azamax! in soil. how should i do this?

Hey all. I'm trying to get rid of some larvae, and azamax is my choice. My medium is soil, and these awesome pointers tell how to apply to soil. I just feel kinda dumb because I can't figure out exactly what this instruction I found means... Anyone out there abke to break this down a little more simply?

DRENCH APPLICATION Use AzaMax® as a soil drench for effective control of soil-borne insect larvae, including soil-borne larvae of foliar pests, such as fungus gnats, nematodes, or soil borne thrips. When applying as a drench, avoid excessive leaching. Preventive applications as a soil drench may be warranted for certain pests. Soil drench applications of azadirachtin will have a slower rate of activity because of soil absorption when comparedto foliar applications of AzaMax®. Target the initial application of a soil drench treatment to coincide with the early stages of young larvae and young nymphs. Dilute AzaMax® with water for concentrations of 0.4 to 0.8% volume/volume. See use rate table below. Add the required amount of AzaMax® to a clean bucket with at least one-half of the water to be drenched. Agitate the mixture thoroughly and then fill with the remaining water and continue agitation until the product is thoroughly dispersed. Drench the soil in the pot with one (1) pint of finished product dilution per 1.0 gallon of soil. For fungus gnats, use the 0.4% spray concentration. For mushroom fly maggot control, use the 0.6% volume/ volume spray concentration. For leafminers and other difficult to control pests, use the 0.8% volume/volume spray concentration. Make two to three (2 –3) applications at 10 –14 day intervals until pest pressure has ended. With high insect pressure make applications every 5 to 6 days. Additional applications of AzaMax® may be required with increased and prolonged pest infestation.

Great instruction, just don't know exactly how to apply! Thanks for any help guys and girls.
Also have those annoying flies, supposedly this'll knock those out too. Fingers crossed, thanks again in advance fellow mj lovers!
Hey lovenest, I use the Azamax at 1 tbsp per gallon but only as a preventative. If you have bugs and are trying to get rid of them then do it at 2 tbsp per gallon for the soil drench. This amount should be good for the foliar application too, both of which you're going to want to do every 10 days until it works. Azamax gets expensive, especially using such high concentrations. Works though. Oh and it bubbles like crazy (some kind of wetting agent?) so don't leave it brewing or you'll return to an overflow of bubbles.
I also use Azamax as a preventative. Expensive, but it works. Pay attention to the scary warnings on the bottle... and have Poison Control on speed dial. :)
the azamax bottle comes with to tops 1 for measuring and the other is just straight pour. i use the side that has the measurement. i squeeze the bottle till it goes to the the 10ml line and mix that with 1gal and use that in my soil mix while its cooking.
bump I am confused also.... why is there 2 parts to azamax???

I've finished using the application, and now I've got a HowTo for Azamax for you guys. Used it and had GREAT success with veg and flower areas. Most important, is that cannabis is way sensitive... so always start with 1/4 application from what the floral manufacturers recommend with just about anything!

There are two caps on the Azamax bottle, we bill be leaving the one on the right that leads to the main holding chamber CLOSED while using.


Then you will remove the cap on the left that covers the liquid measurement chamber. This will allow pressure to push liquid up small tube and out into the measurement chamber.


Press gently on the main holding chamber of the Azamax liquid and the fluid will begin flowing up the tube, slowly filling the measurement chamber.



Now you can see that you have a decent bit of Azamax filling up the measurement chamber. Look at your manual, and you will see exactly how much you need for your type of application.



You can use this product as either a spray, or drenching application. Drenching would translate to "flushing" with the product. This is if you have a crazy infestation. I used it for fungus gnats, and I had at least like... 50 of those little black flies around. The flies weren't the issue, it was their larvae that are hatched into the soil. They then eat away your fresh roots, stopping your plant from growing. Possibly death! I got on top of it, and after about a week they were all gone! I used about 1/3 or 1/4 application from what Azamax recommended and it worked perfectly. Put distilled water in a jug and the proper amount of Azamax, then shook the hell out of it. Don't use it much more than once a month for your watering. Good luck!

Keep em green!
Hey lovenest, I use the Azamax at 1 tbsp per gallon but only as a preventative. If you have bugs and are trying to get rid of them then do it at 2 tbsp per gallon for the soil drench. This amount should be good for the foliar application too, both of which you're going to want to do every 10 days until it works. Azamax gets expensive, especially using such high concentrations. Works though. Oh and it bubbles like crazy (some kind of wetting agent?) so don't leave it brewing or you'll return to an overflow of bubbles.

my plants are 3 weeks flowering and their infested with mites some with webs just sprayed the plants yesterday. If I was to use it in my soil will it work good will it burn the plants and how much should i use for soil drench 2 tbsp per gallon? Some say use 1 oz per gallon or 5 gallons. My plants are outdoor and when i say infested I mean literally. i got so piss I was gonna chop my plants down.
Drenching would translate to "flushing" with the product. This is if you have a crazy infestation.

