Harvesting Question...HELP!

Miki D

My first crop (very much a newbie growing Cannabis) is 5 weeks into flowering and already the pistils are turning orange and shriveling up. Is this an indication that I should do a flush and cut out nutes? And how long does it take for the trics to get milky once they start to turn. I've put so much into these plants I'm terrified to screw it up!

Miki D


Well-Known Member
Yeah, pics would help, BUT if you are only 5 weeks into flower ( I'm guessing you mean 5 weeks since you flipped to 12/12 ) and your pistils are oranging and receding, your plants are most likely producing seeds. The reasons for that could be many, but my guess is one of them threw a nanner out and pollinated them. That's not good news, I know, BUT if that is the case those beans being produced will be feminized ( although they will also carry the "nanner trait" ) so you could have a stockpile of beans.


Well-Known Member
There are several other things besides "buds being seeded" that can make the pistils turn amber. Don't worry too much about it, just keep an eye open for nanners.


Well-Known Member
Well, if my pistils are turning orangish early, I'm looking for the cause. Just saying "don't worry too much about it" is a foolish statement. But yeah, just don't worry about it too much, the weed fairy will fix everything......


Well-Known Member
I said to keep an eye out. But if you would rather stress out over it, that's your decision. Research reasons why this is happening and keep watch. Why worry your ass off about it? I learned early that if you start worrying and over analyzing everything it will wear your ass out. Calm is always better, keeps you level headed. It helps me, if it doesn't work for you, don't do it. Not trying to start anything here. I thought your statement about being "foolish" a bit much. Foolish to you- maybe, to others maybe not.

Miki D

I feel like barfing. I'll post a pic tomorrow after a thorough plant inspection. I've read that younger seeds (that start later in flowering) are still soft and smokable. Opinions?

Miki D

These guys were switched to 12/12 on Oct. 1. I had planned to flush at 6 weeks. The Pic with the pinkish background is a Northern light, the other two are Papaya. It's the NL who has the most orange pistils.



New Member
Well, if my pistils are turning orangish early, I'm looking for the cause. Just saying "don't worry too much about it" is a foolish statement. But yeah, just don't worry about it too much, the weed fairy will fix everything......
How do you know its early? You have never grown this strain and your worried at the fifth week? Most strains will be ready starting 7-8th week or longer. Maturing at this time is normal, you may notice she isn't up taking as much either. Without pics this sounds normal, I would drop your nutes now by a couple of hundred ppm and start preps or harvest in the next 3 weeks or so. Just guessing without pics though...JAS

Miki D

I don't know that it's early. That's why I asked. This is my first grow. I have no frame of reference.


Active Member
your NL has got another couple of weeks to go man . dont worry about some hairs turning brown .i dont know any strain that finishes in jut 5 weeks . My first and only plant i grew was NL . definitely not ready to flush .


Active Member
These guys were switched to 12/12 on Oct. 1. I had planned to flush at 6 weeks. The Pic with the pinkish background is a Northern light, the other two are Papaya. It's the NL who has the most orange pistils.
First of, pistils that turn brown aren't really the only this to take into account ! Flowering stage starts when pistils show up but these first ones might quickly turn brown and others will come out, white n' new ! Flowering stage is about 8 weeks indoor, 10weeks outdoor (i'm outdoor) ! And when you reach the last week ou may be able to say if the plant is done flowering or not. If not you add the 'extra week' ! Enjoy yo smoke :bigjoint: