Obamacare is more popular than republicans

y u so mad, brah?

  • Total voters


San Jose Health Center - San Jose, CA

1691 The Alameda
San Jose, CA 95126

P: 408.287.7526 | F: 408.971.6963

Here ya go. With your reported income you will have no trouble. That's just one of the San Jose locations you can use, there are more.

If you spend enough time there discussing politics they will most likely pay you not to breed, so not just free.

my wife makes an $18k stipend at her internship and another $25k or so on her investments. throw in the income i report every year and we are at about $50k.

why don't you call them up and tell them you need unlimited free condoms and birth control on a $50k income and tell me what happens.


Wow, bro you are like out of your mind huh?

Here is another link for you

How to get free condoms...

Some people find the expense of condoms and the inconvenience of not having them on hand to be a deterrent. If the expense of latex condoms is holding you back from practicing safer sex then please follow the steps below to get both male latex and female latex condoms. There are many community resources that will gladly provide you with free male and female latex condoms with no questions asked. Follow the quick and easy steps below to get your free latex condoms.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/how_5342697_condoms-asap.html#ixzz2kYt2sQic

i asked for a number and you gave me a link.

try again, patricia.
Contact Us:
STD & HIV Prevention and Control
976 Lenzen Avenue, Suite 1800
San Jose, CA 95126

here is a place in San Jose that will not only provide you with condoms but give you a free HIV test and has the very popular Needle Exchange Program.

Contact Us:
STD & HIV Prevention and Control
976 Lenzen Avenue, Suite 1800
San Jose, CA 95126

here is a place in San Jose that will not only provide you with condoms but give you a free HIV test and has the very popular Needle Exchange Program.

my wife doesn't like condoms, she's allergic.

give me the free birth control pills hookup like you promised.

it's OK, i'll wait.
i asked for a number and you gave me a link.

try again, patricia.

Ok, UncleBuck, you can call this number to get free condoms, since you specified a number (like that was a challenge or something)

408 287-7526

They have free condoms, free birth control, PAP smears, STI testing and the list goes on...

1691 The Alameda
San Jose, CA 95126
my wife doesn't like condoms, she's allergic.

give me the free birth control pills hookup like you promised.

it's OK, i'll wait.

But of course I didn't even promise birth control pills, I specifically said I didn't know, but I would be suprised if not... Well, proven either way.
Tell your wife to go get hooked up, I supplied the number and address.
Ok, UncleBuck, you can call this number to get free condoms, since you specified a number (like that was a challenge or something)

408 287-7526

They have free condoms, free birth control, PAP smears, STI testing and the list goes on...

1691 The Alameda
San Jose, CA 95126

ginwilly already posted that number, i am still waiting for him to get back to me on free birth control pills (as promised by you) for a couple making $50k a year like us.

it sucks when you talk out of your ass and get caught in a lie, doesn't it?

you righties are probably pretty used to it by now though, right?
my wife makes an $18k stipend at her internship and another $25k or so on her investments. throw in the income i report every year and we are at about $50k.

why don't you call them up and tell them you need unlimited free condoms and birth control on a $50k income and tell me what happens.



They have never asked me about my income when I have gone to pick up condoms. Nice try though.

BAM you lose again.
my wife makes an $18k stipend at her internship and another $25k or so on her investments. throw in the income i report every year and we are at about $50k.

why don't you call them up and tell them you need unlimited free condoms and birth control on a $50k income and tell me what happens.



Are you familiar with Title X and the Office of Population Affairs?

If you were serious, you could get free BC.
ginwilly already posted that number, i am still waiting for him to get back to me on free birth control pills (as promised by you) for a couple making $50k a year like us.

it sucks when you talk out of your ass and get caught in a lie, doesn't it?

you righties are probably pretty used to it by now though, right?

Are you seriously crazy? Show me one time ever that I "promised" you anything about birth control PILLS.

CONDOMS are a form of birth control.

I will not respond to you ever again, you are clearly unbalanced. /Ignored.
Are you seriously crazy? Show me one time ever that I "promised" you anything about birth control PILLS.

CONDOMS are a form of birth control.

I will not respond to you ever again, you are clearly unbalanced. /Ignored.

i told you, we can't use condoms, she's allergic.

give me some free birth control pills instead.

stop backtracking, you lying sack of shit.

i want my free shit. obama still hasn't given me any free shit.
I personally think birth control should be covered.

To any person who thinks free birth control will have much affect at all on abortions, then they are fooling themselves.
Birthcontrol is already free if you just make the effort to get it. You cant force responsibility on people. Health dept in my area gives out condoms by the bag full. Year long supply if you are using 2-3 a day.

^ whatever kind of side tracking, and word twisting others may have tried in this thread... this point remains and is still valid.
^ whatever kind of side tracking, and word twisting others may have tried in this thread... this point remains and is still valid.

i told you, we can't use condoms. she's allergic.

get me some free fucking birth control now.
i told you, we can't use condoms. she's allergic.

get me some free fucking birth control now.



Seriously though, have you tried? or are you just assuming your wife's capital gains will be counted against your income and you'll be denied because of it?

I'm interested.. when you get off work tomorrow, stop by planned parenthood and let us know what happens.
damn, and here we are paying for the stuff this whole time.

why didn't we just tell our doctor and the walgreens that some right wing internet gaylords said birth control is already free and save ourselves all that money?

i guess that's our fault for not listening to right wing internet gaylords more closely.

lesson learned.

Go to any planned parenthood . Testing is not free condoms and birth control are

Sent from my HTC One X using Rollitup mobile app
Go to any planned parenthood . Testing is not free condoms and birth control are

Sent from my HTC One X using Rollitup mobile app

they're just giving away free birth control pills to people making $50k now?

you sure about that?
my wife makes an $18k stipend at her internship and another $25k or so on her investments. Throw in the income i report every year and we are at about $50k.

Why don't you call them up and tell them you need unlimited free condoms and birth control on a $50k income and tell me what happens.


