Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
O man that looks like a strin from doggie nuts. Is it?
Yeah, that's the Bluedream. I have 2 going now myself. :mrgreen:
Lookin' good as usual bro!:clap:
Thanks bro.. I swear, your gonna have to stick around more buddy. A lot of folks miss having you around! Hell, I enjoyed talking to you my damn self. Hope to see you around more. Give me a hollar sometime bro..

I'm sure ;) lol you crazy crazy man..
cya later, wish me luck on the job 2mar!!! :)
Lucky ducky.. ;)
Wake n bake, dabs that is.

I want some.. :( haha.. Handt never toked dabs b4. 1 time, and I really don't think I had the correct pipe to toke on it. Lol Going to be working on my dab gear here soon.


No that was HSO Blue Dream grown correctly. ;)
LOL. What you mean grown correctly Willis :??: I grow mine correctly. ;) haha..

Glad to see you around again. Don't see you much anymore. How is life treating ya buddy?
He pops in and out to check my updates here and there. We still talk via email. I let him know when I do updates so he can check um out. ;) Hopefully he will start coming round more.

good morning everybody!!! happy farming 2 out of the beans i planted were duds... i got faith in the one i got left... my WW and Crystal both popped a taproot so later tonight they will be planted heres something nice to see though!!!
View attachment 2900329 closest thing i got to a kid!!!!! and he is a lil fart i swear he chewed his tire to shreds!!!!!!
Well, if it where me I think I would've let them go atleast another day or so. Some seeds shells are harder/thicker and take alittle longer to sprout is all.

Sup fellas? Getting ready to go get cigs then 4:30...work! I hope lol :)
Got us a great loud hookup at Walgreen's the other night...haha..
Hey! Great poll question...where'd you find your dealer? LMAO :mrgreen:
I got your dealer! Lol.. So are you stopping smoking bud & cig :??: I've been wanting to vape myself. And I will stop toking once I'm dead. Lol. Thought bout stopping cigs, but honestly that's what keeps me saine. Lol
She looks super good bro.. That's it! I'm putting the ac in the growroom window! I want purple buds to!! Haha..
Nope.. Not testing anything in the tent. have 3 jars of cotton candy if I feel like dipping in to my own early. Otherwise I'm waiting until this is all done and dry and cured. Doing it right this time and NOT rushing myself like I usually do. lol
I hear that. I've took trees in the past that could've honestly went another week or so, all bc I didn't have smoke and couldn't find any. Its good to have bud to toke on while you have ladies flowering I've learned over the years! That way you don't go dipping into your ladies that's flowering, like I use to do. However, I still take small bottom test nugs to make sure its the type of buzz I want. Can only tell so much by looking with a scope. :mrgreen:

Sounds like your set then haha. Yeah I just always take a bottom test bud just to make sure I like it before I chop.

It was nice seeing my Auto Purple finish because I could really let it go without needing to chop it down early. It's nice to see a plant actually finish, now I feel like I took all of my previous ones early lol.
Yeah, I do test nugs on mine aswell. ;)
IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!!! do any of you drink mountain dew in a 20 oz bottle?!?!?!?!?
MT. Dew is all I drink. Everyday, all day long! Lol....

Well.. the only beverage I consume is MTN Dew. so Yeah. me. lol
No shit.. Me 2.. ;) Love that stuff! I swear, if someone cut me open I would bleed bud & Mt. Dew (green). Lol.

I'm an internet junky. I enter codes myself. I get 200points per 12 pack. 100 per 2L bottle.

If I end up with more than I can enter in 1 day I'll let you know. Sometimes my mom will collect bottle caps for me and bring them over. lol.. She's crazy. used to collect coke rewards but never threw the caps away after entering them in online. lol
Hell, I didn't even know this. Lol.. I have TONS of 24 cases in the laundry room.. Does those have the codes aswell :??:


Well-Known Member
It'll have a pic of xbox one on the front and say how many points the code is worth. you find the code inside it'll say what it's for and where to go and by when if it is.


Well-Known Member
~Dankster~420~ said:
Lucky ducky.. ;)

I want some.. :( haha.. Handt never toked dabs b4. 1 time, and I really don't think I had the correct pipe to toke on it. Lol Going to be working on my dab gear here soon.

LOL. What you mean grown correctly Willis :??: I grow mine correctly. ;) haha..

He pops in and out to check my updates here and there. We still talk via email. I let him know when I do updates so he can check um out. ;) Hopefully he will start coming round more.

Well, if it where me I think I would've let them go atleast another day or so. Some seeds shells are harder/thicker and take alittle longer to sprout is all.

I got your dealer! Lol.. So are you stopping smoking bud & cig :??: I've been wanting to vape myself. And I will stop toking once I'm dead. Lol. Thought bout stopping cigs, but honestly that's what keeps me saine. Lol
you and me both!!! LOL but yeah, I have to if I wanna live more than a few years...I didn't get the job :( economy is killing business. He wants to, just can't right now. I get it...but fuck..so goes life. How are you feeling?:??: that ear get worse?


