Random Jibber Jabber Thread


bud bootlegger
A friend of.mine was just in Barcelona lahada..
Was checking his pix on Fb and was getting super jelly and thought of you..
Be was staying by sagrada somewhere..


Well-Known Member

Holidays are beginning, conversations con Famiglia.....its nice.

Oh, Kinetic...Mohawk ironworkers, badass men...guts to spare


New Member

Holidays are beginning, conversations con Famiglia.....its nice.

Oh, Kinetic...Mohawk ironworkers, badass men...guts to spare

no doubt about the Ironworkers.I worked on the Turningstone job one winter with those guys.They also held an Ironworkers Olympics during the summer over by the Baseball Hall of Fame


Well-Known Member
no doubt about the Ironworkers.I worked on the Turningstone job one winter with those guys.They also held an Ironworkers Olympics during the summer over by the Baseball Hall of Fame
I mean this with total respect and awe....they are like monkeys up there, like its still on the ground. Scares the shit outta me


Well-Known Member
sunni, it could be thyroid. I'm looking for a certain specific pattern but I agree right now you have diffuse swelling all over and if it were anything more than the most subtle goiter they'd have caught it. So I'm thinking yeah could be but shoot me that pic when you feel you are looking more normal ;)
here in cali there is an epidemic of thyroid problems including a large increase in cancer, most likely from the removal of iodine to replace it with bromine in baking ingredients like table salt


its all hush hush too as middle age woman die from being lied to when they go and get a thyroid test

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
oh, sunni...hope you get to the bottom of this. This new revelation sounds promising. I hope this is the problem for you(not that thyroid problems are a joke) at least this way you will be able to get treated properly. I don't know much at all about thyroid problems other than my grandma has had to take meds. for hers for years. She seems to have hers under control.

In my limited understanding of the subject thyroid meds are much safer and predictable than psychotropic drugs. Kudos to you for staying off p-tropes and persevering in a healthy lifestyle....

.U been smoking some good fresh green I'm guessing... Gives me bronchitis every time.

I smiled when you talked about shopping @ 3am. My wife also prefers to shop in the middle of the night for the same reasons.

Remember hun...your not alone in this.

these are for you

wishing you well.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
ok, so am I alone in thinking that the whole showing thing in funerals is macabre? I mean I went up there today and grampa looked just awful. Don't get me wrong, the mortician didn't have a lot to work with, the poor old man has been withering away for the past few years as the disease ate away at him.

My point is who really wants to go see friends or family in this state? I only go because I am expected to go. It's not that I don't love him and my grandma, of course I do. Very very very much. I'd just rather remember them as they were before not after.

Not to mention having to talk to 100 obscure relatives and "friends" of the family who I haven't seen in twenty years and probably won't see for another twenty...if then. Having to make conversation with folks like this is awkward at best. Personally I'd rather grieve alone and not have dozens of people tell me "he's in a better place" I just wanna say....well no shit! He could barely feed himself he shook so much and only weighed 90 lbs. Couldn't walk and at times couldn't even speak cuz of the disease or the medications. Yes, I'd say he's in a better place.

Out of all the people I talked to there today there was only 1 that I really enjoyed speaking to. He was one of grampas' best friends who had moved away. I didn't remember him cuz it had been twenty years since I had seen him, but it was nice talking to him and hearing stories about he and gramps. These folks drove twelve hours to get here. That's a friend right there.

anyways, just had to vent

on a positive note I still look pretty snappy in my suit :) wish I had better occasions for which to wear it.


Well-Known Member

Damn my dad got 4 pigs last night. He is on a wild pig depredation permit, so he can kill an unlimited amount of those bastards.