Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro


Well-Known Member
Sure wish I could have finished her out in the sun but she looks good anyway. General yellowing of the larger fan leaves but a few have that spotted/wilted deficiency look that drives me nuts. But I'm just going to leave her be this late in the game. Pistils are all white, no browning yet. She is so root bound! There are little roots on top of the soil. I'd like to move her to a 7 or 10 gal pot but I'll leave her alone. By far the largest plant I've ever grown. Thank the sun god. Ignore the jade plant in the corner, that's an experiment, trying to see how it responds to the tent.

GROW_10.15.13 008.jpgGROW_10.15.13 007.jpgGROW_10.15.13 005.jpgGROW_10.15.13 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
I hope that the sun-kissed flavors are equal to that stature!

LOL, you know, at some point someone is going to have to wander
in here, even if only because they are lost or something (!).

Great work, and too for obscurity.

Thanks again for sharing.



Well-Known Member
Thanks JD! It is weird we have this thread to ourselves. I started a how to adjust soil PH late in grow thread over in plant problems yesterday and got basically one response and one random idiot that didn't make any sense.

I have a question about your PAR lights but will ask over on your thread.


Well-Known Member
Hi JD. Since you're the only one watching! Got the better camera out tonight and took some shots. Some of these look pretty sweet. the fan leaves are dropping like crazy so it's going to be easy to manicure this girl when she's done.

GROW_10.21.13 006.jpgGROW_10.21.13 005.jpgGROW_10.21.13 004.jpg


Well-Known Member
I looked at the first one....oh wow...fuck....that thing is
just about solid! LMAO. Great work!

I will now enjoy the rest. The camera works BTW.




Well-Known Member
Remind me of the breed....this is separate from your other efforts.

It looks very Sativa dominant. It will probably be strong.

The lights make it look like one big N def....I would love a flash
shot right after the lights go off.

That whole plant shot is magnificent BTW.

Great stuff.



Well-Known Member
Thanks alot JD! Same grow! It's a bomb seeds cluster bomb that i had outdoors for most of its life. The sun really did bring out it's sativa characteristics. And it certainly could have an N def being all potbound this late in the game. But you're right, the HPS makes it hard to get a good picture because everything it way too yellow no matter how I adjust the white balance on the camera.

As always thanks for watching JD and thanks for the kind words and encouragement.


Well-Known Member
The latest addition to the bomb seeds range; Cluster Bomb is everything that Bomb genetics have become famous for, huge yielding, fast growing and powerful enough to blow you away!

This truly explosive strain was developed using the original Sensi Skunk #1 and the legendary Cinderella 99 which was then crossed with our very own exquisite Bomb #1.

Nice Genetics!

The resulting genetics are truly awe inspiring;

A heavily Indica dominant hybrid that has power and yield but thanks to the Cindy 99 genetics finishes faster than many other super high yielding strains available.

The Indica dominance means the plant has a shorter, denser structure than expected when grown indoors.

Yeah, and it explodes outside! (they need to add that ;0)

The exceptionally high flower to leaf ratio coupled with short internodal distance means this strain produces vast clusters of large dense buds. Multiple colas, growing from large side branches as well as a central stem mean that Indoor in a SOG or SCroG setup 700-800g per m² is possible with good lighting and a reasonable vegetation period. Cluster Bomb is a must for commercial growers where strength and yield are key.

The smoke is beautiful, a rich skunk aroma with hints of orange and strawberries that has a powerful body hit, but still maintaining some of its Cinderella, cerebral, psychoactivity. The stone from Cluster Bomb is long lasting and intense.

Let me know if this holds up. Sounds good. :0)
fa;lskf;slkf;slkf;sldfk gibberish required d;osakd;alskd;adlk;asdlk


Well-Known Member
Well I think the end is in site and it's getting closer to harvest. Some of these are kinda cool looking. Hard to say if they are more clear or more milky depending on the photo. Not much amber. The pistils are getting brown. I'm never good at this. In the past I think I have tendency to wait too long instead of too early. A week? Two? :wall:


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Well-Known Member
"Too long" ...special creature!

I think that stink comes with time.
Wait for those ambers if you can stand it!

I will now go actually look at the photos. :0)

Take care,


P.S. I finish week 6 and the stink is becoming dangerous.
I am thinking of re-filling the old DIY filter and running it
in the office, loose from any tent, as a backup. Nerve racking!


Well-Known Member
Well...I saw a whopping 3 or 4 ambers.

So many of the photos were fields of clear trichs.

#5 looked quite cloudy.

....but the lack of amber still says wait, I think. :0)



Well-Known Member
Hey St V miss a day and your threads list explodes.

I have been trying to catch up for two posts keep
reviving active threads.

So, the monster keeps growing. The HPS makes it impossible to tell
how close it is to done.

What is the smell like? My dank-fest has entered the dangerous phase.

If only my f'ing sister in law stays away... "I smell skunk!" Idiot. :0)

Stay on top of that beast bro.



ive been reading the entire thread man. Your girls are nice looking. i hope mine come out just as good. im going to use the red cup method java dog a mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Hi JD. The beast doesn't smell much at all. If I rub my hands on it smells like lemons. I grew skunk once and boy did it stink! Overpowering really. I could smell it outside my house. Good luck with the dank-fest!


Well-Known Member
ive been reading the entire thread man. Your girls are nice looking. i hope mine come out just as good. im going to use the red cup method java dog a mentioned.
Thanks for reading Clouds. Are you going to do a journal? Good luck with your grow. Keep us posted how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Welcome aboard Clouds. St V is finishing up an interesting grow.

Thanks V. If the smell gets to be too much then I will get the
second filter into play.
