went to check on it, it was completly wilted and the leaf died. Could this have stunted its growth?
Anything you guys can help me with we be greatly apperciated


The first thing I would do is check the ph. If the ph is not correct, the plant cannot take up nutrients. The ph must be right before you can accurately diagnose and fix any other problems. Add more cfl's, at least 4 more. Remember, the useable light comes from the sides of the bulbs, not the end. Hope this is helpful.
I am having the same problem right now only in soil, My 6 PPP plants are still seedlings at a little over 3 weeks. I contacted my seed bank (nirvana) and they told me that they would only consider ph as my problem (even though mine is perfect?). check that ph mayne


I built a light rack out of 1" pvc that will hold 16 light bulbs for veg stage. The kids do very well and no ventilation is required. I go to the hps for flowering


BTW, I'm in soil. Soil ph is different than that of hydroponics.
Hey Toker, try some compost tea to bring your soil to life. The benifical bacteria and micro organisms play a very important role in a plants ability to absorb nutrients


Active Member
idk how big the pot or what ever ur growing in but looks like u might need a Transplant bro. Also IMO u gotta get those CFLs closer! or get more either or. hope that helps


Well-Known Member
come on guys i need some help, there getting worse
I feel your pain, but lots of us here know nothing about growing in hydro so can't offer suggestions.

They don't look well though. Appears to be a problem with what you are feeding them and your nutrients are out of specs, OR your pH is too high or low, causing nutrient toxicity or lockout.
BTW, I'm in soil. Soil ph is different than that of hydroponics.
Hey Toker, try some compost tea to bring your soil to life. The benifical bacteria and micro organisms play a very important role in a plants ability to absorb nutrients
and where do you get compost tea at?


I got lucky, a local grow shop makes their own. If you have to, just Google 'compost tea for cannabis' and you'll be able to learn how it works and how to make your own. A grow shop should sell most of the ingredients.

Deus Ex Machina

New Member
I can't get the PH level to become stable. I'll get it between 5.5-6.5 then the next day it spikes to like 8. Could this problem be my water? There is a spring near my house, should I use spring water? Im going to pick up more lights tommorow so I will have 10 in all. (also speaking of lights I get a 4 pack of 23 watt 5000K that are 1600 lumens each for about $9.00 dollars after tax at Home Depot. I Dont know if the prices are the same everywhere but thats how much they cost in Western PA)
Also, thanks again for all you guyses help.