Random Jibber Jabber Thread


bud bootlegger
very narnly look i love my grandmother to pieces but i feel bad for the woman shes been in the last stage of Alzheimer's for 8 fucking years its only supposed to last for 1 year before they die.
she weights 60 fucking pounds,
she doesnt live anymore. she isnt even aware of her surroundings , she cant move she literally cannot even lift her hand , she needs someone to help her with 100% everything and those nursing homes cant give that to patients like her

I was basically raised by my grandparents, as an italian family were always around each other every single day, she was a very strong woman, if she could see herself the way she is now
she would say oh for the love of god please put a pillow over my head

obviously im not going to go kill my grandmother and i realize its a touchy subject but if we as a family had the option to end her suffering like we do with other life we wouldve chosen that path

there is 100% no cure for alzhimers, no slowing it down and no other way around it theyre not even close to a cure and if they were i doubt they could cure someone that late in stage
that blows sunni, and pretty much the same thing happened to my gmom about 15 years ago.. she went down hill fairly quick.. so fucking depressing to sit back and watch and know there's nothing you can really do to help them either.. such a crap situation all around.. :(


Well-Known Member
very narnly look i love my grandmother to pieces but i feel bad for the woman shes been in the last stage of Alzheimer's for 8 fucking years its only supposed to last for 1 year before they die.
she weights 60 fucking pounds,
she doesnt live anymore. she isnt even aware of her surroundings , she cant move she literally cannot even lift her hand , she needs someone to help her with 100% everything and those nursing homes cant give that to patients like her

I was basically raised by my grandparents, as an italian family were always around each other every single day, she was a very strong woman, if she could see herself the way she is now
she would say oh for the love of god please put a pillow over my head

obviously im not going to go kill my grandmother and i realize its a touchy subject but if we as a family had the option to end her suffering like we do with other life we wouldve chosen that path

there is 100% no cure for alzhimers, no slowing it down and no other way around it theyre not even close to a cure and if they were i doubt they could cure someone that late in stage
My grandma is in an Alzheimer's home and sometimes she doesn't remember us. You could take her out to eat and 3 hours later she wouldn't even remember. Very sad watching people you care about go through that.


Well-Known Member
Daughter sends wifey this pic + text..

I thought I was gonna die...
(daughter has never held a shovel much less a tiller.. ) she has a advanced agg class for some odd ass reason.. her last "science class"



Well-Known Member
DA BEARS!! A Chicago-area man has been arrested after allegedly Tasering his wife three times to settle a bet between the two over the outcome of the Monday night Bears-Packers game.
According to the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen, John Grant, 42, of Tinley Park, Ill., has been charged with the use of an electric weapon.
Grant, a Bears fan, told police the couple had made a bet over the Bears-Packers game that if the Bears won he could use his stun gun on her, NBC Chicago reports.
Grant and his wife, a Packers fan, had been smoking cigarettes outside a bar in Mayville, Wis., early Tuesday morning when he allegedly used the stun gun three times on his wife -- twice on her buttocks and the third time on her thigh, the Daily Citizen reports.
“It takes not only the Packer and Bear rivalry to a new level, it takes the spousal rivalry (to a new level),” Mayville Police Chief Christopher MacNeill told the Chicago Tribune of the incident.
If convicted on the charge, Grant could face up to six years in prison and $10,000 in fines.


Well-Known Member
I've made agreements with a number of people. And, I've had a number of people accept responsibility for assisting me. When is it appropriate to accept the "I'm ready" though? If a person is competent and capable enough to know it's time, are they still too competent and capable? As Annie questioned, is physical pain enough? I know from personal experience that the physical pain directly relates to mental health... So, is saying "just pain isn't enough" really appropriate? And, with mental health issues brought on by physical pain, is that depression an aggravating or mitigating factor in the decision?

I could never do what a lot of you do -- caring for someone who's mentally gone, and who's body is deteriorating. Alzheimer's patients, early onset dementia, etc. Hell, I had planned mine out when I got my cancer diagnosis. As soon as it metastasized, I didn't think anyone should have to care for me like that.


Well-Known Member
I think if I owned one of these... I would never leave the bathtub... The older I get the more this becomes a necessity



Well-Known Member
why do people here do this? make a post then sign their name under the post like this...



I know who you are cuz I look


I originally thought this was done as on old BBS thing.. but I see younger folks doing it here as well.. who dont even know what a BBS is


bud bootlegger
why do people here do this? make a post then sign their name under the post like this...



I know who you are cuz I look


I originally thought this was done as on old BBS thing.. but I see younger folks doing it here as well.. who dont even know what a BBS is

and yeah, i never got that either..

racerboy.. :D


bud bootlegger
i do sign some of my pm's though as i find that's a bit more personal imo, and more akin to say writing a letter, hence my sig..


Well-Known Member
for about 2 years now I have changed the color of my text on certain posts so that they cant be read unless you drag your cursor across my post...

like this.. Have fun finding them.......



New Member
for about 2 years now I have changed the color of my text on certain posts so that they cant be read unless you drag your cursor across my post...

like this.. Have fun finding them.......

You sneaky bastard.You are one crazy son of a bitch....(in my best George Costanza voice)


Well-Known Member
say you work out like crazy and then die right after... do you loose the swell or would they be like dang that kids jack and all the ladies would be like it sucks to see Thor die? this is an honest question, I would think the heart alleviates the swelling from muscle use, so no heart, no loss of swelling? I only ask this because I lost a friend racing (happened right in front of me) and I remember him looking healthy and had huge forearms at the wake.. it all just kinda clicked