Veg cycle plants issues


Well-Known Member
I bought a clone that I tranplanted into a DWC setup about a week ago. I already mae 2 mistakes that mae my plant take a turn for the worst. First of all I went to mist the plant with a nutrient solution, but grabbed the bleach bottle instead. After rinsing it off with diluted water, I put it back and 2 days later, I found the inline fan in my gorilla grow tent fell and the room was about 100 degrees. The conditions of the grow room have been stable for at least 3 days, but I have leaves that look bleached and are dying and the roots are starting to brown.

I hear brown roots is a bad sign, what should I do about that? Should I tear off the dead leaves? I was thinking thi since the plant looks much bushier and is starting to grow healthy leaves. plant1.jpgplant2.jpgplant3.jpgbad leaf1.jpgbadleaf2.jpgroots.jpgHow do I nurse this plant back to health? Thanks!!!


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First of all I went to mist the plant with a nutrient solution, but grabbed the bleach bottle instead. After rinsing it off with diluted water, I put it back and 2 days later, I found the inline fan in my gorilla grow tent fell and the room was about 100 degrees.

Spraying bleach is not good, you probably shocked them with the bleach, they should come out of it if you rinsed them soon enough and thoroughly enough. I keep some bleach spray mixed up and ready but put a couple drops of red food coloring in it so I never do what you did.

Out of curiousity, what are you diluting your water with?
I just purchased diluted water from the store. I thought I rinsed it out thoruougly enough, but apparently not. Should I pull off the dead leaves? Is this the same or seperate issue from my roots browning?
For all that trouble your plant seems to be toughing it out fine, if you keep it how it is now it should be fine, the lower leaves that are bleached will die and fall off but no worries, your plant will spring back and be fine
For all that trouble your plant seems to be toughing it out fine, if you keep it how it is now it should be fine, the lower leaves that are bleached will die and fall off but no worries, your plant will spring back and be fine

Thanks for the reply! What about the brown roots? Any idea what I should do about that?
they were stressed from the heat. Now that you addressed that issue, leave them alone and let them recover.
... that fan is too much. Aim it at the light not directly at the plant. It only needs to circulate the air.
I read that having the fan directly on the plants makes them stronger because it forces them to resist, is that not true?
I read that having the fan directly on the plants makes them stronger because it forces them to resist, is that not true?
To much is to much. With a fan blowing on them directly the plant transpires through it's leaves or losses moisture to fast and it can't keep up with the loss by up-taking water through the root zone.