Can drying to long really mess things up?


Well-Known Member
So I finished drying my harvest like a week ago and figured I'd try it out yesturday, not a pleasurable experience... It was super harsh and not very potent. Is this all because I dried it too long? And is it basically trash now? :(


Well-Known Member
Was this a slow cure? You can add moisture back in. I used to use an apple slice in an ounce baggie but that was an old school fix. I don't know for sure if over-dying compromises potency. Did you harvest too early? That's the one think I know for sure will limit potency. sucks Dude...


Well-Known Member
Drying for too long before curing (or not curing at all) will ruin the smell and taste in my experience, however, I haven't noticed it ruining the efficacy though.



Well-Known Member
a little piece of flour tortilla in a jaw with your nugs will brings some moisture back to them. Works really well, and you don't need much at all.

Putting them in the rain is a bad idea, but there are methods of water curing.

I generally see people not dry them enough, then put em in jars. in a day, it's like they're wet again.

I dry until the stems snap. It usually seems like too long, but a good long cure, and some burping in the first few weeks will bring that desired 'softness" to them, without being 'moist'
Drying for too long before curing (or not curing at all) will ruin the smell and taste in my experience, however, I haven't noticed it ruining the efficacy though.

The majority of the potent medical grade on the shelves here on the shelves in CA has never been cured. It gets cut down. Dried enough to be trimmed, trimmed, put in a bag overnight, dried again, bagged up, sold. Cut down and consumed in about 2 weeks. Doesn't seem to affect it's smell or taste at all.....

jessica d

Well-Known Member
they grow in the rain and i have had great results with more lbs then i care to admit. overdry to stop budrot and rehydrate later

jessica d

Well-Known Member
lol if rain did much all us outdoor growers would be screwed. done it for decades with gd results. overdry cut rot out then a light mist of h202 "Rain" then dry again. fresh bud works nice as well slowly mixed into dry buds but with large amounts just my methods.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
i have done paper towel tortilla misters vapourization humidity room and mixing fresh buds as well. just my methods and i get no mold.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
lol if rain did much all us outdoor growers would be screwed. done it for decades with gd results. overdry cut rot out then a light mist of h202 "Rain" then dry again. fresh bud works nice as well slowly mixed into dry buds but with large amounts just my methods.

I dont let water hit my bud they will start to rot as you already know! I feel like that is step one to producing lower quality meds. Your buds are not wet because they get rained on they are wet because of the moisture that is retained inside the plant. Around here everyone covers their plants!


Well-Known Member
Hang your buds until you HEAR a snap in the stem, but it does not completely break, then jar, burp, rinse and repeat. You want the outside to be "dry" but the inside still "moist" then you even it out by burping the jars.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
2 and a half weeks to soon! U had mold and budrot from caterpillar damage? They might not have lasted that long with all those problems!