The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Still got grapichs errors.? Bf4 forums full of moans bowt it

Prilly get cod on thursday..yano release day n that!! Just dont tell the wife...


Well-Known Member
Yeh one trailer looks a bit shitty but ad long as game play is better than black ops 2 which is wank it should be alright I hope. Think I might invest in it if I can getting a bit bored of GTA now just end up cruising trying to blow folks cars up lmao

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Still got grapichs errors.? Bf4 forums full of moans bowt it

Prilly get cod on thursday..yano release day n that!! Just dont tell the wife...
I don't know I'm just sorting it now but there's an update/patch all ready released.

The 360 and PS3 version of Ghosts is on Pirate Bay now, they'll have cracked the PC version by the end of the week.


Active Member
Thw bf4 for pc is fucked. And alewady onnpc

Looking at getting my slim dual.nand with progskeet but finding a full kit is uk is graft. But sayinf that I found it on aliexpress for 50 yhink il get it done.

And gta im soo board of it. Unless pals are online with a mic its a reet grind.

Into sleeping dogs and unchatted 2 with suk sniper v2 atm....


Well-Known Member
Have you done the bollock shot on sniper yet??? Lmao looks pretty nasty when u pull it off

Yeh it is wank when there's some nob with no mic ain't it


Active Member
I know lool. Got my new turtle beaches working now. So il getbthat blootooth one over ta ya. No need for singstar now..

Just hope we get no jealousey over me sending u it. Yanooo?? Lol


Well-Known Member
Sweeeeeeet its doin my head in a bit not been able to rip the yanks on there haha. Lol I feckin hope not think that's over n done with now I hope?


Well-Known Member
morning cunts, woke up to a lovely surprise fro my cat, she had somehw got into my grow room and knocked over one of the pots with my new seedlings in it, fucking soil all over the carpet, managed to refil the pot and repot the seedling, so fingers crosed it shud be fine, it wasnt snapped or anything, will be putting a better lock on the door later 2day as the current one pops open if u bang the door hard enuf.


Well-Known Member
For some reason cats love weed when I used to live with me mum I had 1 outside in a pot and the cat always used to chew the leaves the little fucker lol


Active Member
morning cunts, woke up to a lovely surprise fro my cat, she had somehw got into my grow room and knocked over one of the pots with my new seedlings in it, fucking soil all over the carpet, managed to refil the pot and repot the seedling, so fingers crosed it shud be fine, it wasnt snapped or anything, will be putting a better lock on the door later 2day as the current one pops open if u bang the door hard enuf.
I hear this all the time. I gotta tjink if a cat can get in to bury a shit in your pots..mwhat about kids??get a lock

Ul find a shit in pot number 2 ul see lolz
N yeh shawny hope so. But al get that to ya thia week......

And yeh sniper is great as for bf4 have fun yorkie thers issues.... getin ghosts on thursday... keep up bizzle

And scratch and sniff is old news


Well-Known Member
For some reason cats love weed when I used to live with me mum I had 1 outside in a pot and the cat always used to chew the leaves the little fucker lol
yeah ive noticed m8, everytime im in the room and leave the door open one of the cats are at my back trying to get into the flower tent lol, didnt think the cat was big enuf to knock over a full of soil and watered 10l airpot, fuck it live and learn i will be more careful in future no fucking animals in or around the grow room, just need to make sure the wife remembers to lock the door as well lol


Well-Known Member
I hear this all the time. I gotta tjink if a cat can get in to bury a shit in your pots..mwhat about kids??get a lock

Ul find a shit in pot number 2 ul see lolz
N yeh shawny hope so. But al get that to ya thia week......

And yeh sniper is great as for bf4 have fun yorkie thers issues.... getin ghosts on thursday... keep up bizzle

And scratch and sniff is old news
my kids dont go anywhere near my room m8, they know its off limits, but i also have a lock n the door its just not great but will be replacing it today :)


Well-Known Member
Just knocked these bad boys up IMG_20131103_120918_883.jpg BOOM Lol gonna choccy top em when there cool.

Yeh cheers turbs in need of a mic big time just too skint and tight to buy one lol