1st grow, no nuts, under 190 watts cfl, done, harvest


Active Member
Here is my first grow everyone, thanks first off to this site, I have been reading everyone's posts for the past few months, and thanks you have all been a really big help. So these a few of my some odd 653 photos all HQ making a total of 2.1 GB's of bud photage. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the pictures make sure you post feedback i'll post a few pictures everyday.

Great experience, but i'll stick to watching from now on. Wow is it a beauty watching it grow.

By the way my two cents on growing... marijuana growing is not ROCKET SCIENCE! Some people make it seem so difficult, use your judgment and you'll have a nice product.

Grow Info:
First off I used NO, Zip, Zero, NUTES! I wanted to try this see what happens.

Seeds: random no clue what strains

I used regular tap water.

Used 2-40 watt tubes, 2-24 (i think) watt cfl, and 4-14 watt cfl total = 184 watts

Veg Time less than 35 days, Flowering time 49-54 days, had to get em out.

Light schedule: Veg 24h 1st two weeks, 18/6 last two week or so of veg. Flowering 12/12 first three 1/2 weeks, then i dropped it down day by day to experiment with lighting at the end it was only getting 8 hours of light a day.

Started with six plants, one died of a freak fan accident woops, and two were males off with their heads.

The other three ended up to be beauty's. Misty Morning, QCK, Independence

1st pic: From left to right (Misty Morning, QCK, Independence) takin a week or two before harvest

2nd pic: Misty Morning
3rd pic: QCK
4th pic: Independence

More pictures to come tonight gotta run. Hope everyone enjoys, feel free to ask questions~!


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Well-Known Member
your plants look amazing:mrgreen: BUT you might wanna change this "first grow, no nuts, under 190 watts cfl, done, harvest"



Well-Known Member
True growing can be easy..........BUT, don't take your eye off the ball for a second..
or you're toast......good stuff dude...


Active Member
your plants look amazing:mrgreen: BUT you might wanna change this "first grow, no nuts, under 190 watts cfl, done, harvest"

woops was in a hurry, but true no nuts my bud! will add a few more pics here in a minute.

Thanks everyone for the comments, check back for more pics!


Active Member
My yield has still yet to be determined when i harvested Misty a lil early with 30-45% amber she yielded only about 7 grams, she was also tiny at only 14" tall first grow wasn't looking for anything special, but she was some fire herb. QCK, I hope will yield almost 1/2 to 3/4 a ounce, and Independence will yield about the same maybe a little more than QCK. This was all an expierment never did I think I was going to get this much bud. Others were a little early on harvest had to get them out about 20-40% amber.

By the way the smell to these plants wasn't bad at alli had the closet open all day and no one ever complained. Pics in a minute lookin for some to upload so many to choose.


Active Member
Thanks, wish i had a extra 2-4 weeks to flower would've filled in much much more, but had to get them out :(. More pictures coming in a few minutes.


Active Member
Decided to take all leaf and sugar leaves from independence a little while ago and a few small not even buds maybe a few hairs and made a stick yes one stick of cannabutter and lol well 3 cookies out of 24 and i'm toast i hope i dont get sick... twisting my stomach but tasted like sugar cookies to me ha. Posting some new pics in the morning i'm out. Thanks to all the comments today.
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Active Member
Sweet grow :D

What kind of soil mix did you use? (Any nutes in it?)
I'm happy to see success with CFL low wattage. Do you think you could have done it without the tube lights? Maybe use more normal CFL's instead?


Active Member
Yes the only nutes that were in the soil so i was wrong some nutes but no added nutes lets say that, i used Sta-Green potting soil i believe, stuff worked amazing. I could've done it without the tube lights and probally gotten better buds but low budget and i can use the lights for small seedlings for next grow. Next budget going to toss in near 500 for equipment should be lots better.


Active Member
:blsmoke:- QCK has me couch locked right now only about a week after cutting it down and drying and a lil curing, only smoke a lil .3 sample, and its comparable to headies, good stuff will let it cure another week or two before i really get to the smoking.

Independence is still drying, so i have no idea when she will be ready.


Pics 1, 2 Misty Morning
Pics 3, 4 QCK



Active Member
sweet grow man,well done on the low budget and little wattage,great to see it being done with no nutes or anything, mad respect!!have fun smoking it up


Active Member
lol one hit, three hour high i'm good i think mission accomplished and it hasn't even cured a week, going to cure it for three weeks, mad time to wait but a hit every few days off two kinds bud and keeping constant schwag aka somthing to smoke (i hate it, but cheap) and it's keeping me from smoking it all right now.


Well-Known Member
lol one hit, three hour high i'm good i think mission accomplished and it hasn't even cured a week, going to cure it for three weeks, mad time to wait but a hit every few days off two kinds bud and keeping constant schwag aka somthing to smoke (i hate it, but cheap) and it's keeping me from smoking it all right now.
Nice grow, I heard that about the schwag. Its like the in between for me. All it does is barely get by. lol