I'm Independent also, and although I have good insurance through my employer ( at least until the end of next year ), I fully place ALL blame for this debacle squarely on the shoulders of the POTUS and every single Dem who voted for the passage. I plan to volunteer next Summer/Fall to see that every single Dem in my area is soundly handed their ass. Live by your messiah, die by your messiah.
I didn't fall for anything. I didn't vote for him or any other Dem in 2010 0r 2012. I won't vote for any in 2014 either. Actually, I will look very closely at whether i will vote for ANY incumbent at all. You can spout your talking points all you want doer, Obamacare is a trainwreck and you are partially to blame for electing that person ( can't bring myself to call him a man ).
I'm Independent also, and although I have good insurance through my employer ( at least until the end of next year ), I fully place ALL blame for this debacle squarely on the shoulders of the POTUS and every single Dem who voted for the passage. I plan to volunteer next Summer/Fall to see that every single Dem in my area is soundly handed their ass. Live by your messiah, die by your messiah.
You don't trust government or politicians, yet you sign up for "their" plan? Man they got you suckered.
If the stupidist person you knew was giving you advice you would actually follow it, this is what you have proven by listening to the politicians that you even said were nothing more than sycophants and self serving liars.
I would get my money back and disenroll.
If you get hurt go to the E-Room, tell them your name is John Doe and you live under a bridge nearby.
Its like free healthcare without government involvement.
If you get really sick, you can then enroll into the healthcare system, there are no pre-existing conditions any more.
Shall we go through this again? What was your choice? what was OUR choice? This Obama fellow or that other guy? Sure Obamacare is a mess, but recall that the other fella implemented much the same thing in his state, and last I heard, they liked it. Now figure that this other guy turned his back on the very plan he implemented. Great, you have health care through your company, what guarantee did you have of that continuing regardless of Obamacare?
Then you might be out in the cold like some of the rest of us. That would certainly put a crimp in your retirement fund - I assure you.
I think you are confused.
Either way my most recent post explains I am diabetic so I am one of those people that can find benefits in this if the kinks get worked out.
Ok, so let me tell you my story with AHCA. I am one of 6 people in my STATE to actually enroll. That is kind of funny because I was saying the other day with ALL the problems I have ran into that I must be the 1st person in my area and I have become the official system tester.
I am an independant. I think all politicians suck regardless of what letter follows their name (D and R) are just two sides of the same coin, both scamming their voters and have no interest at all in what is best for the people, just themselves.
From day one I have been against this AHCA. While I have maintained that I would love to have insurance, anything the government (politicians) touches goes straight to hell and AHCA would be no different.
I started on Oct. 1st as soon as I got home from work. I spent the next 6 hours hitting refresh on the Healthcare.gov site.
I continued this same routine every day until late one Saturday night... BOOM... I was able to create my account before it crashed.
After another handful of days I finally made it past the log-in page.
After another handful of days I was able to get to the point of PICK YOUR INSURANCE.
Unfortunately, in my area, there was only one insurance company available, Ambetter from Magnolia Health. The plan I chose is actually a pretty good plan. Before I selected it though, I hit the "primary care" button to see what doctors were available in my area. A nice, long list popped up with plenty of doctors in my area, including a preferred hospital in my area. All is good.
I choose my plan. Few days later I get an email from Ambetter with my account information and ready to leave Healthcare.gov behind and move on to the actual insurance company.
Next step, pay the premium. I go to the site, log in, go to pay-online and you have to create a seperate account for payments.
Ok, start to fill it out, oops, there are 2 required fields with the red * next to the boxes but somehow they left off exactly what to enter into the boxes.
I call them instead, of course they are completely clueless and I had to walk them through the payment options to get to the "create an account" page to see they were blank. Oh ok, we will get that fixed (after talking to supervisors from several different departments). Still not fixed a week later, by the way.
I went ahead and just paid my premium over the phone while I was talking to them.
Few days later I get another email saying payment confirmed, next step is to contact and set up primary care.
So I pull up the list, call the first doctor (4.1 miles away). That doctor is no longer working in that office.
2nd doctor "why are you calling us?" Well because you are listed as an available primary care doctor.
"we do not take that insurance and have no intentions of ever taking that insurance. We choose the insurance companies, they don't choose the doctor" and hung up.
I called every doctor on the list. Guess what? There is not a single doctor's office in AMERICA that takes that insurance.
2 days ago I called the insurance company again. Tell them that has happened. They tell me "if they are on the list, then they take the insurance". So after a few hours of talking to numerous "supervisors" I am finally told that they have a problem... Uh yeah.....
They would contact the doctors in my area and get it resolved and call me back by the end of business that day.
I called back today, went through the same pass off to numerous different supervisors who finally acknowledged that no doctors were willing to sign up for their plan but they were STILL working to resolve the issues and would call me back by the end of business day today.
We will see.
At this point I have probably invested 200 hours into trying to sign up and implement AHCA and so far all I have accomplished is paying for something that has no real life use at all except to avoid paying an extra tax (fine) that would be less than 3 months of premiums.
Come on. Read what I said, at least.
You fell for blaming POTUS. I did not say you fell for Obama or voted for him.
It is higher concept. The system is all about electing someone to blame and at the same time shielding him from recourse, personally, on the blame.
YOU FELL FOR IT. And how dare you say I didn't vote against him? I hate the DEMS and the PUBS don't count.
Canndo, you are equating a governor implementing a state run healthcare system to a President centralizing government, apples to oranges my friend.
Your Diabetic? What does that have to do with the government? IS government going to cure you? NO, wait, they are going to subsidize your diabetes and take money from someone else in order to pay for it.
Have you ever thought of just robbing people to get the money needed to pay for your diabetes? Might actually get better results, because as it is you aren't getting anything, yet you have already paid for it. And here I thought you were the one that needed the help, looks like your money just went to an insurance company that is not going to insure you. Thank government.
200 hours spent and in the end you got robbed. They should have paid you for Beta Testing.