The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

listen up everyone:

most people don't have a clue what a "single serving size" is..limiting sale of "one serving" educates the consumer in taking control and being connects the dots.

I think being fat rips your cocaine. You will lack common decision making in the addiction.
That's an opinion. Some people choose not to put restrictions on the word freedom. It has many synonyms.
Personally, I believe the word should be used as liberal as possible, if people should choose that right, freedom, liberty, etc.

Like your choice of the freedom to be devoid of facts?
Like your choice of the freedom to be devoid of facts?

What's your problem now Cheezey?

That's an opinion. Some people choose not to put restrictions on the word freedom. It has many synonyms.
Personally, I believe the word should be used as liberal as possible, if people should choose that right, freedom, liberty, etc.

I think being fat rips your cocaine. You will lack common decision making in the addiction.

absolutely!..i'm happy that they put calorie count on everything now..often times it's mcd's etc it's awesome no more guessing..even though i don't have a weight issue..i totally watch what i eat.
Now that you have "muddied the waters"
Lets get back to your original False Assertion. That Obamacare regulates doctors.

Can you back up that statement Freedumbworks?
Now that you have "muddied the waters"
Lets get back to your original False Assertion. That Obamacare regulates doctors.

Can you back up that statement Freedumbworks?

I already have. By taking away their patients. I've listed numerous citations.
The problem is you're a moron, so it can't absorb into your skull full of moosh
Those were never freedoms. WE are in a structured society of self rule. We are not lawless. You are just talking about choices not freedom. At one point, none of those choices existed, then they did, and now they are modified.

Freedom is when I don't sit your ass in a hot sauna all day in gimp suit, for punishment.

Freedom means not being a chattel slave or arbitrarily detained. The rest is on you... to take your freedom and make your choices.

You see, to me the PUBS also want handouts, just not the same ones as DEMS.

I beg to differ, you are telling me how I must interpret the word freedom, thanks but I will choose my own definition.

Freedom : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action

Prior to the ACA, I had the freedom to make a choice to have insurance or not.

Before the Social Security Act Americans had the freedom to choose where they invested 100% of their money for retirement, or the freedom not to.

Before the implementation of the IRS, the government could not seize citizens assets without due process of the law.

BTW, I'm not a republican.
Can I be pro-drug legalization, pro-suicide, and anti junk food? I feel you have the right to destroy yourself if it be your will.
absolutely!..i'm happy that they put calorie count on everything now..often times it's mcd's etc it's awesome no more guessing..even though i don't have a weight issue..i totally watch what i eat.

I eat whatever the hell I want, and I'm probably a lot healthier than you. I eat what my body tells me.
I already have. By taking away their patients. I've listed numerous citations.
The problem is you're a moron, so it can't absorb into your skull full of moosh

Goverment does no such thing. Insurance companys operating on the free market principle can enter or leave the market whenever they want.
Sorry bro. You failed to list an example of how Obamacare regulates doctors
Can I be pro-drug legalization, pro-suicide, and anti junk food? I feel you have the right to destroy yourself if it be your will.

So in your mind you can destroy your own body and mind with drugs but you draw the line when doing it with a Big Mac.

Cmon burgertime, think!
I beg to differ, you are telling me how I must interpret the word freedom, thanks but I will choose my own definition.

Freedom : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action

Prior to the ACA, I had the freedom to make a choice to have insurance or not.

Before the Social Security Act Americans had the freedom to choose where they invested 100% of their money for retirement, or the freedom not to.

Before the implementation of the IRS, the government could not seize citizens assets without due process of the law.

BTW, I'm not a republican.

But, why did WE do all that? Because it is only the Constitutional rulings that matter. In the law, neither side gets to define the meaning of Constitutional Freedom.

That is for the Courts.
Can I be pro-drug legalization, pro-suicide, and anti junk food? I feel you have the right to destroy yourself if it be your will.

People do it every day. There is nothing the government can do to regulate drugs, suicide, guns, or junk food.
They will tell you they can stop it, BUT THEY CAN'T
But, why did WE do all that? Because it is only the Constitutional rulings that matter. In the law, neither side gets to define the meaning of Constitutional Freedom.

That is for the Courts.

Exactly Doer, are the courts not part of the government, are they not the judicial branch of GOVERMENT?

Isn't it also true that both "sides" load that court with judges that reflect their own political views?