Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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And white Men can't jump.

Have you been eating black hooker pussy ?
Never had you down as the Huge Grant type.

Hugh Grant?

i would have gone with Eddie Murphy.

a shemale prostitute is much lulzier.

plus hookers dont judge a John on the colour iof his skin, but rather, the content of his wallet.

so black people haven't been put down for generations?

people don't have irrational fears of blacks?

that must be why this joke totally bombs.

KKKynes, you still making minimum wage bro?

i havent made minimum wage since i was 15.

i dont make a lot, thats true, but it comes from gainful employment, not a check from the government.

i do qualify for disability, but i prefer to work, as it gets me more of the sweet lucre that capitalists crave.

even if i were to file for diasbility i would still work, doing most of the things i do now to supplement my income:

auto repair
appliance repair
small scale agriculture
farmer's market commerce
handyman duties for various neighbors
occasional ammo reloading for others
tree trimming

my wage from my employer may be small but it's more than disability checks, plus i get that sense of satisfaction from a job well done.

i still make enough to actually pay taxes, without cheating or lying to the IRS, so as money is the measure of a man's worth, i contribute far more to society than bucky, so i cant be doing that badly
Damn KKKynes, you know you really suck at writing when I TL;DR you even though you're answering my question. You should demand your money back for that freshman course you took at the community college.
Damn KKKynes, you know you really suck at writing when I TL;DR you even though you're answering my question. You should demand your money back for that freshman course you took at the community college.

A+ in creative writing.

F- in political science, economics, and math.
1. This is a Dumb topic, since most Blacks were brought here against there will to build this place.

2. Its like asking, why didn't White Americans (Euro"s) ASSIMILATED to Native American culture.

3. Its hard to get up once you have had a BOOT on your Neck.

4. It seems all the cool shit in America, is from American Blacks.

5. Assimilate like who? ASIAN AMERICANS OR REDNECKKK's ?

1. This is a Dumb topic, since most Blacks were brought here against there will to build this place.

2. Its like asking, why didn't White Americans (Euro"s) ASSIMILATED to Native American culture.

3. Its hard to get up once you have had a BOOT on your Neck.

4. It seems all the cool shit in America, is from American Blacks.

5. Assimilate like who? ASIAN AMERICANS OR REDNECKKK's ?

1. Learn to grammar.

2. Because they were the conquerors, not the "help".

3. Cry me a fucking river.

4. Yeah, cool story bro.

5. See number 3 above.
just a second ago (in toke and talk) you were talking about fucking in the anus and licking the butthole, and now you are talking about hands on my ass.

that is all.

You lie again.
I was asking why people are fascinated with anal. I'm not.

Getting your ass handed to you is a different subject like getting your panties in a bunch.
1. Grammer is IRIE

2. They (Peasants) were the help in Europe, thus getting the hell out from their Conquerors for religion and better opportunity.

3. Don't fuck with the river Bro, only the Pacific Ocean.

4. NO story bro. LOL

5. See #3

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