Well-Known Member
Well hell! That sucks. Oh well, maybe something wlse will come your way.. ;) Hell NO! My ear is worse! I have done went to the er and its still KILLING me! I don't know about you guys but when I'm sick, or something is bothering me, I'm not in the best of moods.
O man that looks like a strin from doggie nuts. Is it?
Lookin' good as usual bro!:clap:
I'm sure ;) lol you crazy crazy man..
cya later, wish me luck on the job 2mar!!! :)
Wake n bake, dabs that is.


No that was HSO Blue Dream grown correctly. ;)
Glad to see you around again. Don't see you much anymore. How is life treating ya buddy?
good morning everybody!!! happy farming 2 out of the beans i planted were duds... i got faith in the one i got left... my WW and Crystal both popped a taproot so later tonight they will be planted heres something nice to see though!!!
View attachment 2900329 closest thing i got to a kid!!!!! and he is a lil fart i swear he chewed his tire to shreds!!!!!!
Sup fellas? Getting ready to go get cigs then 4:30...work! I hope lol :)
Got us a great loud hookup at Walgreen's the other night...haha..
Hey! Great poll question...where'd you find your dealer? LMAO :mrgreen:
Nope.. Not testing anything in the tent. have 3 jars of cotton candy if I feel like dipping in to my own early. Otherwise I'm waiting until this is all done and dry and cured. Doing it right this time and NOT rushing myself like I usually do. lol
Sounds like your set then haha. Yeah I just always take a bottom test bud just to make sure I like it before I chop.

It was nice seeing my Auto Purple finish because I could really let it go without needing to chop it down early. It's nice to see a plant actually finish, now I feel like I took all of my previous ones early lol.
IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!!! do any of you drink mountain dew in a 20 oz bottle?!?!?!?!?
Well.. the only beverage I consume is MTN Dew. so Yeah. me. lol
It'll have a pic of xbox one on the front and say how many points the code is worth. you find the code inside it'll say what it's for and where to go and by when if it is.
awwww mannn i started a trend ill be saddened if you guys win an xbox one and i dont :( haha
you and me both!!! LOL but yeah, I have to if I wanna live more than a few years...I didn't get the job :( economy is killing business. He wants to, just can't right now. I get it...but fuck..so goes life. How are you feeling?:??: that ear get worse?


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Yeah, I just now seen that myself. Oh well. Lol.. Don't really feel like fixing it right now. I'm about ready to eat some IB profen and pass the hell out! I hate feeling like this! And I know imm an asshole when I'm sick 2, and could see myself saying something to someone and really not mean it. Lol.. Hell, not like me at all but had wnet to order a pizza and last time I ordered they 4 got to put the peppers & garlic sauce in the box! Well I called back in today and went to order the pizza and told the guy that the last time they screwed me on the peppers & garlic sauce, so he said he had to "charge" me for it. That's all it took! Lol. And I went off on his ass, and told him so you mean I have to pay for you guys fuck up !! :??: Sorry pizza dude.
That's why its best for me to just stay away when not feeling good. Lol
bro. your reply with quote is stuck on. lol.. go back through and uncheck all the checked posts.


Well-Known Member
Well hell! That sucks. Oh well, maybe something wlse will come your way.. ;) Hell NO! My ear is worse! I have done went to the er and its still KILLING me! I don't know about you guys but when I'm sick, or something is bothering me, I'm not in the best of moods.
I'm sorry honey...what did they say? infection or what? ditto on the sick or something bothering...me TOO! for months I been like that off and on. Don't take too much of that ibuprofen now..and get some rest. Did you try the heat on there?


Well-Known Member
I use to have a connect that ran pizza too. It was funny shit he could never come over without pizza because he would always smell like food and bringing dank over without food, that's a no no haha. Plus he got an awesome tip with a fantastic 20 minute break :-D


Well-Known Member

I love unique sounding bands. lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry to top your purp pics bro..
[h=2]Stewie's Trichome Carnival![/h]
Blue Dream

Blue Thai

Blueberry Yum Yum(sativa)

Kerala Kursh

Sour Blueberry




Well-Known Member
It's hard to top a quick pic with a microscope pic but feel free... lmfao

PS shit is tasting like straight kief/hash with a hint of the smell of Grape Now n Laters, it's amazing.


Well-Known Member
who is? I'm confused..:roll:..should I go back a page? I'm stoned and too sleepy right now..;)
looks like everybody is in bed now...bad thing about working out at midnight, have trouble winding down for sleep..lol...later everybody! later Dank!


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Yeah, I've tried it all. Lol. Had to come back to the er. They fixed it this time! Lol. Gave me 2 shots in my ass, and I'm already out of pain. ;) TG!! Demerol in one ass cheek, and Phenogren in the other ass cheeck! So needless to say I am SO messed up now! Lol. Gave me stronger antibotics, and a pain script. He said it was a really BAD infection, and has also turned into cellulitis! I know one thing, I'm sure feeling great now! NO more pain.
I'm sorry honey...what did they say? infection or what? ditto on the sick or something bothering...me TOO! for months I been like that off and on. Don't take too much of that ibuprofen now..and get some rest. Did you try the heat on there?
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