Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member

Dont make me unleash my inner,Chucky.


There I was minding my own business and then BAM I make a mistake. I un-ignored a certain someone, and See MY NAME in a message talkin shit to someone or about someone else.

My mistake for not keeping the ignore active. :)

Ignoring ignorance is my cup of tea.


Well-Known Member
Alright all. Gotta go to the mall.. New CD and maybe even a new HOODIE in it for me. I HATE the mall but oh well. MM2[Deluxe Edition] is calling my name.


Well-Known Member
Pickup Call of Duty: Ghosts, while your at it, so we can get a group together, and go snipe some mark ass noobers.


Well-Known Member
Hey genetic breeder guys.

I got this freebie Auto Purple I've been growing for about 60 some days now, she is looking great. While I was watering today I noticed the two lowest buds are starting to produce a few seeds.

What kind of seeds would these end up being?


Well-Known Member
if the plant hermed the seeds would be herm genetics.

As long as your auto is the one that pollinated itself then yes they will be auto's but they will herm again.


Well-Known Member
Well damn. Oh well. Might keep them around after I chop her down anyways. Won't be planting them anytime soon though lol.


Well-Known Member
morning folks. dank i tried to call you yesterday, surgery went ok, some minor nerve damage. i got 28 staples and a few stitches with a drain tube, supposed to get it all removed monday. what is going on on the driver? give me a call bro. by the way the doc says he is 80 to 85 percent sure it was benign.
I'm glad you are ok buddy, you know you are in my prayers ;) glad to hear the doc is optimistic!


Well-Known Member
u guys ever heard of mendo dope the rappers well they got there whole outdoor crop sieze by the pigs, just got done talking to them via email im going to send them some replacement vinalla kush since i got some and in return there going to send me there new cd, fucking awesome wish the whole world was cool like that


Well-Known Member
Dank whats up buddy long time no hear, heard ur working like a mad man, sorry for all the songs lastnight i was tore back from the floor back, hows everything
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