Should Insurance Companies Have to Take Back Their Customers


New Member
Even if it costs them money to do it?
Does the president have the legal authority to change the law without congressional approval?

I'm also curious as to who will get the blame for the millions that may not get their plans back.
Even if it costs them money to do it?
Does the president have the legal authority to change the law without congressional approval?

I'm also curious as to who will get the blame for the millions that may not get their plans back.
Legally, no. But it wont stop him from doing it and no one will do anything about it.

Yes, he is supposed to, but in his mind he is the all and powerful and he can do what he wants when he wants.

I would think he would get the blame, but once again, nothing will be done about it. Kinda makes you think that when he taught the text of the constitution he was in the process of rewritting it also.

If the younger individuals refuse to pay a higher premium because their healthy and not get aca, the plan will basically fail cause the older and poor sick individuals will still have to pay a higher premium and the idea behind the law will be void.
So I guess if the Pubs have a successful midterm and end up controlling both houses of congress, they could do away with the ACA which would force Obama to veto it. That would make for some interesting politics
Legally, no. But it wont stop him from doing it and no one will do anything about it.

Yes, he is supposed to, but in his mind he is the all and powerful and he can do what he wants when he wants.

I would think he would get the blame, but once again, nothing will be done about it. Kinda makes you think that when he taught the text of the constitution he was in the process of rewritting it also.

If the younger individuals refuse to pay a higher premium because their healthy and not get aca, the plan will basically fail cause the older and poor sick individuals will still have to pay a higher premium and the idea behind the law will be void.

So let's enocourage young people not to get insurance and be irresponsible?
So let's enocourage young people not to get insurance and be irresponsible?

No. Let's keep government from meddling in the market of service providing and let willing sellers and buyers make consensual contracts and be responsible for abiding by what they agreed to. It's called freedom of choice, something you won't find in a trash can Ninja turtle suit.
So let's enocourage young people not to get insurance and be irresponsible?

If you are a young, healthy male, why is it irresponsible to forgo a health insurance policy that covers pregnancies and mammograms? I know, "something could happen" that makes that insurance worthwhile... That is not how young, invincible people think though.
I agree fuck health insurance
The Gov already makes me insure my home and car and I didn't complain much now they want me to insure my health

If we don't stop them now what's next?
Don't tread on me
Lets encourage Americans not to buy into an unconstitutional healthcare [Law].

Being made to buy into something you don't want or don't believe in, is a tactic that was used during the inquisition. Don't negotiate with terrorists that think they own you is a good policy.
Of course companies should not have to take their customers back, the law is still in effect, Obama cannot change it or take it off the books, all he can do is choose not to enforce it. The law is the law and companies would be well advised to start acting like it ASAP.
Of course companies should not have to take their customers back, the law is still in effect, Obama cannot change it or take it off the books, all he can do is choose not to enforce it. The law is the law and companies would be well advised to start acting like it ASAP.

Yea, and what company would risk being shut down because they didn't follow the law. The big O has shown his true colors as a liar and deceiver so why would the insurance companies believe that they could just give back old insurance plans without repercussions.
No. Let's keep government from meddling in the market of service providing and let willing sellers and buyers make consensual contracts and be responsible for abiding by what they agreed to. It's called freedom of choice, something you won't find in a trash can Ninja turtle suit.

Is it ok to meddle when the insurance companys drop their client simply becuase they got sick?
Is it ok to meddle when the insurance companys drop their client simply becuase they got sick?

No. The party injured should seek damages or restitution or like kind replacement. One way to do that is in any agreement, the consenting parties could have a prior arbitration agreement in the event of any issues.

It's their business, not yours or mine. If you buy a product and aren't satisfied with it, how is it the business of disinterested third parties to intervene unless the original parties foresaw and agreed to this?