
Active Member
Oooh panhead.. you are such a great guy. I assume you must be the actual owner of HIGHGRADE seeds huh? Why else would you defending so fiercely such an obviously poorly run business in the first place? I do wonder. And yea, you're wrong again like usual. But here let me explain. This is what you said.

If you've read the web site all your questions would have been answered about shipping - its all there.
As for not placing an order - thats your loss......................................

Oh really??? Tell me, where exactly does it say anything about private shipping??? If I check now, and see some updates, then I'll know you're either the owner or you're in cohoots with him/her. LoL panhead you're a funny dude.. keep it comin.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Im staying away from them both. The one he is bitching about and the one he is clearly trying to promote.

On a side note: Just say NO to drugs.


Well-Known Member
Well I Like A Dummy Placed A Second Order After Not Recieving My First Order From Highgrade Seeds And As Expected I Got Ripped Off A Second Time!! No More Fer Me!! Highgrade Seeds Sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oooh panhead.. you are such a great guy. I assume you must be the actual owner of HIGHGRADE seeds huh? Why else would you defending so fiercely such an obviously poorly run business in the first place? I do wonder. And yea, you're wrong again like usual. But here let me explain. This is what you said.

If you've read the web site all your questions would have been answered about shipping - its all there.
As for not placing an order - thats your loss......................................

Oh really??? Tell me, where exactly does it say anything about private shipping??? If I check now, and see some updates, then I'll know you're either the owner or you're in cohoots with him/her. LoL panhead you're a funny dude.. keep it comin.:mrgreen:
Im in cohoots,says the man who has 10 posts on this site, with 6 being in this thread & the others being all about seeds :roll:.The people on this forum know me,they've helped me grow & ive helped them grow,i participate in this forum on a daily basis on all issues,you on the other hand came here with an agenda & are known to nobody,see where it says "stranger" next to your name,that means not to be trusted in my book.

First off were talking about a question,s-i-n-g-u-l-a-r,not plural as in questions, but q-u-e-s-t-i-o-n,a single question that if you'd have read the site (which you did) you'd have known was not offered(again which you allready knew),a question that is meaningless except to keep the banter going with the seller,all shipping options that the company offferes are plainly displayed on the web site,the "question" that you are focusing on is not a service that is offered by the company,you know this now & you knew it then.

I promise that if i were the owner of that seedbank you'd of not got the same ass kissing responses,i'd of called you out right from the start & told you to get fucked,BTW great job on using all the troll tricks all in one thread !

You've proved nothing here except that yor not to be trusted,you proved that in your 1st posting of this thread where you left out emails & switched the order to fit your agenda.

Not to be trusted & surely more negs to follow.


Well-Known Member
I posted this HERE a few days ago... my thoughts on Highgrade Seeds.


:joint: Hiya fellas! Just here to give my (long-winded) 2cents.

It's quite unlike me to "defend" positions via online forums, and yet here I am. I've purchased seeds from 3 different seedbanks, and Highgrade was one of them. Now, you can just call me lucky but all of my seeds arrived in a timely manner from all 3 seedbanks. (I live in the U.S.)

Of the 3 strains I purchased from the 3 different seedbanks, I've grown out and harvested 2 strains to date. The first was White Widow (not from Highgrade,) and the second was Purple Cindy from Highgrade. The harvested WW was excellent, even better than I hoped for and I was quite impressed with the genetic quality. Next was PC. In all honesty I can't say the genetics were any "better" but I can certainly say they were on par with the WW. I had a larger yield with PC (harvested 2 weeks ago.) WW packed a little more punch, but PC was a more unique high and flavor. Where WW was more energetic, PC was more cerebral. My point being... the quality is definitely there.

As a casual home-grower I'm not really out for the "hugest yield" or the "kick-you-in-the-face" kind of high. Ultimately I just want some tasty dank that gets me really high, and (for me) PC from Highgrade really delivered. Not only did I grow some dank smoke, but as a bonus for posting my grow on their forum... I get a free pack of seeds of my choice! I'll take that offer any day of the week.

