heres my first DWC system


heres a video of my first DWC system
what do u think[video=youtube;aFYVuACNRTs][/video]


Active Member
they could just have a lil transplant shock (why they're drooping a lil bit) also, that's all the nutrients your adding? What about micros and 2nd's? That gh veg stuff you got has 2 other parts to it to be a complete feed, you got the veg, micros and the bloom. Those other ones I've heard good stuff about them but never used them yet. Uhm.. (Tryina think lol) oh, your ppm's are kinda low for what I would give plants that big.. I'd shoot for like.. About 800-1000 ppms or so? But that's with all 3 parts of the gh set (veg, micro, & bloom) all combined.. Make sure that if your using tap water, let that shiz set out over night (at least 12 hours I hear) to get rid of chlorine and what not.. And make sure your not mixing the nutrients together in pure form, go slow and mix one at a time! Rinse measuring tools good between usages.. Oh and if you use salt, first off make sure it doesn't have perfume in it because I ALMOST made the mistake of using that in a grow of mine lmao.. And a good tip is to try taking a glass of your water and warming it up to mix the salt in so it dissolves way faster and allot better. Also, cfl's are pretty weak.. Really good for young plants.. But you seem to kinda get the idea that those just aren't enough lol.. They are decent, but it seems to have had a stretchy effect to those plants (idek if that's from lights or from genetics) but just to be safe, and to get a little more efficiency, try bringing those plants closer to the light if possible.. I was thinking like the next nute change you get, try adding a layer between the floor and the setup? If you can't move the lights down closer easily, try raising the plants! Just stay about at least 3" away to be safe (idek what wattage your using so just use the hand test to make sure it's not too hot for them)

Oh and I recomend just wait it out to add another setup in there.. For a couple reasons, so you can see how big those plants will get when they reach peak growth, and because you wanna get used to your grow setup before you expand it.. Master that bitch and then upgrade! Because I've seen it too many times where people are too eager about quantity over quality and think more plants= more bud.. Maybe true, but so is a little study time and improving what you've got.. I've seen dwc grows where a guy easily pulls AT LEAST a pound off of one plant from dwc.. Crazy shit lol but I'd hate to see you go all out and not be ready yet.. But it is your grow, so your gonna do what your gonna do in the end, no pressure, just enjoy what your doin and love it! Because it's some of the most fun I've ever had!
goodluck man! I see some potential in your setup


ty for the help, i just moved my lights up for the video i do keep them close to the plants and i will be so happy when i get my led lights should be in 3 weeks, i did have all GH nutrients but ran out of florabloom and i got some GH liquid koolbloom instead and i dont add floramicro couse its in flowering and no need for to much N, i found out lemon skunk is real sensitive to N, i am going to add some more floragro today and add another air stone , all the nutrients im usen right now is GH (floramicro for veg),GH floragro,GH liquid koolbloom and GH floalicious plus


no it dosent im starting to get tho i need micros, is that right and..what are micros im thinking i need to start using floramicro in my flowering room, couse i havent been adding any at all
Ok, I didn't know that strain didnt like too much N lol. And does that bloom come with micros?