Tags High Efficiency Lighting Garden

HEY! where did that Kellogs post of hyrootz go.....guess he spilled his corn flakes and aloe juice on over the gaming board.... :)
Whatever you guys want to think happen to him. He said all was fine...I believe him :mrgreen:

There will be a at600 run, don't worry. But just a all white AT120 for now.
These fresh blackberry kush cuts will be the subjects. They were pretty janky clones when I got them and a few never even rooted, you can see some still trying in the lower left. It has been really limited for clones lately and I couldn't wait for my nurse jackie to be ready for enough cuts. So I had to CL it and this was the best I could find. The really ugly one in the top left I gave a dab of indagro's ESC yesterday because I need it to pull though. I will be doing a full test of the ESC this run too. Clones have been in dirt for about 4 days and today was the first day they were all perky and looked like they had grown.

Professor Chaos vineyard style I'm calling it. Mainlined to 2, grown out how you see it...and I just topped the ends of both(can't tell yet). I had nothing else to do with it so we will see how it flowers out. The only female I had.

Chron...just giving you a head start on that latter.
Has anyone every thought or heard of adding serenade(bacillus subtilis) to compost tea? Would it help increase the activity and micro life? Is it the right or comparable strain of bacillus subtilis.

Just a thought after reading on beneficials. Anyone know?
Has anyone every thought or heard of adding serenade(bacillus subtilis) to compost tea? Would it help increase the activity and micro life? Is it the right or comparable strain of bacillus subtilis.

Just a thought after reading on beneficials. Anyone know?

Serenade burns the shit out of plants.... bacillus subtilis makes up 1.34% the rest of ingredients is a secret. Bacillus subtilis is already in compost anyways and far more of it than serenade.
Serenade burns the shit out of plants.... bacillus subtilis makes up 1.34% the rest of ingredients is a secret. Bacillus subtilis is already in compost anyways and far more of it than serenade.

Thanks, I knew it was there but thought serenade could boost it. But if it is already much high in compost, there is my answer. I never liked to foliar with tea but I am starting to see how much it does besides nutrients.
I haven't had a problem with serenade, but I also have never really used it indoors. I use it religiouslyoutdoors up till 3 weeks out and no molds of any kind outdoors 3years straight.

I have a bunch of aloe plants now. What should I do with them besides cloning? aloe water?
I just dropped tags420 randomly, that's it. I have been meaning to do it for a long time but never got around to it. Everything will continue as normal. AT's out the ass plus the Indagro in the mix.

The girls are under all white at120 for now...then will move to the IG420 when they need more space. Then to the at600 end of veg and all flower. Plus I'll be adding to the garden as I go, to eventually run 1800w of apache's over 4x12 and incorporate the pontoon. 420 will be the veg king.
I knew it..... Lol. With aloe. I mix it in a foliar with kelp. Use that for veg and first 10-14 days of flower. I add it to compost teas and botanical teas. With fresh aloe. Add it right before you water. It breaks down fast. I used too much of my aloe plants so I picked up some Lakewood aloe juice. They sell it at sprouts and clarks nutrition and whole foods market.
fresh aloe in a foliar. Make sure to strain the aloe with cheese cloth or something similar so it doesn't clog the sprayer. Some people use pro tekt with it for silica. I don't. I think it's redundant. Aloe has plenty of silica along with several other compounds. Sometimes I'll add some lavender (flower tea or Dr. Bronners hemp /lavender soap).

also there are seed sprout enzyme tea's. most use barley seeds or mung beans or chia seeds. just about any seed that sprouts works

Weigh out 2 oz. of Barley seed and remove any foreign matter by the seeds into a large jar and fill it half-way with water and agitate to wash the barley. Pour off loose husks & dirt that float to the top. Drain in a colander. Repeat until everything has been removed.

Soak the seeds in water for 8 - 10 hours. Drain the seeds and weigh after completely draining the water off. Assuming you started with 56 grams, you want to hit a minimum of 84 grams at the end of these processes.

Let the Barley rest for 8 - 10 hours and then soak for another 8 hours, drain and weigh. Repeat if necessary but that's not too unlikely.

Take a piece of cloth and you want to use something as 'raw' as possible like hemp cloth, organic cotton, linen, canvas, flax, etc. - just check with a large fabric store. If you buy a piece that is a square it probably helps or doesn't.

Wet your cloth, wring out and fold it 2 times. During the rest cycles this is where you want to let the seeds rest. You want moisture surrounding the seeds but not water.

Once you hit 84+ grams, spread your seeds again in the middle of this folded piece of fabric, place that in a brown paper bag - 55F - 65F ambient temperatures will move this along quickly.

When the shoots inside the seed have grown the length of the seed you're done. You're not growing sprouts but rather activating the enzymes and the compounds in the endosperm as described in the post above.

