What to tell my dealer?

banks dank

Active Member
Ok so the guy up the street has been selling me bud for years now. 1/4 oz every week like frikkin clockwork. So now that I got my own supply for quite awhile, hopefully in perpetuity, what do I tell this dude when he realizes I'm not buying shit anymore? Can't tell him I'm growing my own...can't say I got another "regular guy" cuz he knows that's not true. I know dude only sells so he can get his own bud for nothing. This is an unexpected circumstance I did not consider before harvesting. Dude is a friend so I want to be nice but also firm. He knows me well enough to tell when I am lying and wouldny believe me if I said I quit smoking herb.....does anyone else have this issue & what did you do about it?
Tell him you only smoke resin now so you dont need to buy from him
yeah what? your dealer probably sells to so many people lol. just be like, "nigga check this shit out" (shows bud, smokes a j w/ him) he'll be like where did you get this and you'll be like oh its homegrown. nice huh? and hell be like how much a zip. and you'll be like, just keep stayin cool and we'll smoke eachother up for free from now on. lol. sounds foolproof to me. i used to sell and could care less if one person stopped buying cause 4 more will probably show up regardless. think about him as someone who can always match now cause thats forreal all he is now.


Well-Known Member
Like Barry Cooper says, for every person who knows about your grow, your chance of getting busted goes up 10%. He tells one other person, now you're at 20%. Unless you wanna make a few bucks, don't smoke your stuff with him. Like you said, he'd know something was up. We all got bills!! your car needed a new alternator, tie rods, some unexpected shit came up, etc. Reduce your order by half each month or two. That way HE begins to move on. Furthermore, lead on how you shouldn't be even spending that, considering your financial troubles. He knows you haven't QUIT, but its perfectly acceptable to let him know you have to cut back. Later on, gradually keep cutting back some more.. Soon enough he wont even notice when he hasn't heard from you.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
go see him reach out and grab his hand ,tell him you may have certain feelings for him that are confusing you...that dude will stay the hell away from you and find a reason not to sell to you anymore ...worst case he smiles and you get your weed from him free form now on