Cloning Problem,


I took 6 clones from 6 plants that I got and kept at 24 hour light for 10 days, cut them at a angle, used clonex gel, and placed in a propigation bucket and put a 23 wat cfl over with reflective material to the sides to ensure more light making to the plants,
I also cut the leaves by 1/2 in length to get the roots going faster.

However, it has been 1 week, and no roots at all,
Please help


Well-Known Member
I took 6 clones from 6 plants that I got and kept at 24 hour light for 10 days, cut them at a angle, used clonex gel, and placed in a propigation bucket and put a 23 wat cfl over with reflective material to the sides to ensure more light making to the plants,
I also cut the leaves by 1/2 in length to get the roots going faster.

However, it has been 1 week, and no roots at all,
Please help
How do you know there isn't roots? Mine take 10 days. Usually.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Try stimroot #2 rooting powder. Lowes carries it for under $5. Honestly, there is no need to trim the fans. and don't scrape all the bark off the part that you stick into the cloning medium. The roots grow from the bark. If you are cloning from a seed plant the roots will go more downward. If your mom is a clone the roots will grow more out the sides. I use rockwool and a mini-greenhouse with a single layer of gravel to set the rooting medium on for drainage and air lighted by cool white tubes, 24hr.


How long is the normal wait till roots? and are propigation buckets (5 gallon with a 360 sprayer ) the best way to go with these, or are rockwool style plugs in a humidity chamber better?


Well-Known Member
In my aerocloner, it can take up to 10 days for roots to show up, then they usually explode. It ranges for me really... sometimes I have small roots starting on day 5, sometimes not until day 12. This happens with clones taken from the same mother at the same time even.

Be patient. If the clone isn't dying or dead, you should see something eventually.



Well-Known Member
This is what I do

-find a lower branch about 5 inches long and cut
-after cutting I put it in a cup of water like a flower until I take all my cuttings. I do the same thing for each one,
-after cutting all clones, I cut the lower 2-3 inches of stuff off (leaves and new growth)
-I then, skin the bottom inch or so and u can see it will look wet... At least mine does...
-I take a sharp razor blade cut a 45 degree angle at the bottom of the stem just up enough to make the angle.
-I then, stick it in cloning gel for about 30 seconds or so and then stick it in coco all the way up to the first leaves.
-I give only water when I stick them in there and ph it correctly.
-I don't mist or anything, I stick them on the floor next to the other plants under the mh and they do just fine.

Back to my question,. How do you know they didn't root?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I cut 2" x 2" x h" out of rockwool slab that comes in 6" strips that sells from $5-10 at any hydro store. I have found that this is the most effective size rockwool cube for mj.


Well-Known Member
make sure your temps are under 75. so 60 to 75f and stop stressing. im a hydro clone guy. and some times it takes up to 3 weeks for them to start roots. you can use any rooting hormone n earth and if the plant wants to take for ever nothng you can doo


the propigation bucket has the lower portion under a sprayer, and held up top by a neoprene disk, I lift disk and inspect lower portion, it is swollen a bit and whiteish ,but no roots,
Leaves are healthy looking,


guess im just a little impatient or something,
I made some grow buckets because my seeds are not feminized in another thread,
I would love opinions and advice,

Also, how bid should they get before giving them any supplements, I have dyna grow & flower,

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I soak my rockwool and do all my green with the spent res water from my budders. Just to mention, the spent res water goes straight to waste after it's used once. Do not recycle the spent res water in the greenroom after it has gone through the medium. Most people who grow that I know now do this because it greatly reduces the chance that you might OD your mothers or other plants in green. The res is originally mixed at 1/6th per gallon as what the fert label reccomends for dirt.


Well-Known Member
I've had cuttings go over 4 weeks before finally rooting. I'm not real proud of that, lol, but just so you know it can happen. Some strains root more or less quickly than others.


I have had some yellowing on some close that I have been trying to get rooting,
I tried using clonex mist to help as it looks like a nitrogen deficiency, and at 3 weeks I have about 15 clones with no roots,
with heavy yellowing starting,
Any advice