bud bootlegger
It takes one brief trip to a grocery store to understand that a substantial portion of our health problems and health costs reflect the fact that we don't eat real food. I'm always appalled to see what people are carting around...
If you eat lots of added sugar, added salt, processed meat, refined grains, etc., you substantially increase your risk of later getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. Given that these are very expensive problems to have, why shouldn't people pay for their bad choices up front? Sin taxes on food would discourage people from eating bad food and ultimately lower healthcare costs by reducing disease rates, just as cigarette taxes have reduced the smoking rate and generated substantial revenues for the state and federal governments, which fund Medicaid and Medicare (programs that bear a huge portion of the ultimate costs of smoking, given the income profile of smokers).
Who ultimely profits from bad eating habits ? Naturally it's big pharma who gets the most money from the poor sating Americans .. huge money in things like high blood pressure meds, heart meds, the list is pretty limitless..
These are also some of the companies that get politicians elected..
In a lot of countries in the world, they aren't allowed to do a lot.of stuff that gets done to our food in the u.s., not even getting into GMO stuff at all..