I'm not a regular here at rollitup but I've trolled around for over a year. I was simply compelled to respond to xxxxxx's obvious distaste for Highgrade Seeds, because unlike he, I've had such a great experience with them. I hope you don't mind me posting this link... this is my PC GROW SHOW over on another forum I'm more active on. I consider myself a newb to growing but I have a decent understanding of what it takes to grow quality herb.

So here's my Highrade experience in a nutshell.

- $67 (including FedEx shipping to make sure my money arrived) = 13 Purple Cindy seeds shipped to the U.S. (3 freebies, I paid for 10)

- 10 more FREE seeds, my choice of strain = for posting a grow show on their forum.

- And this Personal Stash of Purple Cindy:

This was from a 400w DWC cab grow. Planted Feb 24, 2008 and harvested June 5th, 2008. (105 days from seed to harvest) I don't own a scale so I don't know how much it is... but it's gonna last me a long while. It has a sweet skunky smell with a hint of dark chocolate and some kind of earthy spice I can't yet pinpoint. It has a full bodied flavor with a sweet aftertaste, and the high is very strong and cerebral.

Is it Cannabis Cup quality? Probably not... Is it top-shelf quality? I think so... Did I get what I paid for? A resounding Hell Yes... and then some.

There's some proof in my pudding... but it's still just 2cents from a newbie grower, so take it for what it's worth.



Active Member
Looks like good stuff smoove. But i'd like to repeat my purpose of starting this thread which is to show that the customer service over at HIGHGRADE sucks. And as for switching emails around.. panhead.. I'm sure you're intelligent enough to realize that isn't the case. But if you did have half a brain you'd realize that the conversations i'm having with HighGrade start at the BOTTOM of the posts, as thats how they show up on hotmail. You'd also realize that the whole purpose of posting the email was to show how HIGHGRADE would respond to the accusations we've encountered about them. I know I'VE seen the accusations.. Have YOU??? So after simply stating what i've witnessed, what i got was denial and lies. After stating what I was going to do about it, I received the immature, unprofessional insults. But i will admit they seem to have some really "kickass" strains that they advertise, strains that sound.. ALMOST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.. now to anyone with a normal brain, this would be a red flag, but not to you panhead, you seem to know it all huh? LOL like the black queen, take 2 hits and you're high for 3 hours +!!! Oh panhead.. lol you are one silly individual:hump:


Active Member
and as for your grow smoove.. good shit.. i'm happy for ya.. now if there were more like yours.. then i guess i wouldn't have a reason to be so suspicious now would I??? But it just so happens that I've seen your grow of pc before, and to tell the truth, its actually what inspired me to email them in the first place, as i said to myself "well.. maybe they're not so full of shit after all!!" but ya know.. it also seemed to be the ONLY one i could find that concerned a strain from HIGHGRADE lol.. should be LOWGRADE.. and yea i checked alot of forums.. and nobody seems to be growing their crap other than the people who post on HIGHGRADES forums.. i wonder why that is??? :roll:


Well-Known Member
Looks like good stuff smoove. But i'd like to repeat my purpose of starting this thread which is to show that the customer service over at HIGHGRADE sucks. And as for switching emails around.. panhead.. I'm sure you're intelligent enough to realize that isn't the case. But if you did have half a brain you'd realize that the conversations i'm having with HighGrade start at the BOTTOM of the posts, as thats how they show up on hotmail. You'd also realize that the whole purpose of posting the email was to show how HIGHGRADE would respond to the accusations we've encountered about them. I know I'VE seen the accusations.. Have YOU??? So after simply stating what i've witnessed, what i got was denial and lies. After stating what I was going to do about it, I received the immature, unprofessional insults. But i will admit they seem to have some really "kickass" strains that they advertise, strains that sound.. ALMOST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.. now to anyone with a normal brain, this would be a red flag, but not to you panhead, you seem to know it all huh? LOL like the black queen, take 2 hits and you're high for 3 hours +!!! Oh panhead.. lol you are one silly individual:hump:
Ive seen ALL the accusations levied against EVERY seedbank on earth,always by people like you, who refuse to acknowledge that buying seeds in their country is illegal,and subject to confiscation by customs,the same negative shit from greenhorns who buy then panic,then write threads saying they've been ripped off,ever heard of customs ?

