personal opinions


Well-Known Member
So I have 3 BlueDream sprouts, and I don't think I'm going to be able to handle 3 plants quite yet seeing as though I have a 3x3x2 space and I don't have enough lights. I jusmped the gun and germinated the third thinking I had 2 duds, well I was informed, after germinating the 3rd one, that blue dream is a little slow starting. Now I have 3 babies and I don't think ill be able to raise them! So, should I kill 1 or 2 and keep my favorite and give it all I have? Or should I keep all 3 and just flower early? As of now I only have 1 20w CFL, I know not enough but soon to be a 250w CFL I hope. Or at least a 68w from home depot and some 23watters. Ido, I think I'm just looking for a little input. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I would say throw 2 in the woods but I'm going to assume from where you are you get a nice cold winter? Personally, I would keep them til at least flowering. I wouldn't want to kill 2 young ones that could've been female and end up with that one male. Maybe find another grow spot for the 2 if possible :/


Well-Known Member
Don't kill it. Were these from feminized seeds? If not...or even if so, you still need to identify gender. Obviously you want female plants. So keep them growing until gender traits start showing. If I'm understanding your situation.


Well-Known Member
If they are all female, I would have to say one must go. If you try to grow all 3 plants, all 3 will suffer from the cramped space. 2 will actually be pushing it if they are a decent sized plant. Pick the 2 best and find a friend for the third. Peace


Ive done that soooo many times, adding more when i thought they were nonviable, put it in a small container, put it around the light and remove it to keep at 12/12, and youll grow a shorty if it can survive with the lighting, you might be suprised.


Well-Known Member
Well from where I'm at, the winters are not really cold, socal, but I don't have the means to put any outdoor. If I did it would be on my porch and there is no direct sunlight. So ill just have to hope I can keep it all under control until I can get more lights. You are all right though, is feel like a complete tard if I killed 2 and ended up with a male! But I don't have room for 3. I mean, I LST everything I grow so I could LST for a month or so and then flower some compact little girls. Irk. I guess ill have to just ride it out. I'm in a cash crunch though so getting lights is gonna be tricky. Im gonna keep my eyes pealed and see if I can't find some for cheap or free! I'm all about my budget grows, since they all are for sure!


Well-Known Member
Make 3 lollipops!

Also, quit screwing around with cfls. When you're ready to get serious, get an HPS lamp. No amount of cfls are good enough for flowering.


Well-Known Member
And no I don't believe they are demonized. I get em from a buddy that just got back from nor cal, and he was able to come back with about 30 or so of these little beauties, so he gave me 3 to get myself growing again. i terminated 2 of them knowing I only have one stupid little 20w CFL. LOL. I am so impacient its stupid. They should have given me ADD meds a long time ago! Thanks all for the replies, ill keep my journal posed with progress. The little one in the pill bottle has its first true blades coming in, and I just popped the shell and film off of her about an hour ago! I'm already getting waaay too excited! :)IMAG0304.jpg


Well-Known Member
Even if the weather is just ok for the plant to grow but not at the right time for it to reach it's full potential i'd rather just put them somewhere and let nature take care of it instead. A lot of people do that with males just to let it do its thing and save killing it.


Well-Known Member
Ya, if I were to do anything outside I could only do it on my porch where they would get no direct sunlight. I see where ur goin with that though. As far as the CFLs and flowering, I flowere a single LSTd plant last grow on 110w of mixed 23w CFLs and I got some decent smoke. I had a 400w HPS, but I had to get rid of ALL of my equipment back in April, so pm starting fresh, again! I don't think I could keep my temps down with an HPS though. It's a spot in my closet, clothes onone side, and its on an old changing table from when my daughter was little. I like the CFL thing, I just have to get so damn many of them, its hard to accumulate. Not to mention all the wires to run for all the sockets. I'm defiantly serious about growing, I love it, I just don't have the means to get some decent lighting right now. It's all good,cull make it work.


I may just Lilly pop them, I like lst, but maybe a change up is in order for this round.
yeah, (most) great buds arnt grown with cfls, i have Incandescents, everyone hates them, i love them, ive been grownin with them for a while and had fantastic results, also plants recover from some real bad things really easy, yes they make alotta heat, but if your accommodations are good, incandescents are among the best.


Well-Known Member
yeah, (most) great buds arnt grown with cfls, i have Incandescents, everyone hates them, i love them, ive been grownin with them for a while and had fantastic results, also plants recover from some real bad things really easy, yes they make alotta heat, but if your accommodations are good, incandescents are among the best.
Incandescent!!????? Really? I've never seen anyone do it b4! That's crazy? How many of those beasts do you need to get a good yeild goin?


Well-Known Member
You have a journal of that? I've never heard ANYthing positive from then except for heating a lizard cage


Incandescent!!????? Really? I've never seen anyone do it b4! That's crazy? How many of those beasts do you need to get a good yeild goin?
Im growin 4 plants, 2 sativa and two indica, and there lookin great, i only need one but sometimes i use two, and i never had any problems with it, seriously incandesents get a real bad rep dude, forget what people say, they can grow just fine, i have a small space now but when i was growing in my basement i had 75 in coco coir and i used one 120w incandesent and they grew just fine, i got around 3 1/2 OZ from most of them. i always cover the grow room in reflective material, i had a timer on a sprinkler and a lighting, i should of used CO2 too tho.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's like 260 oz!!! That's amazing!... :o or complete BS! I'm diggin the input, but that doesn't sound remotely plosible


1 bulb? I don't even see a point to growing at that rate.... I thought almost got 360 watts of 120 watt CFLs but I'm glad I went HID much better light if you can keep the heat down.


1 bulb? I don't even see a point to growing at that rate.... I thought almost got 360 watts of 120 watt CFLs but I'm glad I went HID much better light if you can keep the heat down.
HID are better, but yes one incandesent bulb grew about 75 plants, i had about 30 males, i turned them into cannabutter, the thing is you CAN grow perfectly healthy plants with it, but its not the best out there, ppl dont understand, it puts out alotta light, a small percentage of what it puts out is absorbed by the plant, but that small percentage is all it needs, if your wanting to maximize everything outta your plants then dont go with them, but if you just wanna grow, cut, dry, smoke, repeat then there good. in the 60's growers would use a light of similar range to save plants not doing soo good, i remember it being called the Lazarus by my dad a few times.

They came from a weird strain tho to, my uncle gave them to me, he grew his the he could throw the bud at the wall and big peices would stick to the wall, the leafs glowed realy dim in the dark, has anyone ever heard of this strain? it looks mostly sativa and i heard my friends talking about similar plants, but i want more info on it and cant find anything, its related to the alaskan sundry strains.


Stumps Me how he hid a glowing plant, cuz he gre it in his cornfeild, this a few years ago, but he had a barn full of bricks of reg, when i saw it, i tried to steal some, he caught me and said, "don't use that, i feed that shit to my cows" and then thats when he show me the weird sativa, and fuck they were tall dude, a few were a bit taller then me. i didnt know sativa grew like that.