odd nutrients for plants?


Well-Known Member
someone told me ejaculating/ urinating/ and putting fecal matter on marijuana plants is healthy for them
is any of this true, or was the guy completely out of his mind?


Well-Known Member
would you want to smoke something that was grown with that... i have heard that piss works when diluted with water but that will cause smell problems ..


Well-Known Member
I tried pissing on one of my smaller outdoor plants around 13 years ago coz I'd been told It's good for them.
I didn't notice any change in growth etc. but it was the worst tasting pot I've ever had in my life. Never again.


Well-Known Member
maybe you could use baby dippers for cloning. But for real what does urine brake down to ammonia. so it could be used to some degree. I have used it in my co2 mix but not on plants.