Soil drenches are effective for soil-dwelling organisms, such as root aphids and fungus gnat larvae.

For spider mites, aphids and other plant-dwelling organisms foliar sprays are much more effective.
From your original post:
"Soil drench applications of azadirachtin will have a slower rate of activity because of soil absorption when comparedto foliar applications of AzaMax®."
Hey lovenest, I use the Azamax at 1 tbsp per gallon but only as a preventative. If you have bugs and are trying to get rid of them then do it at 2 tbsp per gallon for the soil drench. This amount should be good for the foliar application too, both of which you're going to want to do every 10 days until it works. Azamax gets expensive, especially using such high concentrations. Works though. Oh and it bubbles like crazy (some kind of wetting agent?) so don't leave it brewing or you'll return to an overflow of bubbles.

"I have tried every living ladybug, and predator mite, but these bastards still come back! It is the bane of any indoor Cannabis growers existence"-Ed Rosenthal

I was thinking could not I set up soil so any plant grown in it would have a defense against spider mites by using azamax while watering say 2x per month?

my plants are 3 weeks flowering and their infested with mites some with webs just sprayed the plants yesterday. If I was to use it in my soil will it work good will it burn the plants and how much should i use for soil drench 2 tbsp per gallon? Some say use 1 oz per gallon or 5 gallons. My plants are outdoor and when i say infested I mean literally. i got so piss I was gonna chop my plants down.
I know that feeling brother sorry to read this.

Soil drenches are effective for soil-dwelling organisms, such as root aphids and fungus gnat larvae.

For spider mites, aphids and other plant-dwelling organisms foliar sprays are much more effective.
From your original post:
"Soil drench applications of azadirachtin will have a slower rate of activity because of soil absorption when comparedto foliar applications of AzaMax®."

But would not the presence of Azamax in the plant itself deter mites from that plant?
Please give amounts. One post said 2 tb. per gallon and another said 2 tsp. per gallon. I gave one application of 10 ml (2tsp.)/gallon to my clones and am infested again. So, I redosed 10 days after the initial dose. How do I get rid of these fungus gnats???
I haven't used Azamax, but it sounds to me like you would need to use 2 tsp per gallon for both spraying the plant and room, and then puring some directly into the soil. Also sticky traps will catch the adults, but it is the babies in the soil that cause the issue...let your soil dry out, like way out, then drench with the azamax, and spray the plants down, then do it again next week, so on and so forth, until you see no further evidence of the little buggers...
if that doesn't work you can try putting a layer of sand on the top of all your pots, sand is too porous and doesn't hold moisture the way fungus gnat larvae like.
The Label says 10 ml/ gal (1Tbls) for a light dose, 20ml/gal (1 1/2Tbls) for a medium dose, and 30ml/gal (2Tbls) for Heavy doseage adjust dosage for level of infestation.

Please give amounts. One post said 2 tb. per gallon and another said 2 tsp. per gallon. I gave one application of 10 ml (2tsp.)/gallon to my clones and am infested again. So, I redosed 10 days after the initial dose. How do I get rid of these fungus gnats???
The Label says 10 ml/ gal (1Tbls) for a light dose, 20ml/gal (1 1/2Tbls) for a medium dose, and 30ml/gal (2Tbls) for Heavy doseage adjust dosage for level of infestation.

Anyone using this MUST water every time with azamax drench to insure eradication of mites! Depending on level of infestation you will need 1-2 tbs per gallon, while this becomes expensive it beats the alternative
Thanks! I was looking around to see which was the best way to use Azamax; foliar or soil drench and you just answered my question.
I am a first time grower and well here I am lol I bought the azamax because I heard it was powerful and easy to follow chart. I think I might be missing something because I have just a box with a bottle in it, small one for 25 bucks, anyway was curious I was told I could add azamax to my hydro for 24 hours as a flush for bugs. Then as a foliage spray and I seen so many differnt calculations, that I am now really confused. I went to there site, but that sure wasnt exactly easy to figure out? Any suggestions? I dont have bugs yet *knock on wood* but I have not reached flower yet so I want be ready for it, for if the time does come, and usually for me 5th week in I get bugs not sure why but it happens. You have a really beautiful plant, and then there is that 1 leaf that will catch your eye lol
I am also new here signed up and look forward to some great grows, thank you for having me!