And how did hgs respond so poorly to YOUR accusations,the man responded very professionaly,you on the other hand responded like a little child who could not get his way, so he held his breath till he turned blue,are you blue enough yet ?

Do YOU have any 1st hand experience with buying from hgs or are you just an instigator,hiding behind the guise of a doo gooder,i'd be willing to bet you've never bought one seed from that man yet he is your mortal enemy,worthy of over a months planning.

Say all the goofy shit about the missing emails & cloud the issue all you want,it matters nil & cant change the fact that YOU did not supply ALL the information at your disposal,now you wish to be percieved as humorous with your posting,its not fooling many.

However, I am glad to see you finally admit you had an agenda aside from buying seeds when you first contacted the seller.

You had no intention of ever buying seeds.

You had every intention of saving all corraspondence for future use against him.

You had every intention of starting an arguement.

You picked a shipping option that was clearly not advertised to get angry over.

You did start the arguement.

You did threaten the mans business with multiple threads at various sites.

He responded to all your questions fast & concise & you cant accept that,your the problem here not the seedbank.

Questions posed directly at you about your involvement with this seedbank,not about his actions.

1 Have you ever bought seeds from this man ?

2 Why did you pick a shipping option that was plainly not offered by the seller ?

3 Why cant you let go of the fact that this seller does noty offer the shipping option you desire ?

4 How does his lack of YOUR shipping option make him a con man ?

5 Why did you attack him in several emails when he was being courteous to you ?

6 Most importantly, Who is WE'VE,plural,that you refer to as we've encountered?.

So far you've done an excellent job of side stepping all questions posed to you,a common troll tactic,you've proved nothing ,go back to the site where you've had success trolling,you've met your match here,if you want to continue this we will but i will switch all my focus on you,no more talk about the seedbanks actions,you will not have a platform,only your actions durring the conversations will be discussed on my end.



Well-Known Member
reading here and shaking my head.i don't lol work for Highgrade seeds but I did buy from them.My first seeds of one strain didn't germinate to well i contacted them and I was a little annsy because I got taken by another bank before that.So iwas a bit ready to rumble also, but highgrade even though it was not sure who's problem it was they sent me replacements.Put yourselves in these seed dealers shoes who know about the rip offs in this business and are trying to be professional and have to listen to some of our and I can include myself really though some stupid questions that really don't need to be asked if you would just get off your asses you lazy..... Don't get me goin.Im just hate hereing this bullshit and that's what hotboy is full off when it comes to that company at least from my dealings with them.So I know what type of guy you are.don't you worry Showgirl:evil:


Well-Known Member
Highgrade Seeds Ak-47 was as advertized a most potent smoke out of 3 strains AMS light of Jah( not to bad) and HGS Vintage,which was tastey like the ole mexican.To me the 2 highgrade strains out did Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds .Showgirl Just admit it hellboy.takes a man to admit he was wrong..Peace anyway hehe



Active Member
LOL panhead.. take a chill pill.. showgirl.. not sure what your agenda is, but for you to start another thread about me.. lol.. thats kinda over doin it wouldn't ya say? i mean ya don't know me, and i don't know you. Lol and panhead.. what is your issue??? For someone to get so damn upset about another badmouthing a seedbank they have no connection to.. thats a little weird.. its actually more than little weird.. go figure

