Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
After reading some horrible information in Scholarly articles about Alaskan Natives and alcohol abuse I think it's time for me to give thanks to the Ganja Gods about my own sobriety while vegging out to something a bit more light.


New Member
After reading some horrible information in Scholarly articles about Alaskan Natives and alcohol abuse I think it's time for me to give thanks to the Ganja Gods about my own sobriety while vegging out to something a bit more light.

do you know what an Alaskan girl says right after her first time? Dad get off me,you're crushin my smokes.:shock:

but seriously the villages are pretty ad off alcohol and sexual abuse.Its a deep problem..Recently a guy just got out of jail for rape,same day,got drunk and raped a 86 year old woman


Well-Known Member
do you know what an Alaskan girl says right after her first time? Dad get off me,you're crushin my smokes.:shock:

but seriously the villages are pretty ad off alcohol and sexual abuse.Its a deep problem..Recently a guy just got out of jail for rape,same day,got drunk and raped a 86 year old woman
that's so fucked. Some of these clinical papers have first hand interview stories from the north west villages. Some real tragic, & sorry ass stuff. The suicide rates are pretty out of control in correlation to population size as well.


Staff member
yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss [video=youtube;OYueIdI_2L0]https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OYueIdI_2L0[/video] UFCK YES SO FUCKING EXCITED