Are my plants going to bud


Well-Known Member
If they are on a flowering light schedule, then yes, if they are not large enough now they will grow until mature enough to flower which should be soon. However the one on the left may start immediately.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you need to give more info. Are you even giving them a 12/12 light cycle? Are they Autos? How far into flowering are they? etc...

They look like they are still in veg or are very early in flower. Happy to help with more info.


New Member
They are not on 12/12 yet i was going to wait until they atlest got tall enough i was thinking atleast 12 inches


New Member
Not 12/12 yet i didnt think they were tall enough im not sure if its a auto flower ,there atill in veg ita been about 5weeks


Well-Known Member
I guess it's up to you, depending on your growroom size, lighting capability, and so on.

Flower them now, andyou'll get a half or so on each. Wait another month, and you're looking at closer to 2 ounces, go another month, depending on your growing abilities, and you could be looking at 3 or 4 oz on each one. Keep in mind those are pretty generalized numbers.


Well-Known Member
If they are on a flowering light schedule, then yes, if they are not large enough now they will grow until mature enough to flower which should be soon. However the one on the left may start immediately.
Size has nothing to do with it. If auto it is time yes but not size. If it is a reg plant it will be light cycle dependant.
I veg my plants for 20 days and then switch to 12 these girls are 50 days old and 30 days flower photo 4.jpg


Well-Known Member
They are tall enough to flower. If you have limited space flowering earlier is a good idea because they will grow to 2 to 3 times their height/size during flower.
If these are bag seed they are very likely not auto flowers. You will need more light than the ones shown in your pic for flowering if you want to get a decent yield.

There are many threads on CFL grows where you can get an idea of some setup options. A small HPS light would be the best.

Good Luck