The Freedom To Be Fat..Does Government Have The Right To "Outlaw" Unhealthy Foods?

Humanity. The internet is making knowledge (power) freely available. This is a very new invention in terms of social progress. I think it is as big as the industrial revolution. The result is more people reaching philosophical maturity earlier in life which is the same as society as a whole being more mature. It also might not seem like the effect is positive right away, a lot of people are socially pissed off though.

We'll see how each crisis goes (no fucking shortage of those) but I think the greater trend is optimistic.

I argue optimism and applaud your courage in the face of it all, I need a reminder.....thanks.
what is government as you see? It's just a giant beauraucracy, an abstract concept, or enforcers? It is beyond a singularity, how can it be good and bad?
what is government as you see? It's just a giant beauraucracy, an abstract concept, or enforcers? It is beyond a singularity, how can it be good and bad?

anything can be good and bad.

government has many jobs given them by the people and the constitution:

regulating (making regular) commerce between the states
coining money
negotiating treaties as the representative of the several states as well as their people
ensuring laws are applied equally
providing a platform for a united defense of the union
negotiating differences between the several states
administering the courts of law
collecting it's funding through the laying of duties tarrifs imposts and direct taxation of it's constituents (the states, not the people)

the US government has ceased to be a Constitutional Republic, as well as a Union of Sovereign States, and has now taken for itself the role of an Imperial Court.
when it does it's job under the constitution (which is rarely) it does it well, but the areas where it has expanded beyond it's mandate are DESPICABLE.

cleaning out the bullshit and scrubbing the swamps in Washington clean of the filth and debris that has accumulated (mostly around the Capital Mall and K Street) is essential for restoring our Union to it's past glory.
what is government as you see? It's just a giant beauraucracy, an abstract concept, or enforcers? It is beyond a singularity, how can it be good and bad?

The gov't as I see it is subservient to a class. When it was created, that class was white men with property. Over time, the classes have changed. The current ruling class owns the gov't, hides behind it and calls it a democracy. We elect preselected goons though a system called electoral college and these people put on a dramatic show so that we don't revolt.

I would say that the most powerful interests are banking, oil and the military industrial complex.
I do think that a gov't controlled by a class is an improvement over one that is inherited by a monarch. Power to (some of) the people!
I do think that a gov't controlled by a class is an improvement over one that is inherited by a monarch.

Not inherently, I feel that the general population is not really capable of successful self-rule. People don't know what is best for them and a ruling class or monarch is a shot in the corrupt darkness. I