Aspirin water WILL kill your plant if you are not careful!


Active Member
I just thought I would issue this warning to anyone who has heard about using aspirin in water to make clones or to fight off pests and disease. I have found people saying that it works but not many people give the proper dose. This can prove to be a deadly mistake. It started like this...

I was performing LST on one of my ladies when (doh!) I broke the main cola. At this point I am about 2 days into flowering. I decide that the broken cola is long enough to at least attempt a clone. If it doesn't root, oh well. I mix 3 crushed aspirin into 1 solo cup of water (this is my first mistake). I place saran wrap over the top and insert the broken cola of my plant.

3 days pass.

I check the base of the clone, it is horribly dead. Like, this thing was murdered.


After removing the saran wrap and cutting up the failed clone into tiny pieces, I mistakenly watered my plants with the aspirin water. I leave the grow room not thinking much of it. Looking back, I should have made the connection between "dead as fuck clone" and soon to be "dead as fuck plant."

I return in a few hours to see the plant that had been watered with the aspirin water drooping horribly in the top few tiers. I knew it was not a case of overwatering because it was her time to be watered when I watered her with the aspirin water.

3 days pass.

My lady is looking horrid. I have not been able to water her because I don't want to add over watering to the stress of the aspirin. I have been giving her minimal amounts of fresh water. She is showing signs of becoming a hermie. All leaves have begun to droop, the bottom ones shrivel and have had to be trimmed. The tops have all begun to wither, and the main cola is starting to lean over in a sad fashion.

My lady is dying.

You have no idea how shitty I have felt since she made this turn for the worse. There is nothing I can do besides talk her through it, and hope she somehow makes a miraculous comeback. The chances are looking almost non-existent though. What surprised me was how fast the damage occurred and how drastic the damage has been. My lady was a completely healthy plant before this event. No leaf spots, no curled tips, no burns. Just green and growing. Now she is a complete mess.

I urge you, do not water your plants with aspirin water if you do not know someone who has done it before. Make sure you find out the proper dosage and feeding schedule of that dosage before you do anything. Aspirin has the power to turn a BEAUTIFUL and HEALTHY plant into a WITHERING and MISERABLE stem.

Doh! Well what you should have done right when you realized you gave it ASPIRIN LOL...was to flush it with plain ph'd water. If you haven't done that yet I'd do it, might not be too late. ::shrug:: =/
Old thread, but aspirin will not kill your plants, plenty of scientific studies study proving otherwise. 325mg non-coated aspirin per gallon. salicylic acid ,( ingredient in aspirin) plants make salicylic acid, aspirin just helps it produce systemic acquired resistance (SAR) quicker.

the better addition then aspirin is aloe vera powder that will activate the SAR and its got other things in it that help the plant as well..and as D619 said it will not kill ur plant as long as u just use 1
the better addition then aspirin is aloe vera powder that will activate the SAR and its got other things in it that help the plant as well..and as D619 said it will not kill ur plant as long as u just use 1

Aloe Vera Powder is Superior to Aspirin.
Salicylic Acid: Makes this dry powder excellent for cloning!Aloe vera contains Salicylic acid which is an aspirin-like compound with anti -inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-bacterial properties.
Saponins:Aloe vera includes saponins. The saponins perform strongly as anti-microbial against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and yeasts.

Yeah, OP blamed aspirin for a problem it didn't cause, aspirin is good for foliar and root drench, I usually go with 325mg/gal but I've gone as high as 975mg/gal on tomato plants with no problems at all, it prevents blight like nothing else.
i found some info on other things that activate the SAR so this year i will be hitting my plants with a 4 hit combo Sar inducer..i hope to make some outdoor tanks and i will be useing silica as well as the insect frass that i posted on bottom link with benefits..i have a bottle of superthrive that i will use since it have B1 thiamine in it..together with these 4 SAR inducers and good outdoor strains like "The Church,Biddy Early,Serious 6,Frisen Dew,Easy Sativa,Delahaze,Early Skunk,Blueberry Headband and Heribei(sannie gear)" and any of HFH gear.. no one should have any trouble harvesting mold free buds!!..the other outdoor guerilla strains i have read about but not grown personally is Dinafem blue hashplant,Kc33,Pineapple Chunk,Lsd,and Cali Hashplant..these will be on my 2016 list to all my guerilla brothers this year!!!

Methods of inducing Local Acquired Resistance and Induced Systemic Resistance
Induced Resistance

(1) There is a diverse array of signals that stimulate IR.

(2) IR is a sensitization process that primes the plant for
more rapid deployment of defenses.

(3) When integrated into good agricultural practices, IR
can both enhance plant productivity and resistance to

(4) Has energetic costs

Types of induced resistance

1. Local acquired resistance (LAR)
2. Systemic acquired resistance (SAR)
3. Systemic gene silencing (SGS)
4. Induced systemic resistance (ISR)
5. Systemic wounding response (SWR)

Systemic Acquired Resistance

Controlled by salicylic acid (SA)
Broad resistance
More durable
Relies on the plants endogenous defenses
Classically effective against biotrophic pathogens


Chitosan is a plant defense booster derived through the breaking down of chitin found in shellfish and mullosks.
In general Chitosan can help improve the efficiency of a nutrient or fertilizer.
Chitosan will increase the quantity, size and shelf life of a harvest product. Chitosan is also effective at providing insect and disease control.
The chitosan molecule triggers a defence response within the plant, leading to the formation of physical and chemical barriers against invading pathogens.
Chitosan possesses a high growth stimulating efficacy combined with antifungal and antibacterial activity of systemic character. Chitosan cause no damage to the plant whatsoever.

