The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

As much time as you spend on the politics forum, you should have learned a thing or two by now. Does being an Obama Drone affect your ability to absorb information, or do you just choose not to?

I have lost my right to enter into a private agreement with my doctor and insurance provider. I know longer get to choose whats best for me. Instead of informing people about making good decisions, the government is controlling the individual.

I'll try and keep it simple, because I know you have trouble separating yourself from abstract theories of a Utopian State.
You can enter into any agreement that is lawful
And Obamacare doesnt regulate your doctor. Just the insurance industry. You dont like consumer protections?
As much time as you spend on the politics forum, you should have learned a thing or two by now. Does being an Obama Drone affect your ability to absorb information, or do you just choose not to?

I have lost my right to enter into a private agreement with my doctor and insurance provider. I know longer get to choose whats best for me. Instead of informing people about making good decisions, the government is controlling the individual.

I'll try and keep it simple, because I know you have trouble separating yourself from abstract theories of a Utopian State.

You don't know this, do you? In other words, aren't you just assuming, this is coming to you? And those were not Rights in the first place.
As much time as you spend on the politics forum, you should have learned a thing or two by now. Does being an Obama Drone affect your ability to absorb information, or do you just choose not to?

I have lost my right to enter into a private agreement with my doctor and insurance provider. I know longer get to choose whats best for me. Instead of informing people about making good decisions, the government is controlling the individual.

I'll try and keep it simple, because I know you have trouble separating yourself from abstract theories of a Utopian State.

You sound like you are very overweight. Is this true?
You can enter into any agreement that is lawful
And Obamacare doesnt regulate your doctor. Just the insurance industry. You dont like consumer protections?

That's not consumer protection! Obamacare regulates the hell out of doctors. What are you talking about? Obamacare IS THE LAW. That is what insurance providers have to comply with. It's NOT their fault my freedom of choice is being taken away. It's Obama and the Democraps.
That's not consumer protection! Obamacare regulates the hell out of doctors. What are you talking about? Obamacare IS THE LAW. That is what insurance providers have to comply with. It's NOT their fault my freedom of choice is being taken away. It's Obama and the Democraps.

Do you have wet dreams that involve Obama>?
That's not consumer protection! Obamacare regulates the hell out of doctors. What are you talking about? Obamacare IS THE LAW. That is what insurance providers have to comply with. It's NOT their fault my freedom of choice is being taken away. It's Obama and the Democraps.

What freedom of choice has been taken from you?
That's not consumer protection! Obamacare regulates the hell out of doctors. What are you talking about? Obamacare IS THE LAW. That is what insurance providers have to comply with. It's NOT their fault my freedom of choice is being taken away. It's Obama and the Democraps.

Ok list an example of how they regulate doctors
the fact that you are able to use food stamps on fast foods is troubling. The encouragement to eat the cheapest and most unhealthy way should not come from government. The healthy food item is too rare to replace the garbage that is consumed by Americans. The measure of what is unhealthy is unclear still, but regardless portion control and moderation cannot be enforced.

Tell that to NYC, they outlawed large sized soft drinks!

The left in this country are out of their minds.
That's not consumer protection! Obamacare regulates the hell out of doctors. What are you talking about? Obamacare IS THE LAW. That is what insurance providers have to comply with. It's NOT their fault my freedom of choice is being taken away. It's Obama and the Democraps.

How does Obamacare regulate doctors?
List a example
the fact that you are able to use food stamps on fast foods is troubling. The encouragement to eat the cheapest and most unhealthy way should not come from government. The healthy food item is too rare to replace the garbage that is consumed by Americans. The measure of what is unhealthy is unclear still, but regardless portion control and moderation cannot be enforced. cannot use SNAP (food stamps) for fast food or any food that is taxable (convenience, hot foods)..until just recently, you could get a sandwich made at grocery however, it's taxable now..this is of course for florida but i believe the same rule applies as a federal entitlement.
Tell that to NYC, they outlawed large sized soft drinks!

The left in this country are out of their minds.

No, I don't think so. It is the conservative Ag lobby that is pushing the fructose consumption. And in our self rule, WE have to take matters on, that were caused by higher up decisions, in the system. Then we can eventually ban fructose in food...force the higher ups to re-think.

It is not food, it attaches to the same receptors as cocaine.

It was the higher up re-think that pushed Fructose on us in the first place. And only WE can push it out.
No, I don't think so. It is the conservative Ag lobby that is pushing the fructose consumption. And in our self rule, WE have to take matters on, that were caused bt higher up decisions in the system. Then we can eventually ban fructose in food...the higher up re-think.

It is not food, it attaches the the same receptors as cocaine.

It was the higher up re-think that pushed Fructose on us in the first place.

Oreos are more addictive than cocaine.
That's not consumer protection! Obamacare regulates the hell out of doctors. What are you talking about? Obamacare IS THE LAW. That is what insurance providers have to comply with. It's NOT their fault my freedom of choice is being taken away. It's Obama and the Democraps.

How does Obamacare regulate doctors?
List a example

Hey where did you go Freedumbworks? cannot use SNAP (food stamps) for fast food or any food that is taxable (convenience, hot foods)..until just recently, you could get a sandwich made at grocery however, it's taxable now..this is of course for florida but i believe the same rule applies as a federal entitlement.

You can use food stamps at fast foods in CA, that is wrong?
Ok list an example of how they regulate doctors

You mean like the right to not be able to keep their patients?

Everything that Democraps are not regulating now, they want to eventually.
For example, when socialized medicine began in Canada, doctors were not told what they could practice and not practice at first. But a short time later that is exactly what happened, then most all of their good doctors came to America. For Freedom.With government putting themselves in charge of health care, it opens the door for them to control every aspect of it.
No. Stop with the Saul Alinsky political tactics. Stop trying to find ways of creating personal attacks to steer away from the topic. It makes you sound foolish.

Ok. So you are of average weight or skinny? I asked you a simple question. A simple response would have sufficed. I didn't personally attack you. I simply asked if you were very overweight. I would consider your response, "makes you sound foolish.", a personal attack as well.

  • What freedom of choice has been taken from you?​

You mean like the right to not be able to keep their patients?

Everything that Democraps are not regulating now, they want to eventually.
For example, when socialized medicine began in Canada, doctors were not told what they could practice and not practice at first. But a short time later that is exactly what happened, then most all of their good doctors came to America. For Freedom.

Doctors can keep any patient they want

Come on man
List a example of how Obamacare regulates doctors