Need help with 3 week old Seedlings.

So i have 5 Strains going and most of them look great. but it looks like i am having a cal-mag def but i am putting all the right things in it. but my sugar black rose is getting the worst of it. any help would be much appreciated for a new grower in stress for her babies.



Well-Known Member
I sort of agree with Sun King. Pix number 10..that's the worst one? Mostly they look pretty good.

If you want to add mg+ w/o the Ca++ you can use Epsom Salts (MgSo4). I'd go 1/4 tsp per gallon of nutrients to start and see if that helps. Won't hurt anything.


Well-Known Member
So i have 5 Strains going and most of them look great. but it looks like i am having a cal-mag def but i am putting all the right things in it. but my sugar black rose is getting the worst of it. any help would be much appreciated for a new grower in stress for her babies.
whats up strangr? make a solution of 1tbsp dolo lime/1 gal water and drench the soil and have a nice day:)
So i dont have dolomite lime in it but i have cal-mag and floragro and floramicro and florabloom all at 1/4. but i think i might be having a ph problem as well. its taking n-p-k because she is still growing nicely but her leaves are getting that rusty spots on her and most of them are drooping and jagged leaves are pointing up on some of them. and i have a crappy soil ph meter so not getting my ph 100% so i think thats why she keeps progressing. anymore help would be very thankful. and also 2 nights ago in her room the babies got down to 60- 65 in the night and i run a 1000 watt 24 hours but the outside temp drop down to 15 degrees so not sure if that why she might be drooping a bit.


Well-Known Member
So i dont have dolomite lime in it but i have cal-mag and floragro and floramicro and florabloom all at 1/4. but i think i might be having a ph problem as well. its taking n-p-k because she is still growing nicely but her leaves are getting that rusty spots on her and most of them are drooping and jagged leaves are pointing up on some of them. and i have a crappy soil ph meter so not getting my ph 100% so i think thats why she keeps progressing. anymore help would be very thankful. and also 2 nights ago in her room the babies got down to 60- 65 in the night and i run a 1000 watt 24 hours but the outside temp drop down to 15 degrees so not sure if that why she might be drooping a bit.
the ph prob can be solved with lime so you get your Mg and Ca with one addition. and it's cheap. how cool is that?