3rd Party Cup Growoff Official Update Thread

Now I See Why Psuagro Hasnt Entered Any Contest Because He cant Follow Rules And Has Trouble Playing With Others.Brother Psuagro You Have Left Me No Choice But To

You know how they say "Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it".

C'mon Dawg, one more chance, please? And P do what your host wants! PLEASE.
Now I See Why Psuagro Hasnt Entered Any Contest Because He cant Follow Rules And Has Trouble Playing With Others.Brother Psuagro You Have Left Me No Choice But To

^^GOOD............ At least Franjan won't get last place!!!! ...........I thought you where busy racing mopeds this weekend DAWG???.......

OH btw you can stick the BAN up your ASS..................
nevermind your probably busy humping Andy Reid's leg ATM:hump:
Where is the THE BIG DAWG at anyways??? ...............show yourself!!;-)...........your chiefs are at 9-0, no shit, don't worry they will bust out early in the playoffs just like you did on Fat-ass andy's leg.......HA

Franjan is the cause of all of this........my therapist told me NOT to blame others, but fuck her:fire:
Sure would like to see more of the contestants pictures of their grow..
I know their is a few of us who finished already, just wondering who is out and who is left..
Sorry PSU :hug:, and I truly am. I didn't want us to be here but your disrespect for others landed you where we all are. Seriously, who are you that you don't have to follow Dawg's rules like everyone else? At this point the only person to blame is you cause you let some dumbass pride thing get in the way as far as I can tell. I may have opened a can of worms, because of your actions mind you, but I sure as shit didn't throw the contents all over the wall. All I wanted you to do was follow the rules that we all agreed on and have some fun but your actions landed you here, not some faceless stoner being a dickhead on the net. So dump your analyst babe, she's not getting through. And if you're gonna go nuclear on my ass PM me just so Sunni or whoever doesn't boot you or lock the thread. Sorry bro, but you know Dawg "don't shiv". :( :( :( :( :( :(





Here's a little video for all you frog haters out there.

Weekly Update: At this point, I'm pretty much out. Even if my girl who I've now named Ripley (as in Ripleys Believe it or not) started flowering this week, I doubt she would finish before the deadline. I'll continue to post updates as long Ripleys alive though.
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On this issue of Psu. I didn't notice that he had missed posting updates, but I wasn't paying close attention either. My vote would be to go with the original rules of the comp. Miss an update without prior notice, you're out. No offence Psu. The avatar change is a stupid idea in my opinion. The real question is, do you really believe he was cheating? If not, who cares. After all ,the main point of the weekly updates is to avoid cheating and show off your progress. Or in my case, lack thereof.:lol::wall::sad:

Don't give up!!!............just let her dry out a little between waterings........your using leds, it can take up to a week or more(cooler temps) for another dose.

I updated every week btw......I was late an HOUR once and a day late second time.............this is just Franjan being a hall-pass monitor type:P

Sure would like to see more of the contestants pictures of their grow..
I know their is a few of us who finished already, just wondering who is out and who is left..

Ask and you shall receive sir......it's only raven, the two other dumb/dumbs and me left in this comp..

OK.......IN before the BAN........oh wait........LOL. I got word that my "buddy" Obama got in touch with DAWG and granted me a pardon!!! So all is good in the world, and yes their is still no space for the bitchy green people. Still like the guy so here a big :hug: for you

Update on my NL bitch under 182w of induction/led

001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg007.jpg006.jpg Cal coming back on the party cup girl since using plain water for ten+ days, and 2 gal bitch is full blown cal/mag def. Doesn't matter at this late stage anymore(out of ferts), just water till the end. Maybe next time I will AMEND my fucking recycled/used soil!! duh..., wanted the purity but just can't cut it without added lime in the mix. I can't recommend RXorganics fert for flower, you just need too much and it gets expensive. The party cup did better because she got way higher doses throughout the cycle.

008.jpg009.jpg.........scoped and NOT ready yet, looking for high amber % and that will come fast............be safe and happy growing

Edit:.......Froggy beat me to it again!!!...........................I WAS NEVER BANNED>>>>>>>>>>>LOL ...the Dawgy-Dawg got you:hump:

I know you where excited to lock in fifth place...........but now back to sixth place you go FROGGY.....:twisted:

That's a nice apology though^^^................hahahahahahhahahahaha.......giants didn't suck today because their OFF
Ahhh Fuck Both Of Ya Shitheads!

Now Now Wittle Green One Dont Go Crying In Your Corn Flakes.Brother Fran I Do Belive Your Operating On Brothers PuffDaddy's Deadline.I Cant Find It But my Deadline Is Monday MidNight So Our Fellow Competitors Across The Pond Would Have Time To Update :weed:
[video=youtube;xT0V4m_Vx7g]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xT0V4m_Vx7g&feature=share&list=PL5E1258B38 70B8F17[/video]

Day 50 something .. I tried do get good light to see the frostyness.. No flash on my 2013 camera / phone ....lol


Im coming for you Psu

always remember stuttering is like starting a sentence with a drum roll
Brother dawg, are you referring to my side of the pond, because I think you'll find we are ahead of your side. It's Monday here and I was watching live Sunday NFL this morning. Great game pats anyway

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Now Now Wittle Green One Dont Go Crying In Your Corn Flakes.Brother Fran I Do Belive Your Operating On Brothers PuffDaddy's Deadline.I Cant Find It But my Deadline Is Monday MidNight So Our Fellow Competitors Across The Pond Would Have Time To Update :weed:
dAWG your credibility is already shot, and now your ignance is showing. Best you just shut the fuck up and go back to that lawn mowing job of yours. And thanks for showing everyone why we call it flyover country. Later douche. Oh and Fuck You Too!
dAWG your credibility is already shot, and now your ignance is showing. Best you just shut the fuck up and go back to that lawn mowing job of yours. And thanks for showing everyone why we call it flyover country. Later douche. Oh and Fuck You Too!

Sounds Like Someone Woke Up In Bed With A Monkey And A Sore Butthole :hump:
Brother dawg, are you referring to my side of the pond, because I think you'll find we are ahead of your side. It's Monday here and I was watching live Sunday NFL this morning. Great game pats anyway

Sent from my HTC One X using Rollitup mobile app

Brother jimjim I Had A Request From Someone Across The Pond That The Deadline Be Monday Midnight So They Could Have Time To Update.I Remeber This Request But I Cant Find It.It Could Have Been A PM Also. :blsmoke: