Conservatives hate your constitution

OK, for you I will answer this question, because you are a reasonable, honest person.

No, I did not knowingly join a white supremacist's group. I did not know that Shotgun420 was/is a white supremacist, and I still don't know that. What was the name of the supposed group, "Freedom of speech" or some such? I realize that Buck and a few others absolutely hate the constitution, so maybe a group named after the most cherished constitutional right would trigger their gag reflex but most normal people would not respond that way.

Buck did create a false account at stormfront in Red1966's name. Buck is a lying piece of shit and a propagandist and anybody who has paid attention to his posts knows it.

So you joined a group called freedom of speech, UB knew about it before you admitted it, and that's his proof you are racist? I smell a tarp!

Yeah, I saw the stormfront red stuff when I first joined, I thought he was just playing at first because it was so obvious. When he kept insisting he didn't make it up is when I knew not to trust him.
completely missed the point.

the point is not chick fil A, it is that the de facto leader of your wing of craziness would make it a proud, bragging point to go out of her way to support a business that was in the news specifically for their bigotry.

not much has changed since 50 years ago with respect to attitudes, but laws thankfully have.

if not for title II, the green book would still be necessary for many regions of the nation, especially the ones in red.*

ignorant racists and bigots like desert dude (and to a lesser extent, you) would not be boycotting that whites only restaurant if the next closest place that served fried eggs was 20 miles away. i can promise you that.

congratulations on having that as the leader of your party.

If you actually believe the bolded part, which is never a certainty with anything you say, then it is you that has completely missed the point that Palin was making. By the way, you also do not understand Ginwilly's point about firing a guy who spits in a customer's food.

For a guy who almost graduated college and almost made it through high school, you certainly have reading comprehension problems. :-)
Racism as it exists today:

I did not knowingly join a white supremacist's group. I did not know that Shotgun420 was/is a white supremacist, and I still don't know that.

so you can tell that el tib is racist after two or three posts, and give me a 'like' for calling him out on it, but months and months and months of white supremacy, white separatism, white nationalism, holocaust denial, and the like, and you are not convinced?


this was posted to the politics section before it was moved. desert dude was in many threads as these people and saw these things they wrote.

*Originally Posted by*NietzscheKeen
I will admit here that I don't believe the holocaust happened. I used to... but then I did some reading, watched a few videos, and noticed some things on my own.*
I'm also a white separatist... well because I don't want to be around black people.

*Originally Posted by*NietzscheKeen
I think it will take a violent encounter for some people to wake up

here he is suggesting a book from the former grand wizard of the KKK:

*Originally Posted by*NietzscheKeen
I recommend David Duke's My Awakening. It is a VERY well written and researched book on many different subjects related to race, etc.

here they are plotting their "white revolution"

more outright holocaust denial:

*Originally Posted by*NietzscheKeen
I don't believe it happened at all. I have a set of encyclopedias from 1956... I think or 61 I can't remember and there is nothing about the holocaust or any mass murders by the germans during ww2.

here he is admitting he is a stormfront member. stormfront has a wing called "swarmfront" where they send members to other forums to spread their neo-nazi garbage.

*Originally Posted by*NietzscheKeen
Lots of good stuff being discussed. Glad we have a place cuz face it... storm front has a shitty set up and we get to talk about cannabis and everything else as well.

here are more wishes for a "white revolution"

*Originally Posted by*NietzscheKeen
I wish I was older during the 90's when people were organized and things could have actually been done. Like the Aryan Revolutionary Army, Elohim city, and all the other infamous groups.

some of the most disgusting racism i have witnessed:

here they are spreading their bigotry against peaceful american muslims:

desert dude joined their group AFTER this public display of shaming. he knew exactly what group he was joining, and if you believe his outright lie, you are as dumb as he is bad at lying.

this is exactly why we still need title II. that whites only restaurant would have its fair share of todd palins and desert dudes happy to eat there.
I don't see anything wrong with the law. Don't know why you have problem with it. It does not say people cannot hold their own beliefs.

Like Chic Fil A Owners have the right to donate to whatever they choose and be against gay marriage. They do not have the right to refuse service or hire based on sexual identity.
So you joined a group called freedom of speech, UB knew about it before you admitted it, and that's his proof you are racist? I smell a tarp!

not that simple at all.

notice the timeline. he joined "free speech" after "tacoburrito" disbanded because i ran nietzschekeen off the board through innovative, cross website trolling.

he was fully aware that shotgun420 was white supremacist and i documented it.

like usual, desert dude is lying and you are playing his second fiddle.

good job, you guys are racism buddies.
Is this constant attack of calling people racist just a distraction from Obamacare? Liberals are running out of diversions, now that gay marriage has been legalized.
do you really think no one is racist anymore?

are you that stupid?

Nope, I'm not that stupid. But what I am saying is if maybe.... just maybe... We stopped using race as a crutch, an excuse, as a card... maybe people would stop giving a shit about what color you are.

Then you could go not get hired for purely being a bad worker or being uneducated. I don't hate anyone because of race it's only because of stupidity ignorance and gang relations. And really it's not hate but more of a strong need to not be associated with any of those types of individuals.

Maybe, I don't know just a theory. But hows the calling everyone racist theory going?
Oh cool, you edited my comment, that is totally what i said.

I have a question though, should David Duke be free to refuse service to black people?

I know Ron Paul feels it is my right to be able refuse white people from washing clothes or dry cleaning. I say CRaZy,
I don't see anything wrong with the law. Don't know why you have problem with it. It does not say people cannot hold their own beliefs.

Like Chic Fil A Owners have the right to donate to whatever they choose and be against gay marriage. They do not have the right to refuse service or hire based on sexual identity.

I grapple with it Pie. I absolutely detest racism and would love to see it stomped out. However, I feel to stay consistent with my individual liberty, small federal government platform, I have to allow individuals liberties I don't agree with if I expect the same consideration.

Chick-fil-a never discriminated, not in hiring, nor in service. Buck thinks without title II they would, I disagree.

I also believe society determines these rights and wrongs and it takes decades for the government to catch up. Look at gay marriage now, left up to the citizens, it would have been allowed decades ago. Pot? same thing. I believe Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey did more to advance civil rights than LBJ who actually passed the bill. I believe MLK did more for the movement than any government, in fact government impeded the progress, just as they are doing now with gay marriage, pot and my precious online poker that I miss so much.

So please don't be like AC and assume that since I feel title II is unneeded, this means I am fighting for my own right to discriminate. I try to treat a man based on his character, not his color. That's why AC is presently getting the chickenshit treatment. I provided therapy in poor areas of the south for years and not one of my patients would consider me racist, of this I'm confident.
I don't think you are racist. I think you are misguided to believe that racists would just disappear or have already disappeared.
I know Ron Paul feels it is my right to be able refuse white people from washing clothes or dry cleaning. I say CRaZy,

But you would never exercise that right would you? I think you are nicer than most but I don't think you are an exception. I don't think hardly anyone would today and would pay dearly for it if they did.
Wait you joined a white supremacist group unknowingly ??? How did that happen ?? What was the first clue

I am "friends" with AbandonConflict. A few years ago AC sent me a friend request and I accepted it. AC would probably like to retract his association with me, I think, although I could be wrong. Is AC a bad person because he befriended me? Am I a socialist/anarchist because I accepted his friendship invitation?

UB spent months saying that I was a DEA agent, or at least an informant, and directly responsible for an RIU member going to federal prison. Over and over with continual accusations of "DEA dude", exactly as he is doing with the "you so racist" accusations. I eventually sent a PM to the RIU member who went to federal prison a few days before he was to report to prison and I apologized and explained that I had nothing to do with his federal charges or imprisonment. I was afraid that he actually believed UB's drivel. He didn't. A day or so later he confronted UB and said that he knew who ratted him out, and that IT WAS NOT ME. He then went on to point out that it was probably Unclebuck who ratted him out, though it was tongue in cheek. These incessant "you so racist, you so white supremacist" accusations follow the same pattern as the DEA accusations and they are just as baseless. Calling your philosophical opponents dirty names and engaging in personal attacks shows two things: Buck is a low class failure, and he really has no substantially persuasive argument against me.

You have read at least some of my posts, LF. Do you think I am a seething racist as UB charges continuously? I realize that you might not like me and you are probably on the opposite side of many issues, but do you honestly think I dislike anybody because of their skin color?