Take these seeds and put them in a blender and some water and get it to a puree to the extent possible. Using 56 grams to start will give enough puree to make 5 gallons of tea.
Perfect, that's exactly what I did pretty much. Seaweed extract and I an aloe branch(cut it in half) and let them brew for a little. then foliar feed. I was just looking around my yard and there is aloe everywhere. So I figured I should take advantage.

Gnarly barley process
I puree the leaf and strain it.. I don't bubble leaves. The minerals break down within 20-30 min.

Look into using kelp meal. Soak or bubble for a day or 2. 1/4 cup of kelp meal to 1 quart of water. then strain then take the kelp water and add it to 3 more quarts of water. You have a gallon of liquid kelp. The left over kelp meal you can top dress or use in a tea. It's more soluble after being soaked or bubbled. Nothing goes to waste.. Seaweed extract has so many additives that are no good. Especially maxicrop. That has some chems in it thats also found in drano. using kelp meal is so much cheaper and lasts longer.. I topdress 1/4 cup per 5 gal of soil of kelp meal at the beginning of veg and flower. Full of nutes and great nutrient accumulater
kelp meal is around the same price at farm supplies and nurseries. I got 5 lbs. for $12 fro the farm supply. the at the nursery up here its $9 for 2 lbs. of dr . earth kelp meal.. I want to open a nursery up here. The ones around here have a good selection of plants but not much on the nutes and soil. It sucks having to drive all the way down to oc for deals. I wait til I'm going there anyways and stock up. I know I would kill it opening a nursery up here.
I got lucky finding the wheeler "organic 420 mix". They only have it up here, the yard is close to town. It's some hot soil, basically a variation of super soil in a bag. 2cuft for $10. I am doing 1:1 with roots potting(1.5cuft) this time. But fully mixed not 50/50.

Should be a nice and airy this time. Clones are put in just straight roots.
Apache is pointless to post on RIU. The people that can actually afford them don't go on forums ;) or are spending way more to do what CM did lol. There I said it.
Apache is pointless to post on RIU. The people that can actually afford them don't go on forums ;) or are spending way more to do what CM did lol. There I said it.

im lost as to why you and beef said that? Im still on the edge of ordering, I have two of their codes, and if I can talk them off of shipping I am golden. Idk how open they are to "cuts" but maybe I can get some insight, I want that 600L or a few 200s....
Apache is pointless to post on RIU. The people that can actually afford them don't go on forums ;) or are spending way more to do what CM did lol. There I said it.

Your right, apache doesn't waste their time on here or any forums, and never has and don't need to. I post my grows which happen to have a shit load of apache's. And have I tried to help others get the light they dream about. I have been more than helpful and honest about everything.

Apache has been doing what todays led's companies are just starting to do, for 4 years already. And have been considered one if not the bests basically the whole time. Not really sure what your problem is. I have never told anyone who bought an a51 that they should have bought an apache...I recommend a51 more than apache because I know what is practical to many. But I talk and show AT because that is what I have. I wanted the best and that is what I chose to get(3 1/2 years ago. I have been in the green with savings on most of AT's already. So once again I am glad you took the cheaper route and got an a51. You should probably use it soon instead of just trying to justify to yourself why you picked it. Or why you had to buy a CMH too...you must really like that a51.

I'll keep growing under the most powerful led's . And you can just watch or not. I could care less about what you do yourself, but I will continue to do my thing.

What/who is CM?
im lost as to why you and beef said that? Im still on the edge of ordering, I have two of their codes, and if I can talk them off of shipping I am golden. Idk how open they are to "cuts" but maybe I can get some insight, I want that 600L or a few 200s....

I was just guessing as to why tags dropped off so suddenly based on the info I had. I didn't state it as fact or anything.

Tags has got a ton of apache panels that aren't released to the public yet which is probably, not necessarily, indicative of at least partial sponsorship. Apache is a big company with close ties to NASA and several well respected Universities. It stands to reason (at least argue) that Apache might not want to be associated with a pot growing forum, or pot growing in general.

That's all I meant. Nothing 'bad' to say about Apache. As the 'proof is in the pudding' they are one helluva powerful light, albeit also incredibly expensive. lol
Perfect, that's exactly what I did pretty much. Seaweed extract and I an aloe branch(cut it in half) and let them brew for a little. then foliar feed. I was just looking around my yard and there is aloe everywhere. So I figured I should take advantage.

Gnarly barley process

that process is well worth it.. ITs far cheaper than buying bottled enzymes and has more enzymes than compost teas. Lazy man enzyme tea. You can just use fresh coconut water from a coconut. Thats $2 per coconut. Usually about a 1/4 cup of water per coconut. Its 1/4 cup - 1/2 cup of fresh coconut water to 5 gals of water. depending on how fresh and type of coconut.

Seeds I'm using barley and /or mung beans currently. Depending where you buy them they are $1 - $2.50 a pound. 1 lbs. makes 40 gal of enzyme teas.