I'm glad the thread hasn't been locked.

Open, civil discussion is the honest, mature means by which to come to understanding. And I want to understand, it's why I've persistently asked the questions I ask.
As to the idea of an unmoderated forum, I will again suggest that, as with any other site I've utilized, when moderators are put in the position of policing speech, there is nothing but more work. I have a feeling that most folks don't report others who are being hateful or making personal attacks. I generally don't. Oh, there was that one time I reported that guy who put up all those RickRoll links, remember that? MAN did he piss me off!
I haven't seen what Twisty mentioned, but I'll suggest that instead of worrying about policing images, ask that people put a warning in the title that something may not be for the soft of stomach. Usually a simple request to let people know that something may be objectionable is respected, at least that's what I've found. Otherwise, again, the rest of us who make up the membership are left with the feeling that moderator action is completely arbitrary. My standards may be quite different (and often are) from yours. That's my own objection to the idea of the "I know it when I see it" thing. It is not quantified, and therefore becomes somewhat arbitrary when trying to place a value or quality without some concrete outlines.
Maybe that way the more active mods on the site can focus their attentions on the gardening issues people face, which I think may be more in line with the task at hand. Whaddaya think?
that, or rollitup, at the request and agreement of current moderators, can designate someone as a special moderator for specific forums. Again, a LOT of work considering the activity on this site. Also, I don't know if it's possible to do this with this particular BB software as it is with phpBB.
fdd, don't think for one minute that we don't understand that moderating takes work. At some sites it takes more work than others, to be sure.
Oh, and Johnny, I don't think you're an asshole (or whatever it was you called yourself). I find you to be an astute observer and a well-spoken, outspoken individual.