Obamacare is more popular than republicans

y u so mad, brah?

  • Total voters
use your obamaphone to call her, she'll hook you up, alternatively sterilisation would be encouraged.


i know you like to join white supremacy groups, but leave that in the past where it belongs now.

it has been 6 months or so since you got out of the white supremacy group, so i understand it may take time for your racial resentment to subside.

but please do try.

i know you like to join white supremacy groups, but leave that in the past where it belongs now.

it has been 6 months or so since you got out of the white supremacy group, so i understand it may take time for your racial resentment to subside.

but please do try.

reagansmash is president is he? If that's all you got I wouldn't worry about birth control, you're probably shooting blanks limited means...