Day 12 in the jars. The buds are dry, but not overly so. Just a bit of give when you squeeze them, and a noticeably dry on the outside.
The jars are starting to give off a half chronic, half kool aid sort of flavour, lemony fruit punch maybe.....def fruity though.
The smoke is mentally uplifting, makes me want to watch funny shows and laugh with wifey. Fifa 14 is a sure fire 3 hour ordeal, between games and making up new teams in FUT its easy to get lost and blow through a few hours.
GIVES A MASSIVE CASE OF THE MUCHIES!!!!! Bad idea of smoke a few bowls and then head out for half off Sonoran hotdog night.... my stomach still hurts from bacon and jalapeno jelly.
The gram nug i brought with me to school to smoke between classes needed to be ditched in my car, the smell went through two baggies, a prescription bottle an old jar with a bad seal and my back pack. It smelled like i had a pound in my pack, and some bitch made a comment "OMG who smells like 'Dro??" So it went into the glove box..... the heat from the sun and the smell turned my car into Weed Flavored Glade-Plug-in with wheels. Take smell precautions. Didnt really smell during the grow(a bit at the end) But it REEKS when dry. (good thing)
Picture time.
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