Day 48 for these Plushberry girls. Only got 2 out of a 5 pack.
Please mind the bugs. First time Iv'e had to deal with fungus gnats.
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Day 48 for these Plushberry girls. Only got 2 out of a 5 pack.
Please mind the bugs. First time Iv'e had to deal with fungus gnats.
Damn those TGA beans...I've had miserable success germinating them also. I got 1 out of a 5 pack of PlushBerry and 0 out of a 5 pack of The Flav. (I usually have an 85%+ success rate germinating practically every other strain I've ever tried). Not sure what is going on there. Was disappointed...heard the Flav is a nice tasting strain.
And those fungus gnats are little buggers! I've had to deal with them too, and tho they mainly are annoying, they sure are...well, annoying!
The Plushberry looks really nice tho. My lone PB is almost ready to flip into flowering...looking forward to it.
Probably better for a seed forum, but I guess I should have been more clear. I only got 2 females out of five. Ive popped 15 TGA seeds and all 15 germed. Females: 5 of 5 Timewreck, 2 of 5 Plushberry, and 4 of 5 Cheesequake. Happy so far. I have 5 Jillybeans that I'm starting Thanksgiving weekend, fingers crossed.
I use a rapid rooter type plug and put in my clone box.
Not everyone is a Subcool fan, but check out from 19:00
Amazing,.I could have old seed stock from the seedbank
How would you be growing?
Long veg - fewer big plants, or short veg - lots of little plants?
Hello All,
I have never grown indoors so please forgive myignorance. This is more of a businessquestion:
Has there been any cost/benefit analysis done on HID vs.Induction lighting (yield vs. cost of ownership)?
Ive read there is a larger yield (size and weight) on HIDbut then you need lots of amps, ducting, cooling, bulb replacement, etc. versusInduction gives a smaller yield but less infrastructure is needed, cost ofacquisition/operation is less, 15 year life on bulbs, etc.
If you were to start a brand new grow op tomorrow, whatwould you use? And why?