So I bought a bluelab pen a little over a week ago. I followed all the steps on bluelabs youtube page and website. I let it soak in their storage solution for 24 hours, I even use their brand of ph buffer.
So, calibrating time comes around and I put it in their ph 7.0. It starts off at 6.7 and them declines down to 6.2. I took it back to the hydro shop and they gave me a new one. I do the same thing, and the same thing happens AGAIN! Is it the storage solution? Who else here has a bluelab? I hear people swear by these things. Everyone that tells me about them says they come calibrated right out of the box. Then why don't they calibrate properly in 7.0? I've used plenty of other ph testers before, this is horse shit.
So, calibrating time comes around and I put it in their ph 7.0. It starts off at 6.7 and them declines down to 6.2. I took it back to the hydro shop and they gave me a new one. I do the same thing, and the same thing happens AGAIN! Is it the storage solution? Who else here has a bluelab? I hear people swear by these things. Everyone that tells me about them says they come calibrated right out of the box. Then why don't they calibrate properly in 7.0? I've used plenty of other ph testers before, this is horse shit.