Pinworm's 600w RDWC Horrorshow (WWxBB Mainlined - NL5xHaze, Purple Fire, Sour Diesel)


Well-Known Member
132 notification.png

Wow. 132 notifications. I should go on vacation more often. Big chunk of that is PMs it looks like. It makes a grower feel good to know his peers don't mind coming by and checking out his work. Anyways, camping was a blast, and was totally what I needed. I'll post some pictures when I get a chance to go through them all.

My neighbor did an awesome job feeding the ladies whilst I was away. She said the instructions I left for her made things super easy, so, I thought I would share what I'm up to. I'm sort of an overwaterer, and since I can't afford a bunch of Blumat Tensiometers (a small meter w/ display that shows the pressure levels in the soil in mBar - combined with a few items, I could essentially have a central wireless monitoring system for the soil pots - gauge my lv, lux, air temp, soil temp, soil humidity) I just went with something a bit simpler.

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First thing I did, was run a water depravation test. I picked NL5 x Haze as a subject. I watered until I saw some runoff, weighed the pot, recorded the time, then watched for signs of dehydration. When I saw that the lowest set of fan leaves was starting to droop (this took about 98 hours), I recorded the time, watered, misted with ph'd, superthrive treated water, waited 20 mins, and weighed again. After repeating the process 3 times, the average weight lost was about 2 - 2 1/2 pounds (or about 30oz. of water). That told me that I should use at least 30 oz. every watering (every 98 hours - 4 days). So, since all the environmental variables in the cab are all stable (temps, ventilation, humidity, soil type etc) if I watered Monday @ 8am, I know that, by Friday @ 6am, my girls would need their next watering. Of course, the numbers will be a bit different for varying strains, and will increase as flowering progesses, but I have a good baseline. And, no more soggy pots.

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I've been keeping the ambient in the flower tent really cool lately. It's about a 10°+ difference under the lamp, so for the canopy to stay at 75°, 65-66° is where I've been hovering. I need to get some more power strips. Things are getting a little sketchy. I've also been using the AC to run some cooler air through the air pump. Reservoir temps have been staying at a constant 61.5°F. Very cool.


Decided to wait on building the extra partition in the veg cab dedicated to flowering autos. At least until next run. Since I'm currently using the flower tent to veg the WW x BB in the bubbler under the 600w MH on 20/4, I figured, why not just run another 600w HPS at 20/4 alongside the other? When I flip the photos, I'll flip the whole tent to 12/12. By the time this happens, autos should only have about 1-2 weeks left on them max, and I don't mind running them 12/12 for the last week or so up to harvest. That would make their lifespan look something like this:

1 week - 24/0 150w CFL to root
3 weeks - 20/4 T5HO's root/veg transition
5-6 weeks - 20/4 600w Full Spectrum HPS
1-2 week - 12/12 600w Full Sprectrum HPS

(Barely any stress at all. One transplant from solo to 3gal, and only one pruning/training session)

Good to be back. Hope you guys had a killer weekend. I did.

- Parasite


Well-Known Member
What's up Pin. ?: Hey.. idk if you seen my upate or not, but if you haven't please check it out...

Would also like everyone elsee to take a gander and let me know what you think ?:

Thanks guys..
Post# 14663

Going to get some dinner started, and I'll be dropping by to catch up. Thanks for coming by, Dank. Nice shots, brother.

Passing by thought I'd say hi. The posts on the "found" bud cracked me up.

That's like getting an extra prize in the cereal box, well, back when they use to put prizes in the cereal boxes.
I remember getting a little submarine you had to fill with baking soda, and it would take off. I also remember that if it was glow in the dark, you would get it as a prize. Spoons, stickers, all that good stuff.

Just saying Hi, Pinworm. I've been swamped at work, so first time on in a couple of weeks. Your grow still looks amazing, and it seems like you're keeping control of the thread, so good for you. Your house, your rules.
I go back to work tomorrow, and my hours are going to be long and miserable. All good. As long as I have my garden, and my friends, I'll live.

mr worm whatz up, i must say once a worm always a worm, hahaha fuckin wit u dog

just passing by also....
Sup, boyo. Good to see ya.

Everything looking healthy mane. And seems like you got everything good and planned out.

Keep it up!

Thanks ADT. Just doing my best not to kill, or burn 'em.


