I haven't seen any thread on this and was wondering what everyone's opinion is?..with Ocare, will the obese eventually be penalized?
Well, I have commented on the war on fat. It is an important subject. But, again, it is the conflicts. So many here.
I have been bigger than I am now, not a lot, 40# but it not as comfortable for me or anyone else. And in this a problem of Life, Liberty and the Chase.
- No one says they are Happy being fat.
- A fat person has reduced Liberty
- A fat person's Life if shorter
So, it is not Constitutional to allow this. But, how did WE allow it? This is not something banal, this was done to us. And how do WE stop it, considering the process?
High Fructose Corn syrup is ADDED to EVERYTHING. The Corn lobby exchange for E-gas.
Advertizing to children of IT is EVERYWHERE. (the tobacco lobby is smoldering)
So, again we have been baited, and now they want the switch. Get generations of Obese, (that don't think too well, compared to normal weight) then force a new $$$$$ money Fix on society. Diet Pills. Weight loss programs. Then teach the bleeding hearts to say, it is their Right! No. It is a Right of Society to abuse the ones with the sweet tooth??? I say not.
And on a personal note, this society is being taught to be offended by everything. Words now matter.
Why do I have to see it? Is that not abusing my eyeballs?
But, what is too fat? PROBLEM
It may be a little like the end of, I Robot, where we are forced to be good by our creations. But we will soon have I Robots, medical assistants to monitor our fat so we pay more for insurance,
More risk, more pay. Driving, flying, all of that is a pay for risk. The more we train as pilots the better the insurance rate. It is just part of statistically analysis.
So the the fat are not self failures. We did that to them, as a side effect of the Consumer Culture. They need help. They can't think it through, being so out of whack.
People, The mind body connection is very real. And the change into sullen stubbornness on body image is a real problem also.
It is a mental problem if there ever was one, and we should not be Lying in our Lying culture that it is OK, just genetics, etc. But it is not the FAULT of the FAT.
They are yet again, more victims of the process. But, it is not OK. It is torture.
We know, this is a drag on our fun. The have even ruined their soylent protein.