The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
morning all.... slept in for college 2day s thot fuck it just gonna stay off and have a lazy shit day, waiting for the post to come eagerly as he shud have a nice wee parcel for me :) then its gta till the kids get home from school lol.


Well-Known Member
well the post has been and i got what i been waiting for...... i am now the proud owner of a lovely little exo clone :) the only down side is i think the postie was playing football with my package the poor thing is looking a sorry sight and had some leaves fell off, nevermind ive potted her up and got her in the small tent under a 300w cfl hopefully she pull thru.

photo 3.JPGphoto 1.JPGphoto 2.JPGphoto 4.JPGphoto 5.JPGphoto 1 (1).JPG

and heres a cpl pics of the casey jones hermie i just pulled out, will be going in the bin later
photo 2 (1).JPGphoto 3 (1).JPGphoto 4 (1).JPG


Well-Known Member
fuk about she did get batterd.....wankers......hopefully pulls thru......
she sure did mate, was gutted wen i opened up and saw her like that, but after a good look over im sure there is enough of her left and if i give her some tlc she should hopefully bounce back to full health in a cpl weeks


Well-Known Member
Morning lads just got a nice lil sample of bbc having a toke now ;) I'm sure she'll survive mate after a day you'll never tell postie played footy with her Lol.


Well-Known Member
Quick smoke report on the bbc . First glance hard to tell as it was flat Lol but under the scope a nice mix of cloudy and amber trichs smell starts with sweet then leans a bit musky. Tastes like a musky skunk quite a nice old school taste smooth on exhale ;) you first feel it hit right behind the eyes yano when ur eyes get that cool feeling to em then hits the head feeling nicely stoned cheers mate


Well-Known Member
im splitting open a 3 oz bag of exo gonna vape some when I finish my other work, been on the livers this moening, good mood energising happy weed but later I want red eyes and exo hits the spot

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
what happened to just letting them grow and only cutting out the apical tip..
I need a substantial cash crop.

and lemon tard, this is yorkie wer talking aboot, fuk wat history and the experst say,, his way is better....
Lol, the cutting the apical tip out just before flower to improve yield technique that he's referring to IS my way!

and NEVER EVER USE NORTON AGAIN! i thought u actually knew what u was talking about till u had norton on ya shit,, ffs its a hog and shit!

download kis 2013/14 and searchout keys,best av on markeyt

batman is sweet fyi, playing it on me shitty gt520 :O
I've had legit Norton installed simultaneously on 6 different machines for the last 3 years straight, not one resource problem or false positive wanting to quarantine cracked files.
Kaspersky on the other hand.........

Batman sweet on a GT520?
Install FRAPS, knock the resolution up to 1920x1080 @ 60hz, set AA @ 2x (4x is for the big boys), all settings on highest and see what frame rate you get....:shock:

Then see by how much you have to turn the resolution and sweetness down to get at least a solid 60fps at all times......:o

can you not plug your pc into the internet connection the other pc is using???
No mate, it's a wireless laptop.

regs of a hermie breeder aint cutting it. not hating just staing facts, maybe bad luck or bad breeding? maybe sum of dst hair got in his vision? whoknows,
Slanderous bullshit.
Off the top of my head I can name at least 5-6 people in 4 different country's over 2 continents that have had a hand in producing the 15 strains that BB so far have to offer.

And what makes you think DST has hair?........:lol:

yeh mate fuk the hype... just stick to whats good, i mean fuk aint ther even a hermie warning on ther website? that aint cool,, iknow im gunna get slammed for this but fact is the norm is 50%
The only mention of anything hermie related on the site is in respect to the Dog S1's that are not available but we know where that came from so it's to be expected.

The FACT is that 50% (ish) is the norm over the entire seed population for that particular batch. This does NOT mean that 50% (ish) of the very small sample of seed population in your pack of beans will be 50% females.
You wouldn't be spouting the same 50% crap about males if you bought 100 beans of a strain and got ALL females would you?