The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
How you all doing ......

Fucking murder the day went and changed my heater for a bigger one and my temps are still just at 20c and it's no as cold out as it was...
gonna need to get the bigger one again, pain In the arse.....

Anyway think this is a good de lmif he still got it could maybe strike a deal with him as in some weed or till next grows done...
what ya think am j that fussed for the other stuff just the light ...

>he said u might be interested,the light is a 400w and comes with 3 tubes (2 flower and 1 veg) plus a pump a made masel and lots of other shit,looking for £80(bargain) for lot,if ye fancy it,let me know and al put it in his van when he heads up road for weeknd
just go on ebay and buy urself a brand new 600 or 400w hps with the ballast, reflector and bulb for £50 better than fucking about with a 2nd hand one and offering green in place of it when u dont even know who u dealing with


Well-Known Member
Its a shame to have to give up such a good hobby for a job fair enough family but that still didn't stop me Lol.

@coco.Yeh yellow mint mate got that Latino look to her


Well-Known Member
FFs what are use wanting at 4:30 on a thursady
afternoon ..... Bay watch finished years ago .... The plump blondie will day me .... Tipping point shite,how can you watch that ...... What happened to one when you needed to beat the the quiz masters canny mind the name of it FFs it's gone from the box at this time and that poofie guys on !!!! Sorry if there's any gays present !

That looks wicked that bud and plant don gin, check the coulor of it ..... :)


Well-Known Member
Damn strait no queers in ere!!! How do yorkstar?

Yeh I heard you can turn most strains purple if u can get temps low enough? God all this weed talk gets me hands sweaty

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
if there's purp in the genes you can shock it out by chucking a few ice cubes on top of the soil/coco, i've had some black fan leaves doing that but it never really affects the bud colour too much.


Well-Known Member
just go on ebay and buy urself a brand new 600 or 400w hps with the ballast, reflector and bulb for £50 better than fucking about with a 2nd hand one and offering green in place of it when u dont even know who u dealing with
Cheers Gaz will have a look on EBay the now ....

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
evening yman hows tricks with u?
Meh not bad, same shit different day.
Just been sat playing Batman and watching you lot chat shit for a couple of hours.

afternoon yorkie, been a while, what's cooking? you got a xmas run coming up soon aye?
It'll be well into the new year before I crop mate, the Exo have just had a couple of screens fitted to fill out and the Dog are waiting on a bit cash flow to sort some loft boards to fix the new space.

Mind I've just chucked a couple of autos in to soak that I was gifted by Mogggy's, if I get a female from one I might have a bit of something for new years as it'll go in with the vegging Exo SCROG.

I'll get some pics up, 2 mins......


Well-Known Member

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
On second thoughts I won't be getting any pics up today as I've still got that virus on my PC and the missus laptop is near on bursting into flames as the boot drive has been full for over 2 months (65mb left, how the fuck is Windows supposed to run woman!?) and she's too fucking lazy to do anything about it.

I'm sick and tired of this bird to be honest.


Well-Known Member
they all get like that, give her a clip round the ear and then sit her down and tell her where she is doing wrong by you.

give them an inch.........