V-shape/cupping leaves


Well-Known Member
I've put this inmy grow journal but jst in case no1 reads it lol:

2 of my kids leaves are cuppingor going v shaped.not dead bad but want to know how and why? and how do i sort it?
they're white deisel fem seeds!
lights about 2 feet frm top of plants, temp in op around 28-30 degrees and i have a fan for air movement.
pix..1st 3 are the kids in question and the last 1 is just a quick shot of wt the other 6 look like(they're all white rhino unfem seeds)


Well-Known Member
I've put this inmy grow journal but jst in case no1 reads it lol:

2 of my kids leaves are cuppingor going v shaped.not dead bad but want to know how and why? and how do i sort it?
they're white deisel fem seeds!
lights about 2 feet frm top of plants, temp in op around 28-30 degrees and i have a fan for air movement.
pix..1st 3 are the kids in question and the last 1 is just a quick shot of wt the other 6 look like(they're all white rhino unfem seeds)
Calcium for the curling leaf edges.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
yeh just read lime in my "bible"..the jorge cerventes book.
thing is tho...the growth isn'tdark green like he says it goes....but wot do i know! lol
canoe-ing is it? sounds dodgy lol..like "tea-bagging" or something lmao


Well-Known Member
I've never personally seen this in person(only in pics) so dont take this as the end all-be-all. It doesn't look like Calcium def to me. That mostly seems to cause stem damage. Your stems look ok in the picture. You're probably short on a micronutrient of some sort, but I'd say based on other pictures I've seen it looks more like Magnesium or Copper def to me. The first thing I'd check is the PH of your soil. PH lockout is a very common cause of nutrient deficiency. If your PH is fine, add a small quantity of a high quality micronutrient fertilizer. I use Sensi-Cal from Advanced Nutrients. Start really light with this stuff, and SLOWLY work up the dosage. It seems to have given my girls a lot if vigor, but I've been warned it's easy to burn plants with.

I hope my two cents helps you in some way.



Well-Known Member
Cheers for that D0z3r...seems more likely having dome some more reading,,,howdoes the old epsom salts way sound?


Well-Known Member
Dunno on the epsom salts. I've never used them, and try my very best never to speak on things I know very little about. How is your soil's PH?



Well-Known Member
I've put this inmy grow journal but jst in case no1 reads it lol:

2 of my kids leaves are cuppingor going v shaped.not dead bad but want to know how and why? and how do i sort it?
they're white deisel fem seeds!
lights about 2 feet frm top of plants, temp in op around 28-30 degrees and i have a fan for air movement.
pix..1st 3 are the kids in question and the last 1 is just a quick shot of wt the other 6 look like(they're all white rhino unfem seeds)
I have suffered this problem exactly and imo it is heat stress, in your pics it is only the tops that are 'canoeing' which would confirm this theory is a possibility.


Well-Known Member
I just saw that yesterday in FAQ..I think in water, nutrients & additives...whats wrong with plant chart....if memory serves me, it was a magnesium deficiency..
the V shape.......check it out..there is another pic chart that shows all the leaf problems.......can't remember where, but it's there.......luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input guys...im kinda at a loss realy cos it's only the 2 w/d that are canoeing..ithe other 6 look fucking ace!!!!!!ive moved the 2 w/d away from the hot spot and more towards the outer edges so hopefully that should sort it in a few days.i'll keep u posted tho cos really don't want to kill the kids...NOT AGAIN!!!!!! especially as these 2 are my girls!

Had to re type this about twice as been to the pub..had a few stellas and now just token away..bit wobbly!! lmao

Ph is just (and i mean literally just) under 7 but that's the soil ph...haven't checked the run off cos a) they're "asleep" and b)they don't need a drink just yet. willdo that tomoz and let u know.

Twistyman: y'know...read in my bible it could be mag....guess i need to check my ph,raise it a little and wait and see. what do you think of the epsom salts thing? bible says do itbut that's just 1 opinion.thanks for the chart tip...will have a looksie for.

every1 who's helped and offered opinions:MASEEV THNKS!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
My plant did that too, but it grew fine, and budded fine. I thought it was just the strand or something... I guess I was wrong. Calcium deficiency? Your plant needs milk and fast! lol, but I guess we both learned something from this. I guess plants need strong bones just like peoples, thank you next time this happens I know what to do, give it calcium firtalizers. thank you for pointing this out to me.


Well-Known Member
I've put this inmy grow journal but jst in case no1 reads it lol:

2 of my kids leaves are cuppingor going v shaped.not dead bad but want to know how and why? and how do i sort it?
they're white deisel fem seeds!
lights about 2 feet frm top of plants, temp in op around 28-30 degrees and i have a fan for air movement.
pix..1st 3 are the kids in question and the last 1 is just a quick shot of wt the other 6 look like(they're all white rhino unfem seeds)
FAQ..check this chart.. Go to FAQ - Plant problems - nutrients /ph- plant abuse chart.....there are lots of pic's/explanations............Also FAQ water, nute & additives - nute formulations - how do I.... Hope these help....LUCK


Well-Known Member
I'd say it's either a heat issue or calcium - like d0z3r said. Pick whichever is easier for you to fix and try that. If that doesn't solve the problem, try the next thing.

Just don't change a bunch of stuff at once, because then you don't know what change made the difference or worse, you end up with the changes canceling each other out and it looks like nothing worked.