Oh and your arguments are so half-ass lol i didn't even read your last one beyond the first line, so don't waste your time putting another, please, you're clearly ridiculous :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
LOL panhead.. take a chill pill.. showgirl.. not sure what your agenda is, but for you to start another thread about me.. lol.. thats kinda over doin it wouldn't ya say? i mean ya don't know me, and i don't know you. Lol and panhead.. what is your issue??? For someone to get so damn upset about another badmouthing a seedbank they have no connection to.. thats a little weird.. its actually more than little weird.. go figure

Oh and your arguments are so half-ass lol i didn't even read your last one beyond the first line, so don't waste your time putting another, please, you're clearly ridiculous :blsmoke:
then just stop the heavy hitting on hgs. They took awhile to get back to me once but went on thier site and some on the site said not to worry and he did eventually got back to me They are pretty busy but they assured me.the biggest thing of all to me was they have some good smoke over there so like he said to you your loss or anyone else who get's sucked in by your over the top complaining.Just let it go like I just have Peace SG


Active Member
i know i'm a newb here, but hotboy, you were in the wrong when you were the one who started making insults and threats.

"So i guess what i've heard is true about your customer service being very poor. Its a shame I don't think i'll be purchasing nor will i be refering my friends to you. Nor will I be giving a good review of your site on any forum. Have a good day."

I've used email long enough in my lifetime to know that alot of times, people don't answer all of your questions. To threaten to bad mouth him on forums just because he, in your mind, didn't answer a question is out of line. Who knows, maybe he has his reasons for not disclosing who he ships with, especially considering it's not legal in certain countries. Did you consider that? At least he responded to your emails in a few hours, which is better than ALOT of other companies out there.

I know you felt you were wronged, but based on what happened, I think the majority of people would agree that you overreacted with your threats. I know if I were a business owner, I sure wouldn't want to deal with anyone who gets in a hissyfit over an unanswered question over email.


Active Member
i know i'm a newb here, but hotboy, you were in the wrong when you were the one who started making insults and threats.

"So i guess what i've heard is true about your customer service being very poor. Its a shame I don't think i'll be purchasing nor will i be refering my friends to you. Nor will I be giving a good review of your site on any forum. Have a good day."

I've used email long enough in my lifetime to know that alot of times, people don't answer all of your questions. To threaten to bad mouth him on forums just because he, in your mind, didn't answer a question is out of line. Who knows, maybe he has his reasons for not disclosing who he ships with, especially considering it's not legal in certain countries. Did you consider that? At least he responded to your emails in a few hours, which is better than ALOT of other companies out there.

I know you felt you were wronged, but based on what happened, I think the majority of people would agree that you overreacted with your threats. I know if I were a business owner, I sure wouldn't want to deal with anyone who gets in a hissyfit over an unanswered question over email.

I'd say i half agree with ya on this one. But again, i never would of made "threats" as you call them if they didn't have a bad rep to start with. And as for not disclosing who he ships with.. lol.. thats not a problem as all others I've talked with, tell me on the spot. And if ya don't believe me, just try it. As a noob, you haven't had any experience in dealing with legit seedbanks so i wouldn't expect you to know. Just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
i think you all are forgetting the golden rule in business....or the two golden rules; the customer is ALWAYS right, regardless

2....never cuss, disrespect a customer...


Active Member
Even if the answers are there that is not how you handle business... Actually if someone answered a question like that to me on THIS site about anything (especially if it were someone in a position of authority on the site) i would be pretty upset and not be inclined to have ANYTHING to do with that person let alone do ANY business with them...

I did not see answers to his question about using FedEx or UPS or another shipping other then standard government mail services... =[

To treat a potential customer like that is IDOTIC... =[

I would not do buisness with ANY company that recomends let alone REQUIRES payment with CASH sent in the mail...

That my friend is just asking to lose your money... =0

But if you support that kind of business i have a very beautiful bridge for sale that you might want to take a look at... =P

Some peoples children... =]

I know.. its a shame isn't it?