Chitosan inhibits the reproduction of pathogens. Once applied either via foliar spray or through watering, it provides plant protection against fungal infection by rapid expression of a number of defense responses, including forming structural barriers at sites of attempted fungal attacks.
It also protects against insect attack by activating genes which produce protease inhibitors.
Lastly, chitosan stimulates the plants hormones responsible for root formation,stem growth, fruit formation and development.
In addition to promoting growth and protecting against attacks, using chitosan in a garden can help to improve the beneficial microbial activity of a growing medium.
This increase in microbial activity helps in conversion of nutrients to bio-available form. Chitosan improves the root system, allowing plants to absorb more nutrients from a medium.
We expect
Chitosan to become one of the top plant health and yield products as awareness of its value grows.

Salicylic Acid

The next additive in the this new class of Natural Plant Defenders is Salicylic Acid.
This specific plant molecule has two major functions. In the first it acts as a promoter letting the entire plant know (through the use of intercellular mechanisms) that pathogens are near.
The second way in which Salicylic Acid works is as an activator. It actually heightens the alarm signal a plant experiences. In plants, Salicylic Acid serves the function of ringing the alarm bell when a pathogenic organism begins to invade plant tissues.
A whole web of immunity-enhancing processes unfold after the plants are exposed to Salicylic Acid - when that initial alarm is rung.
A whole range of proteins and enzymes become activated as soon as Salicylic Acid is released and absorbed into plant cells.
Salicylic Acid also promotes DNA-binding proteins that initiate new protein synthesis.

Harpin Protein

The final additive we would like to discuss is the Harpin protein. Harpin, like the other SAR products on this handout,
acts by eliciting a complex natural defense mechanism in plants, analogous to a broad spectrum immune
response in animals. Harpin simultaneously enhances a plant's own growth systems and natural defense mechanisms
to ward off attacks by insects, common diseases and plant stresses.

Unlike Salicylic Acid or Chitosan, Harpin uses a protein for its main mode of action. It can be safely used in a
synergistic way with both Salicylic Acid and Chitosan. Harpin is a naturally occurring bacterial protein present in a
number of species of plant pathogenic bacteria. The first harpin protein was isolated from the bacterium Erwinia
amylovora. To sum up Harpin’s benefits: Along with its plant inducing immune system response, Harpin accelerates
plant development. It increases root and shoot biomass, early flowering, early fruit set, early fruit maturation, and
increases fruit number.

B1 Thiamine

Strengthens plant immune systems so they better stand up to disease and stress.
B1 activates Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR)


Silicon induces the SAR response and enables suberization (cork development in cell walls).

Using Chitosan and Salicylic Acid Together

Compared to Salicylic Acid, Chitosan is slower and less effective at inducing plant cell immunity; in combination
with a well formulated Salicylic Acid solution, chitosan has compounded effects as Salicylic Acid amplifies the
“alarm” triggered by the chitosan. The most powerful products always use both of these ingredients. sheet_Applications and Benefits.pdf
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Yeah, OP blamed aspirin for a problem it didn't cause, aspirin is good for foliar and root drench, I usually go with 325mg/gal but I've gone as high as 975mg/gal on tomato plants with no problems at all, it prevents blight like nothing else.
ya i have noticed that some growers just dont want to take the humble approach and say oops i fuked up and now i need to learn more things bc my way is definalty not working..i been there before thinking i was the best grower around and realized later on that i really did know shit at the time..its a very humbling experience and ever since then i have become alot better grower by taking this approach instead of blameing the breeder or the product that i used on the plant
Yeah, OP blamed aspirin for a problem it didn't cause, aspirin is good for foliar and root drench, I usually go with 325mg/gal but I've gone as high as 975mg/gal on tomato plants with no problems at all, it prevents blight like nothing else.
I've heard aspirin can turn cannabis females into hermies. It messes with their hormones. Is there any truth to that? Or only true at higher doses?
I've heard aspirin can turn cannabis females into hermies. It messes with their hormones. Is there any truth to that? Or only true at higher doses?
I've never had that experience. As far as I know the only real big effect it has is in helping to initiate SAR which is a good thing.
How soon should I see some kind of effect from aspirin foliar spray?
Ideally you won't "see" an effect. The effect you should see is just the plant staying healthy. SAR just stands for Systemic Acquired Resistance, and its basically just giving the plant's immune system a boost. So the real effect you are after is just the plant not developing/succumbing to diseases like blight. Are you using aspirin to fix a current problem or to prevent one in the future? It's a better preventative than treatment, so if there's a current problem I might be able to help with a quicker way of fighting it.
Old thread, but aspirin will not kill your plants, plenty of scientific studies study proving otherwise. 325mg non-coated aspirin per gallon. salicylic acid ,( ingredient in aspirin) plants make salicylic acid, aspirin just helps it produce systemic acquired resistance (SAR) quicker.

From what I have read you mix one asprin in 3-5 gallons of water. Suppose to help plant immune system. That post was on vegetable hydroponics.