Well-Known Member
Welcome back man. I hope the vacation was a good one. I wonder what a few days away would look like for me?
While I think you've established the minimum water needs I think a plant that's growing vigorously will use a lot more water up so keep that in mind.
Great to see you back. From what I've read, cannabis can handle the dryer soil conditions better than they can the wet, and soggy. Great idea to keep those roots happy. During flowering your def going to see a rise in thirstiness, but what would be really cool, is if you kept taking your readings, so we can see just how much the transpiration rate actually scales. Graph it or something. Those Blumat meters sounds nuts. I'm reading about them right now. You should test some out. I would love to see that. I fucking love the "SCIENCE BITCH!" thread man lol. This is my favorite spot. Keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree, Streetwise. Great thread. Great growers, with great ideas here. Duck's right. But, what's new? Haha. I should be focused on ideal soil conditions, not just the minimum requirements. Sometimes, I'll go to extremes when trying to irradicate a bad habit. Black and white thinking is a no-no when it comes to our favorite plant. I'll be paying close attention, so they don't catch me off guard. Not only am I hoping to break my overwatering habit, I'm also thinking about the substantial increase in potency. I suppose I won't know for sure that it had actually worked, unless I did a side by side with another pot where I just guessed or used my finger to guage, and then tested the final product with a THC kit. Another cool idea for next run to think about for sure...

I also totally want to test those tensiometers out. I think I'm going to next run. Would only need a few to get the info I want. I could record a set number of pictures against their data, and better gauge the optimal range of temp/himidity conditions for the best overall growth/healthiness. Of course the "data" would only be relevant for use if someone were using the same conditions as mine, but I think it would be fun nonetheless. Hell, might even learn something. That wouldn't be the end of the world.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree, Streetwise. Great thread. Great growers, with great ideas here. Duck's right. But, what's new? Haha. I should be focused on ideal soil conditions, not just the minimum requirements. Sometimes, I'll go to extremes when trying to irradicate a bad habit. Black and white thinking is a no-no when it comes to our favorite plant. I'll be paying close attention, so they don't catch me off guard. Not only am I hoping to break my overwatering habit, I'm also thinking about the substantial increase in potency. I suppose I won't know for sure that it had actually worked, unless I did a side by side with another pot where I just guessed or used my finger to guage, and then tested the final product with a THC kit. Another cool idea for next run to think about for sure...

I also totally want to test those tensiometers out. I think I'm going to next run. Would only need a few to get the info I want. I could record a set number of pictures against their data, and better gauge the optimal range of temp/himidity conditions for the best overall growth/healthiness. Of course the "data" would only be relevant for use if someone were using the same conditions as mine, but I think it would be fun nonetheless. Hell, might even learn something. That wouldn't be the end of the world.
These folks sell TLC kits for cannabinoid analysis,


Well-Known Member
have you used them duck?? ive seen another company that made the same things for simillarr price but its such a long process for a reading that you could fuck up. I still want to try though. Always wondered what my shit comes in at.


Well-Known Member
I haven't used that specific product but I've done a million TLCs. They're really simple. I'm sure there's plenty of videos on youtube showing the procedure if you look up thin layer chromatography how to. It's a low tech but highly effective method for doing stuff like this. A GC gives a lot more information but they're much more expensive and you have to go through a lab. Unless you happen to have a GC setup in your basement, in which case can we be friends? :)


Well-Known Member
hahaha i thought we were already friends?? ive seen a few videos showing how to do it. i guesss im just scared of fuckin it up or measuring wrong haha


Well-Known Member
It's really not hard. There's good how tos on youtube under mpnorganic and MIT. they're the top results when you search thin layer chromatography. Even if you mess up a few times it's quite cheap to learn.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that was the nice thing is you get 4-5 tests per card so ive got some time to fuck up and learn. haha. just need the extra money to buy the kit. I might just have to when i grow out these first dogs. if its a close race between 2 phenos might just have to go down to the cold hard numbers hahaha.


Well-Known Member
These folks sell TLC kits for cannabinoid analysis,
I've checked them out online. I didn't understand how they came up with the THC% potency. They mention that you need a benchmark to use as a baseline, but in a state that's not legal to sell, it's difficult to come by lab tested product. Did I miss something reviewing this kit that gives the actual percentage of THC from the test?


Well-Known Member
From what ive seed you measure the diameter of the circle in the TLC


So you would take a scale they provide with a bunch of little holes on it and line it up until one matches the size of your THC circle.

Ive even seen a few that have software for computers so you scan the paper in and it measures the circle for you.

The only thing i was really worried about is that you have a limited amount of time to process and read the card before it starts fading.


Well-Known Member
It's not as precise as a GC but it's cheaper and for those of us in less tolerant states it's the only option.