Random Jibber Jabber Thread

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
yea man, i totally agree. i don't like being called names. somebody calling you names man? i will cut them. i will cut them deep.
still waiting on my temporary modship so I can take care of a couple unsavory characters.
Don't kick a guy when he's down.
My 2 cents.
I don't appreciate the veiled cheap shot at fdd. Not that my opinion matters.

one persons cheapshot is anothers observation.....ppl rarely like to hear the truth, especially when it's unpleasant.
To me it doesn't matter what the circumstance...the truth is the truth. She has a point. While her delivery may have been a bit rough. He did get a little carried away toward the end. It bit him in the ass, and hopefully this unfortunate event opened the eyes of some here. I have several ppl. close to me who've done 5+ yrs. They messed up...and paid for it.

This in no way is meant as a slam against the guy. I truly wish him and his family the best. I have a pretty good idea how shitty it is for his family right now.


joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
fawkin cold out.I just took the dog for a walk.Its 15/20 below tonight

brrrr* shivers* twenty below? Fido can walk himself . twenty above here. Love my woodburner :)

shit that reminds me...my radio fence is down. I really have to find the break and fix it before it freezes. Brutal chased the neighbors cat up a tree the other day. I don't think they appreciated it too much. :shock:

what a PITA fixing it.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
funny you should mention it I saw two cute micro mini potbellies yesterday. im seriously giving thought to buying them. ima name one oscar and the other meyer
i may get a couple pigs one day....for dinner tho ;)
We should have our thread tagging abilities reinstated Maybe someone can run that up the flag pole
I don't think I've ever tagged a thread. I don't get what the tags are even for.

what I would like to have is a view first unread link on our my rollitup page so I can go right to last read instead of scrolling back through or clicking on first page THEN viewing first unread...kinda redundant.


New Member
brrrr* shivers* twenty below? Fido can walk himself . twenty above here. Love my woodburner :)

shit that reminds me...my radio fence is down. I really have to find the break and fix it before it freezes. Brutal chased the neighbors cat up a tree the other day. I don't think they appreciated it too much. :shock:

what a PITA fixing it.
I wish.I gotta drag the dog outside a few times a day.Otherwise she'll camp in front of the heater 24/7