RARE STRAIN- New Guinean Tribesmen


New Member

On one of my recent excursions deep into Papua New Guinea, i came across some tribesmen, who, like many of us, were artisans of cannabis cultivation. Long story short, i got high as hell from a big tree branch chalice and danced around for a day. I was fortunate enough to have obtained a small handful of seeds from their grove of chronic. Now, I am taking these majestic beauties indoors and fruiting them on the opposite side of the earth.

This is the first time i have taken truly wild, pure seed and attempted to domesticate it indoors. The strategy is as follows: Emulate the warm semi-equatorial atmosphere. No crazy light swapping or schedules, OG soil, compost tea, and sing to them for at least 5 minutes a day.

Anybody else tried out a New Guinean variety?

Pics to follow.




Well-Known Member
Nice mate ....

out of interest what songs do you plan on singing and will you need to sing in a papa New Guinea accent ..?
Well, you have definitely caught my attention. And good luck with those. Also, quick newbie deduction in which I might be wrong. "Many say that we have made our weed so sophisticated that they cannot live without our help. If this is true then a wild seed should be able to grow very easily as its a real weed and not the orchids that the people in this forum usually make" Maybe I'm wrong haha its just a high thought :weed: Cheers and please post pics soon.


New Member
Good to to see some interest, I'm really stoked. Made an account just for this.

I sloppy planted a seed deep into 5" soaked soil pot, with my hands covered in grilled chicken. Forgot about it for 2 days. It sprouted really fast, so i went ahead and gave it some some groovin' Steel Pulse jams this morning. Dark Side of the Moon tomorrow. Head to Toe. Gotta give this little beast some classic, primal psychedelic energy to grow big and au naturale. Going to need community's help on song selection, it's pretty hard with all these songs these days.

Summary of boring setup jargon and growing hoo-hah: room dirt sunshine seed water warm lightbulb wind air fan Dub/Rock/DnB/Flamenco whatever the plant thrives in it gets. end of story.

Pics when it's light out.




Well-Known Member
And if you don't mind me asking how come you were in papa New Guinea ...... Kicking it with tribes men ?


Well-Known Member
Hazin' wrote: Anybody else tried out a New Guinean variety?
There are no landrace New Guinea strains. Just ganja seeds brought in by expatriate hippies in the 70s. Even at that, it could be Acapulco gold or some other strain popular back then. If you are so inclined to believe this unlikely story.

Sounds to me like someone just having a laugh...


New Member
This is for disbelief (cough cough JohnDee cough cough:leaf:):

The point being that even as colonization and introduction of cannabis was not DOCUMENTED until the 1960's, isolated tribes with AT LEAST 50+ years of selectively cultivating homogeneous phenotypes have made some excellent plants. Nuff said, take a rip, grab some tea, and read that one, it's good.

Today;'s activities: Dark Side, Dub Fire, green tea, bongos, leaves poked out and said "thanks for the tunes man." I took a picture and got ripped and forgot how to use photoshop.





Well-Known Member
Ha ha , cheers for the choons......

gonna get a read at that Article right ...... After I roll one


New Member
Lookin good today!

Been' droppin some dubby dub up in this tub with my plants and a smoldering stub. Ya dig??
To my surprise, the one seed i have going looks pretty indica thus far. Squat, perky leaves, getting fat fast. Color is beautiful. Honestly might just toss it under an HPS right now and promote some dense, dense foliage.

Au naturale, baby

day 3-4




New Member
Its been a few weeks - starting to get past the boring part - Mrs. New Guinea is sexy, sexy, sexy. Here's a photo form Tuesday. THere has been little direct sunlight due to weather where i reside so I placed it away from other canna plants and put it in my exotic pepper garden where it's as bit less humid and blasted with a 1000W MH + 400W low spectrum/red LED angled UFO. Both lights are quite far away, it's really just in there because it likes being warm, especially when it sleeps. The MH + red spectrum LED has an optimal emissive spectrum pretty close to sunlight anyways.
Photo Dec 07, 7 51 27 PM.jpg

Early on in the seedling stage there was a distinct calcium lockout due to slightly low temp ranges and low PH (direct seed planted in coco issues..) Luckily, i know what I'm doing and just flushed and gave it a super diluted cal-mag spray. Other than that, I'm all OG, baby. You can see the severe spotting on the lower 3 leave set - after that it's all lush green. I accidentally pinched a baby leaf and that's the only other imperfection. Growth is very, very bushy. It's a temperate to tropical looking indica. The plant really, really loves heat. I placed it away from other canna plants and put it in my exotic pepper garden where it's as bit less humid and blasted with a 1000W MH + 400W low spectrum/red LED angled UFO. The MH + red spectrum LED has an optimal spectral emissive spectrum It grows most rapidly in temp ranges 80-85 and i haven't been taking good enough notes to substantiate it's response to humidity.

Currently growth is at about 4-5-6 nodes of 5 and 7+ fan leaves. Secondary nodes popping up massively along the bottom, i am going to top the plant after a few more solid fannies pop out.

This thing is going to be a mega-bush. I'm thinking about scrogging it.

Oh yeah, and the plant LOVES METAL. I've been blasting it some of my favorite metal, trying to toughen the little bitch up: Here's my favorite death metal album, ever. This is what i grew up to in beautiful scandinavia


after this album it was like bam 1 inch of immediate growth


and until next time



Well-Known Member
Greetings Hazin,
I would have expected a sativa, though I imagine it's just a matter of chance.

Mr Nice markets an outdoor seedpack called Walkabout and claims that New Guinea genetics is included. Now I'm curious what lineage it might be (I have a pack).

Glad your little gal survived the coco. many aren't so lucky. So a flush and some cal/mad did the trick? Well carry on...just looking over your shoulder...