help me figure out tempature control and ventilation


Well-Known Member
I am building underground grow room.

Its about 360cf

The air is brought in from outside with ducting and inline fans, abd same for the exhaust.

Since the outside changes temp by the season, how can I equip my room to keep good air flow and a constant tempature. Please be very detailed.

Ducting withh have ir filter and level 7 filter to keep buds and mold out. Lights are 2 400w 2 600w.

Thank you from the deppths of my soul!


Active Member
I got one of these: VSC-DNE allegedly it controls fan speed based on temperature... I've yet to study the damn thing but it does seem to vary the fan (or its wishful thinking on my part).... I dunno, my temps seemed reasonably stable with it, more or less


Well-Known Member
I got one of these: VSC-DNE allegedly it controls fan speed based on temperature... I've yet to study the damn thing but it does seem to vary the fan (or its wishful thinking on my part).... I dunno, my temps seemed reasonably stable with it, more or less
And your intake is coming from the outdoors like mine would be?

Are you using any temp control other than the fans?

My only problem with this is might not get good air fliw when its set to be off to compensate the temp.

I may combine this with a ac heat unit, box made inside grow room, one side is the intake, acheat in the middle then a filtered opening on the other end. This way its controlling the temp as the aur comes in


Active Member
rising and falling of the temperature is natural. Keep the temps at 75f-80f for best results, add 10f for co2 injection.


Well-Known Member
if the temperature change is >20deg F your going to get condensation which will encourage mold. careful with fresh air in the winter!


Well-Known Member
Underground grow room huh lol...and on another thread within the same couple days he's asking what would happen if he grew on the roof of an office building, and what if I grow in public just around the corner where people can't see...pretty sure this is a 14 year old kid


Active Member
And your intake is coming from the outdoors like mine would be?

Are you using any temp control other than the fans?

My only problem with this is might not get good air fliw when its set to be off to compensate the temp.

I may combine this with a ac heat unit, box made inside grow room, one side is the intake, acheat in the middle then a filtered opening on the other end. This way its controlling the temp as the aur comes in
fans only but I'm in a basement...

the VSC: it has a way to set threshold limits AND fan speed (I'm not 100% versed wityh it however)...and I "think" you can set the thermostat to read inside your tent regardless of air source (which is the relevant part) ...but I'm not 100% trusting of the temp adjustment (to be honest) .....

...and yeah, I keep saying this over and over and over, but I recommend a aquarium controller if you want to control both heating, cooling and other functions; everything can be made to work together, esp for emergencies:like shutting off the light after reaching a temp threshold, or shutting off the pump if a leak is detected, or dosing vinegar to adjust pH, or running a aerator if temps go up or topping off your resiviour, or controlling lighting et...