The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i just ordered some of those blue pit seeds off BB. ive been wanting to try them for a while now and these livers will take a while to re-veg, ive got a mate who wants to swop 2 of these livers for 2 exo so i should have a nice selection after xmas :-D
good strains mr t the blue pit is a cool to grow and the livers both lovely smokes, nice yield too


Active Member
Yeg extra torrent banned now too

How long ur livrrs take mrt mines at week 10 and still lots of white hairs and a few weeks left


Well-Known Member
Yeg extra torrent banned now too

How long ur livrrs take mrt mines at week 10 and still lots of white hairs and a few weeks left
i was going to give them 9-10 weeks mate. their still baby's a min but i left them on the window sill and they started to flower lol


Active Member
i know mate. i went for a look earlier and it came up. fucking gutting, ill have to start paying for my films soon lol

na will ya fuk, its only a ip block at ips level,any proxy will get u past it, if u use firefox browser then get anonyx addona dn set it just to work on banned pages, if u use hotspot or alike it will slow down your downloads as it installs a proxy driver,

complicated shit
in essence u just need a proxy that run on your browser or it slows yer downloads down.,.

i can always pride links or use google!

im on week 10 day 1 and ther covered in whiteysm still 2 weeks at least, so be forewarned..lovely fruity smel tho outa this jar, and i showed my maoning bitch pal and hes like not very smelly issit, im like wtf,, lolo,, ok go buy sum sprayed shit,tata


Active Member
any of u lot use IPtorrents?? its invite only but i got about 3 invites left if any of u need one, its a pretty decent site but u need to watch your ul/dl ratio as they ban u if u dont share back as much as u download


Well-Known Member
Now that Sr has gone are there any other alternatives out there that are the real McCoy?
you got two sites playing it out for the SR crown.

bmr http://5onwnspjvuk7cwvk.onion/index.html and sheep http://sheep5u64fi457aw.onion/manager/login

both where around before the SR was taken down and your find alot of SR vendors on both sites, spanishfly is on sheep as cobhara or sumfin like that, aint hard to spot him with the shipping from spain and the double 00 and paki black.

i would say they both fine to use as a buyer get ya transaction done quick and you should be fine but the bmr shut down for a day last week and the owner was gonna pull the plug until he decided the ''security risk'' wasnt as bad as first thought, and there has been rumours that the details of the owner of sheep have been posted on various forums so who the fuck knows how long they both gonna last, especially now the fbi has a hardon for online dealing.


Active Member
These days there's really no excuse for not making medibles with a pure extract or even bubble rather than crude vegetable matter.
yup ther is,, cant be arsed AND the trim has to be frozen and shit to do anythign with it, now if ther was a direct of the plant method all good, but as for storing it,, canna do it man!


Well-Known Member
It looks amateurish and it'll taste fucking disgusting mate.

These days there's really no excuse for not making medibles with a pure extract or even bubble rather than crude vegetable matter.
it took me years yman of making real strong but disgusting tasting butter, till i read about using hash or extract last batch i made was with 40g of good pollen a shitload of ghee and also added 250g of coconut oil, was the best butter ive made in 5yr couldnt taste no nasty weed flavour at all.