Help needed please.


I'm 1 month into flowering, white widow, 2 plants. One of them started getting amber burns on top leaves. I'm not sure if it's heat stress since my second plant has none of these symptoms and they are one next to the other.

Under Son Agro 430W and in coco coir




Well-Known Member
I think you nailed it somewhat. I don't think it's "stress" it looks more like actual bulb burn, i.e.heat, i.e. you singed them.

Are both plants the same variety?

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
The reason it is heat burn is because the flowers are browning also, use the "hand test" to see i if the light is to strong (to close to plant) nutrient burn would present it's self on the lower branches also.


I realized that I messed up my nutrients and have been feeding with the "Vegetative" nutes for the past week. Maybe it's that... :/

To answer the question, yes both are the same strains, one is perfect, the other one is well... on the picture.


Well-Known Member
It is not "veg nutes" It really looks like heat stress. The affected plants may be under "hot spots" in the lamps intensity.

Is it only affecting the tops?

The damaged parts will not get better.

It doesnt look like a nutrient issue to me.


ReallY? You sound pretty confident for someone who cannot spell phosphorus. So is it a deficiency, or a toxicity? Like too little or too much? Or the correct answer is just "Phosphporus"?
It's a Phosphorus deficiency. It looks slightly different during flowering. Sorry for mistype , I didn't notice that , or maybe my english is not that great after all.


It's a Phosphorus deficiency. It looks slightly different during flowering. Sorry for mistype , I didn't notice that , or maybe my english is not that great after all.
Oh yeah I just looked it up. Looks a lot like a P deficiency. Thanks! Now what do I do? :/

I also raised a bit my lamp and cranked up my ventilation, that should probably help if it's a heat problem.